< Italian

Welcome to the course dedicated to teaching you the official language of Italy and True Cuisine! If you haven't already done so, please, spend a few minutes to first read the book's introduction and reading guide. Once that's done, you're ready to begin your very first Italian lesson! Good luck!
Welcome! Let's learn Italian! — Benvenuto! Impariamo l'italiano!
[edit | edit source]Lesson 1: Buon Giorno – the basics
Lesson 2: Alcune Frasi – some useful phrases, questions, sentences, and some verbs
Lesson 3: I Verbi – verbs
Lesson 4: I Numeri – numbers
Lesson 5: Al Ristorante – At the Restaurant
Lesson 6: La Famiglia – The Family
Lesson 7: Girare per la Città – Navigating Around the City
Lesson 8: Prenotare un Hotel – Booking a Hotel
Lesson 9: Fare Acquisti – Shopping