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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/French Equatorial Africa

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French Equatorial Africa

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  • Meters were first introduced in 1949. All franks are inscribed either “AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE” or “A.E.F.”
  • The region was an administrative unit that included the four French colonies of Ubangi-Shari, Chad, Middle Congo and Gabon. These colonies gained their independence in 1959, and French Equatorial Africa ceased to exist. Some meters remained in use for several years afterward with the name unchanged.
  • For issues after 1959 see CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, CHAD, CONGO (People’s Republic), and GABON.

1. Universal “Multi-Value” (MV), 1949. [$15]

Post Office stamp.
Frank nearly square inscribed “AFRIQUE/ EQUATORIALE/ FRANCAISE” at top, "POSTES" at bottom.
M# with “U” prefix in small boxes in lower corners.
A. Spacing between TM and frank ~20 mm
B. Very wide spacing, ~63 mm
V/F: 00 FRS
a. As B, with large “R” (for registration) between TM and frank

2. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1952. [$15]

Post Office stamp.
Frank similar to Type 1 but narrower and with M# below and outside the frame.
M# between dashes and without prefix.
TM: SC raised with impression counter number number below
V/F: 0000 Fr.
a. With “R” (for registration) below TM and with frame around number

3. Satas “D” (MV), 1953.

Small frank with simulated perforation border broken at the centers of the sides, “A.E.F.” at top, "POSTES" curved at bottom with meter number below.
A. M# with “SD” prefix
B. M# with “SDW” prefix (relief machine)
V/F: 000F
a. TM line with date only, town name above in slogan area (SD 3152)