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Isotonic regression

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Linear order isotonic regression can be thought off as approximating given series of 1-dimensional observations with non-decreasing function. It is similar to smoothing splines, with the difference that we use monotonicity, rather than smoothness, to remove noise from the data.

General isotonic regression is the approximation of a given series of values with values that satisfy a given partial order.


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Given values and their positive weights , approximate them as closely as possible by , subject to a set of constraints of kind  :

values ,
weights such that for all ,
set of constraints ,
minimize with respect to subject to for all

If all weights are equal to 1, the problem is called unweighted isotonic regression, otherwise it is called weighted isotonic regression.

The graph must to be acyclic. For example, hte constraints and cannot exist simultaneously.


Minimize subject to

Linear order

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Of a particular interest is linear order isotonic regression.

values ,
weights such that for all ,
minimize with respect to subject to
Linear ordering isotonic regression for 100 points.

For linear order isotonic regression, there is a simple linear algorithm, called #Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA).

If all weights are equal to 1, the problem is called unweighted linear ordering isotonic regression.


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Linear ordering isotonic regression for 106 points.
Linear ordering isotonic regression for 106 points.
  • Isotonic regression for points.
  • Left: points , where . The probability that is determined by logistic function. Only 1000 points shown.
  • Right: result of isotonic regression (black graph) versus logistic function (red graph). The logistic function was recovered with high accuracy.

Linear order isotonic regression as a model

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Sometimes, linear ordering isotonic regression is applied to a set of observations , where is the explanatory variable, y is the dependent variable. The observations are sorted by their 's, then the isotonic regression is applied to the 's with the additional constraint for all .

Other variants

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Non-Euclidean metrics

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Sometimes other metrics are used instead of the Euclidean metric, for example metrics:

or unweighted metrics:

Points on a grid

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Sometimes, values are placed on a 2d or higher dimensional grid. The fit value must increase along each dimension, e.g.

Minimize with respect to y subject to


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Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm

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The Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA) is a linear-time (and linear-memory) algorithm for linear order isotonic regression.

Preliminary considerations

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The algorithm is based on the following theorem:

Theorem: For an optimal solution, if , then

Proof: Suppose the opposite, i.e. . Then for sufficiently small , we can set

which decreases the sum without violating the constraints. Therefore, our original solution was not optimal. Contradiction.

Since , we can combine both points and to a new point .

One step of the PAVA algorithm.

However, after combining two points and to the new point , this new point can violate the constraint . In this case it should be combined with the -th point. If the combined point violates its constraint, it should be combined with the previous point, and so on.


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array of n values: initial_values[1] ... initial_values[n]
array of n weights: weights[1] ... weights[n]


array called results (results[1] ... results[n]) minimizing sum by i of weights[i] * (initial_values[i] - results[i]) ** 2

The algorithm:

pooled_value[1] = initial_values[1]
pooled_weight[1] = weights[1]
num_segments = 1
segment_end[0] = 0
segment_end[1] = 1
For current_index = 2 to n do:
pooled_value[num_segments] = initial_values[current_index]
pooled_weight[num_segments] = weights[current_index]
while num_segments > 1 and pooled_value[num_segments] < pooled_value[num_segments - 1] do
pooled_value[num_segments - 1] =
(pooled_weight[num_segments] * pooled_value[num_segments] + pooled_weight[num_segments - 1] * pooled_value[num_segments - 1]) /
(pooled_weight[num_segments] + pooled_weight[num_segments - 1])
pooled_weight[num_segments - 1] += pooled_weight[num_segments]
segment_end[num_segments] = current_index
for segment_index = 1 to num_segments do:
for value_index = segment_end[segment_index - 1] + 1 to segment_end[segment_index] do:
result[value_index] = pooled_value[segment_index]

Here defines to which old points each new point corresponds.

Arbitrary case algorithms

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In the arbitrary case, this can be solved as a quadratic problem. The best algorithm takes time, see:

  • Maxwell, WL and Muckstadt, JA (1985), "Establishing consistent and realistic reorder intervals in production-distribution systems", Operations Research 33, pp. 1316-1341.
  • Spouge J, Wan H, and Wilbur WJ (2003), "Least squares isotonic regression in two dimensions", J. Optimization Theory and Apps. 117, pp. 585-605.


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The function isoreg performs unweighted linear ordering isotonic regression. It does not require any packages. For many simple cases, it is enough.

Example of usage:


The isoreg function also implements linear ordering isotonic regression as a model:


The package Iso contains three functions:

  • pava - linear ordering isotonic regression, weighted or unweighted.
  • biviso - 2-d isotonic regression
  • ufit - unimodal order (increasing then decreasing)

Example of usage:

install.packages("Iso") # should be done only once
library("Iso") # should be done once per session
plot(x,y,cex=0.2); lines(x,y.iso,lwd=2,col=2)


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This is the most advanced package. It contains two functions:

  • gpava - linear ordering isotonic regression, weighted or unweighted, for any metrics. Similarly to isoreg, gpava can implement linear ordering isotonic regression as a model.
  • activeSet - general isotonic regression for any metrics.

Example of usage:

install.packages("isotone") # should be done only once
library("isotone") # should be done once per session
plot(x,y,cex=0.2); lines(x,y.iso,lwd=2,col=2)

Comparison of speed

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Since all three libraries somehow implement the PAVA algorithm, we can compare their speed.

As we can see on the graph below, for unweighted linear order isotonic regression (LOIR) with , isoreg should be used. For weighted LOIR and unweighted LOIR with , pava should be used. As for gpava, it should be used only for non-Euclidean metrics.

Also, the implementations of weighted simple ordering isotonic regression on R are far from perfect.

Weka, a free software collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks written in the University of Waikato, contains, among others, an isotonic regression classifier. The classifier is deeply ingrained into the Weka's hierarchy of classes and cannot be used without Weka.


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While scikit-learn implements the isotonic regression, Andrew Tulloch made the Cython implementation of the algorithm for linear ordering isotnic regression, which is 14-5000 times faster, depending on the data size. See [Speeding up isotonic regression in scikit-learn by 5,000x https://tullo.ch/articles/speeding-up-isotonic-regression/]. If you just want the code, click [here https://gist.github.com/ajtulloch/9447845#file-_isotonic-pyx].


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Calibrating the output for categorical probabilities

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For more information, see "Predicting Good Probabilities With Supervised Learning", by Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil and Rich Caruana.

Most of the supervised learning algorithms, for example Random Forests[1], boosted trees, SVM etc. are good in predicting the most probable category, but not the probability. Some of them tend to overestimate high probabilities and underestimate low probabilities. (One notable exception is neural networks, which themselves produce a well calibrated prediction.)

In order to obtain the correct probability, unweighted linear order isotonic regression can be used:


is a final prediction for probability
is a prediction given by the model
is a non-decreasing function

To find f, the model's predictions on the validation set are matched with the output variable, and the isotonic regression is applied to the pairs.

An alternative approach is to pass through a sigmoid function:

This is called Platt calibration.

For small data sets, Platt calibration is better than isotonic regression. Starting at 200-5000 observations, the isotonic regression slightly outperforms Platt calibration. Note also that this kind of isotonic regression is simpler and faster than the logistic regression required by Platt calibration.

Calibration of recommendation models

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The problem

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The following example is for recommendation engines, whose general purpose is to predict the grade given by user to item .

We have a model M that predicts the residuals r of another model, trained on the training set. For cases with small number of users or items, the model is overfitted, and the predictions need to be relaxed:


is a final prediction for user , item
is a prediction given by the model
is a non-decreasing function
may be either (number of observations with user in the training set), or (number of observations with item in the training set), or , depending on the nature of the model. The letter stands for support.


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Given the set of triplets from validation database, we have:

Therefore, for -th observation we should set weight and value . The triplets then sorted with respect to , and the isotonic regression applied to them.

When a function directly predicts the rating or acceptance rate, rather than predicting the residual of some other model, we can define as the difference between this model and some simpler model (i. e. average rating for the item plus average rating correction for the user). This model is called basic model.

Analysis and calibrating input variables

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Often, we know that an output variable depends monotonically on an input variable, but otherwise we have very little prior knowledge about the dependence. In this case, isotonic regression can provide important clues about the dependence.

Non-metric multidimensional scaling

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A multidimensional scaling (MDS) algorithm, given the matrix of item–item similarities, places items into N-dimensional space such that similar items would be closer to each other than dissimilar items. This is especially useful for visualization purposes.

There are several types of MDS, depending on the relationship between similarity and distance, as well as the definition of distance. For non-metric MDS, the distance can be any monotone function of similarity. The function is typically found using isotonic regression, see Non-metric multidimensional scaling in wikipedia. Non-metric multidimensional scaling is implemented as [2] in the R's MASS library.

Advantages, disadvantages, and post-processing

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  • Non-parametric
  • Fast (linear time)
  • Simple


  • one or more points at the ends of the interval are sometimes noisy
  • it compares favorably with other approaches only if the statistics are large enough ( and ideally )

These drawbacks can be improved by smoothing the result of the isotonic regression. In this way, we can get the best of both worlds (smoothness and monotonicity).

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  • Isotonic Regression Algorithms, by Quentin F. Stout - review of the best currently avaliable algorithms
  • Predicting Good Probabilities With Supervised Learning, by Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, Rich Coruana
  • Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to Regularized Likelihood Methods, by John C. Platt