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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/France

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NOTE: The France section has been changed substantially from the printed paper edition of the catalog. The online version has different groupings and contains greater detail.

  • The first meter was placed into use in 1924.
  • Meter manufacturers in France: CAMP, CGA, EMD/CAMP, GAPA, Graphotaxe, Havas, LOGABAX, Neopost (originally a British company, bought by French SMH/Alcatel with name change to NEOPOST SA), Satas, Secap, SERCEM, SMH/Alcatel. Havas and Satas are now subsidiaries of Neopost. Secap became a subsidiary of Pitney Bowes (USA) in 2001.
  • The stamps are grouped according to inscription and usage:
A - Frank inscribed “REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE” at top with "POSTES" at bottom
B - Frank inscribed “POSTES FRANCAISE” with winged envelope ornament
C - Frank inscribed “REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE” at top with "LA POSTE" above or below value figures
D - Frank inscribed with Euro sign (€) and “R.F.”
PO - Stamps used only in Post Offices
PD - Stamps used only to collect Postage Due
PP - Stamps used only for Parcel Post
PV - Stamps used only in public vending machines
Annex – Overseas departments

  • French meter stamps contain a meter number with a single- or multi-letter prefix. Meter number prefixes containing a “W” are from relief machines that are loaned to mailers while their machines are being serviced.
  • Meter number prefixes indexed to catalog Type numbers:

A  : AA1, B1 ABC  : C3 AW  : AA1, B1 B  : AA2, B2 BA  : AB11
BAW  : AAB11 BB  : AB11 BBW  : AB11 BC  : AB12, AB14, CA6, DA7 BCW  : AB12, DA7
BE  : AB14, DA10, CB4, DA12 BEW  : AB14, DA10, DA12 BH  : AB17, DA8 BHW  : AB17, DA8 BJ  : AD1, DB7
BJW  : AD1, DB7 BK  : AD1, DB8 BL  : DA10, DA12 BLW  : DA10, DA12 BM  : C4, DB6
BN  : DB7 BNW  : DB7 BP  : DA8 BPW  : DA8 BS  : DB8
BW  : AA2 C  : AA3, AA4, B3, B4 CAMP  : PO-A5 CG  : AA12, AA13, B12, B13 CGW  : AA12
CP  : DB12 C.R  : AA4 CW  : AA3, AA4, B3, B4 ? DP  : XXX E  : AB12
F  : AB10, AB16, DA1 FM : DB11 FR : DB11 FW  : AB10, AB16, DA1 G  : AA9, AA10, B6, B7
G(number)  : PO-C, PO-D GC  : AA12 GW  : AA9, B6 HA  : AB13, DB3 HB  : AB16, AC1, DB1
HBA  : AB16, AC1, DB1 HBW  : AB16, AC1, DB1 HC  : AB16, DA2 HC  : AB16, DA2 HCW  : AB16, DA2
HD  : AB16, C1, DB3 HDW  : AB16, C1 HE  : DB1, DB3 HEW  : DB1 HF  : DA1
HFW  : DA1 HG  : DA2 HGW  : DA2 HH  : DB3 HK  : DB3
HL  : DB3 HP  : DB3 HQ  : DB3 HR  : DA1 HRCW  : DA1
HRW  : DA1 HU  : DB3 HY  : DB3 HZ  : AB9, DB10 J  : AA8, B8
K  : AA11, B9 KG  : AA10, B9 KW  : AA10, B9 KX  : PO-B6 LZ  : AB7
M  : AA14, AB1, B11, PD-B1, PV1 MC  : AA14 MD  : DB9 MG  : AA14, DB5 MGW  : AA14
MH  : DB9 MM : DB9 MP  : DB9 MR  : DB9 MW  : AA14
N  : AA15, AB3, PO-A3, PO-A4 N1  : PO-B6 NA  : AB3 NAH  : AB3 NAW  : AB3
NB  : AB3 NC  : AB3, AB8 NCST  : AB3 NCW  : AB3 ND  : AB3
NE  : AB3 NEW  : AB3 NF  : DA5 NFW  : DA5 NG  : DA6
NGW  : DA6 NJ  : AB3 NJW  : AB3 NK  : AB3, DA5 NKW  : AB3, DA5
NL  : AB3, DA5 NLW  : AB3, DA5 NM  : AB3 NMW  : AB3 NN  : DA6
NP  : AB3, DA5, PO-B5 NPW  : AB3, DA5 NR  : AB3 NRW  : AB3 NS  : AB3, DA5
NSW  : AB3, DA5 NT  : AB3, DA5, DA6 NTW  : AB3, DA5 NW  : AA15 NX  : AB3, DA6
NXW  : AB3, DA6 NY  : AB3, DA5 NYW  : AB3, DA5 O  : AA3, AA4 OBJ  : DB7
OG  : AA12, AA13 OW  : AA4 P  : AB5, AB6, DA1 P(number)  : PO-B1, PO-B2 P A  : AB6
PR  : PO-B1, PO-B2, PO-B3 PW  : AB6, DA1 PX  : PO-B4 R  : AB10, DA1, PD-B3 R1  : PD-B3, PD-B4
RC  : AB10, AB16, DA1 RCW  : AB10, AB16, DA1 RW  : AB10, DA1 S(number)  : PO-B3, PO-B7, PD-A2 SO  : PO-B7
SA  : AA5, DB4 SAW  : AA5 SB  : AA7, AB15, AC2, B10, DB2 SBA  : AB15, AC2, DB2 SBW  : AA7, AB15, AC2
SC  : AA6, AB2, B5, DB2, DB4, PO-B3 SCW  : AA6, AB2, B5, PO-B3 SD  : AA6, AB2, AB15, DA4, PO-B3 SDW  : AB2, AB15, DA4, PO-B3 SE  : AA6, DA3, PO-B3
SEW  : AA6, DA3 SF  : AB2, DA4, PO-B3 SFW  : AB2, DA4 SG  : AB2, DA3 SGW  : AB2, DA3
SH  : DA3 SHW  : DA3 SJ  : AB2, DA3 SJW  : AB2, DA3 SJX  : AB2
SJXW  : AB2 SK  : AB2, AB15, DA3 SKW  : AB2, AB15, DA3 SL  : AB2, DB4 SLW  : AB2
SM  : DB4 SP  : DB4, PO-B3 SQ  : DB4 SR  : AB2 SRW  : AB2
ST  : DB4 SU  : DB4 SV  : AB2, AB16, DA3 SVW  : AB2, DA3 SX  : C2, DB4
SY  : DB4 SZ  : AB2, DB4 T  : AB7 TW  : AB7 ] VA  : C5, DB5
VAW  : C5, DB5 VB  : C5, DB5 VBW  : C5, DB5 VC  : C5 VD  : C5, DB5
VDW  : C5, DB5 VE  : C5, DB5 VEW  : C5, DB5 VH  : DA9 VK  : DB5
VL  : DB5 VLW  : DB5 VR  : DA11, DA13 W  : AA3, AA15, AB2, B3 WA  : AA1
WB  : AA2 WC  : AA3 WG  : AA9 Z  : AB4, AB8, PO-A6, PO-A7, PO-A8
: AA4

NOTE: For specialized information about the meter stamps of France, see Catalogue des Empreintes de Machines a Affranchir, tome 1, France, published by the French meter stamp collectors society, A.C.E.M.A.

GROUP A: Inscribed “REPUBLIQUE/ FRANCAISE” at top, "POSTES" at bottom above meter number

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(See also Groups PO, PD, and PV for stamps with this inscription.)

Sub-group AA: Stamp impressed by mechanical meter with solid die, with straight-line town mark

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  • Frank with simulated perforation border with breaks in centers of both sides.
  • Four uses of the slogan space are found with these stamps: 1) a field of wavy horizontal lines, 2) an advertising slogan, 3) blank (empty space above the town/date line), and 4) a registration number.

  • AA1. Havas “Tiranty” (FV-1), 1924.

    Meter number prefixes "A", "WA", or "AW".
    TM: SL at lower left of frank
    Values: (Those below 1 franc have “c” indicator, except for variety “a”. below.)
    A. M# prefix “A”:
    Values:      10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, 1F, 1F50, 3F, 6F, 15F     
    Values:      5, 45, 70, 90, 1F10, 1F20, 2F, 4F50, 5F, 10F, 12F, 18F, 25F      [Uncommon]
    Values:      2, 4, 7½, 35, 55, 80, 85, 1F05, 1F30, 1F65, 1F75, 2F15, 2F20, 2F25, 2F50, 4F, 8F, 20F, 30F      [Scarce]
    Values:      1, 60, 1F25, 9F, 50F      [Very scarce]
    Values:      17½, 1F40, 1F60, 3F50, 3F80      [Rare]
    Values:      1F80, 1F85, 2F10, 4F10, 4F80      [Exceptionally rare]
    B. M# prefix “WA”:
    Value:      50     
    Values:      10, 15, 25, 40      [Uncommon]
    Values:      5, 20, 30, 65, 1F50      [Scarce]
    Values:      90, 1F, 2F50      [Very scarce]
    Values:      35, 45, 70, 1F10, 1F25, 2F15      [Rare]
    Values:      1F75      [$150]
    Values:      60, 1F85, 4F50, 6F, 20F      [Exceptionally rare]
    C. M# prefix “AW” (AW.072) (error). Value: 1F      [Rare]
    a. Without “c” value indicator:
    Value 25      [Uncommon]
    Value 10      [Scarce]
    b. With two zeros after the “F”:      3F00      [Very scarce]
    c. Town mark lines stacked at left      [Scarce]

    AA2. Havas “Grandjean” (FV-6), 1928.

    As Type AA1, but M# with different M# prefixes.
    TM: SL
    A. M# prefix “B”.
    Values (with “c” and “F” indicators):      50, 12F, 15F
    Values:      5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 65, 90, 1F, 1F50, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F, 10F, 18F, 20F, 25F     
    Values:      30, 45, 60, 70, 75, 1F10, 2F, 2F50, 4F50, 8F, 30F      [Uncommon]
    Values:      35, 55, 80, 85, 1F05, 1F20, 1F25, 1F30, 3F50, 9F, 14F      [Scarce]
    Values:      6F50, 9F50      [Very scarce]
    Value:      1F80      [Rare]
    Values:      1F35, 1F45      [Exceptionally rare]
    B. M# prefix “WB”:      Values: 20, 25, 50, 65, 70, 75, 90, 1F, 1F50      [Very scarce]
    C. M# prefix “BW”:
    Values:      50, 12F, 15F      [Uncommon]
    Values:      10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 65, 90, 1F50, 2F, 5F, 10F, 18F, 25F, 30F      [Scarce]
    Values:      30, 1F, 4F      [Very scarce]
    Value:      35      [Exceptionally rare]
    a. Without 'c' or 'F' value indicator:
    20      [Scarce]
    8, 10, 15, 30      [Very scarce]
    5      [Rare]
    b. With two zeros after the “F”:
    1F00, 2F00, 3F00      [Scarce]
    c. Post office stamps: M#s B.0031 - B.0040.
    50, 1F50      [Scarce]
    25      [Very scarce]
    30, 90, 1F, 1F10      [Exceptionally rare]
    d. Military Official stamp. TM reads “BREST-ARSENAL".      [Exceptionally rare]

    AA3. Havas "C" (MV), 1930.

    Similar to Types AA1 and AA2 but from a multi-value machine.
    Stamp (including town line and frank) is 100 mm wide.
    Meter number prefixes: C, CW, O, OW, W and WC.
    With or without 4-digit serial number (impression counter) at top above the town line.
    Date month normally in Roman numerals (see variety "e" below).
    A. M# prefix "C".
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo      00oo      00F      000F
    V/F:      0      [Uncommon]
    B. M# prefix "CW".
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo      00F      000F
    V/F:      0      [Uncommon]
    a. Meter number prefix "O" (error).      [Uncommon]     NOTE. Not to be confused with a 'C' closed by a build-up of dirt on the print head.
    b. Meter number prefix "OW" (error).      [Scarce]     NOTE. Not to be confused with a 'C' closed by a build-up of dirt on the print head.
    c. Meter number prefix "W" (error, should be CW)     
    d. Meter number prefix "WC" (error, should be CW)      [Uncommon]
    e. Date with month in Western numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) rather than Roman numerals
    f. Three to four unengraved blocks replacing the meter number      [Very scarce]
    g. "C" prefix only, meter number blank      [Very scarce]
    h. Town line reads "BUREAU D'ATTACHE". Relief (loaner) machine.
    i. Solid bar replacing the town line. Relief (loaner) machine.      [Scarce]
    j. Date only without town line. Relief (loaner) machine.
    k. Frank inverted, value figures upright      [Very scarce]
    l. Value figures of 1 franc or higher without "F" (e.g. '1 5o' instead of '1F5o')      [Scarce]
    m. Post Office stamps:
    M# C.2114 (100 mm) was used in the Lyon Archers post office in 1940.      [Rare]
    M# C.0443 (100 mm) was used in the Nt. Nazaire post office in 1945.      [Very scarce on commercial cover]

    AA4. Havas "C" (MV), 1933.

    As Type AA3 but stamp including town line is narrower, 72-75 mm wide.
    Meter number prefixes: C, CW, O, OW, 'C. R', and C.00R.
    With or without 4-digit serial number (impression counter) at top above the town line.
    Date month normally in Roman numerals (see variety "b" below).
    A. M# prefix "C".      V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo      00oo      00F      000F
    B. M# prefix "CW".      V/F:      0oo      00oo      00F      000F
    C. M# prefix "C. R" or "C.00R", Post Office stamp. Five meters were used in Paris post offices to frank registered mail. Always on tape.
    Meters "C. R01", "C. R02", "C.00R1", "C.00R3", and "C.00R4".      V/F:      0oo [Very scarce]
    a. Frank with narrow town/date line, total width 56 mm      [Scarce]
    b. Date with month in Western numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) rather than Roman numerals
    c. Town line reads "BUREAU D'ATTACHE". Relief (loaner) machine.
    d. Date only without town line. Relief (loaner) machine
    e. With solid block in place of meter number prefix. M# ▩.2048     
    f. Used by Havas to frank registered mail, 1932-1936. With large "R" and number plus Havas logo in the slogan area. M#s C.0585, C.0600, c.0601, C.0602, C.1086. (These machines were later converted to print Type AA6 stamps.)      [Very scarce]

    AA5. Satas “Sanglier” (FV-1), 1934.

    TM: SL stacked at left with 5 wavy lines above date/ town lines
    A. M# prefix “S.A.”
    Values:      20c, 50c
    Values:      15c, 40c, 65c, 70c, 90c, 1F, 1F20, 1F50      [Uncommon]
    Values:      30c, 75c, 1F20c, 2F, 2F50, 3F      [Scarce]
    Values:      10c, 60c, 4F50      [Very scarce]
    Values:      0,01c, 25c, 0 70 (S.A.120), 80c (S.A.166), 1F40 (S.A.146)      [Rare]
    B. M# prefix “S.A.W.” Value: 50 (S.A.W.04 only)      [Rare]
    a. Post Office stamp: M# S.A.123.      Value: 1F50      [Rare]
    NOTE: Postage values 35c, 1F30 and 1F80 were prepared but no examples have been reported.

    AA6. Satas "S" (MV), 1937.

    Very similar to Type AA3 but with different M# prefixes: SC, SCW, SD, SDW, SE, and SEW.
    Normally without serial number.
    Month in Roman numerals or in letters.
    A. M# prefix “SC”:
    V/F:      000      0.oo      000F      00.oo
    V/F:      .oo     
    V/F:      00F      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      000 (no "F")      [Scarce]
    B. M# prefix “SCW”:
    V/F:      0.oo      00.oo      000F      000
    V/F:      .oo      [Scarce]
    V/F:      .00      [Scarce]
    C. M# prefix “SD”:
    V/F:      000F      000
    V/F:      00.oo     
    V/F:      0.oo      [Scarce]
    D. M# prefix “SDW”:
    V/F:      000F      000
    V/F:      00.oo     
    E: M# prefix “SE”
    V/F:      000F      000
    V/F:      00.oo     
    V/F:      0.oo      [Scarce]
    F: M# prefix “SEW”:
    V/F:      000F
    V/F:      000
    a. With S# high above town line. M# with "SC" prefix.
    V/F:      0.oo      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      .oo      [Reported to exist but not verified]
    b. With S# high above town line. M# with "SCW" prefix.
    V/F:      0.oo      [Scarce]
    c. Date only without town line
    d. As 'c', but with solid bar replacing the meter number and prefix      [Very scarce]
    e. Without town line or date

    AA7. Satas (FV-1), 1949.

    As Type AA6 but meter number prefixes are "SB" and "SBW".
    This machine was first built in 1935 but was not used commercially until 1949.
    A. M# prefix "SB". Month in Western numerals (1, 2, 3...):
    Value:      15.oo      [Uncommon]
    Value:      20.oo      [Very scarce]
    Value:      24.oo      [Very scarce]
    B. M# prefix "SB". Month in letters (JAN, FEV...):
    Value:      4.oo      [Scarce]
    Value:      15.oo      [Scarce]
    Value:      20.oo      [Scarce]
    Value:      25.oo      [Very scarce]
    C. M# prefix "SBW". Value:      Value: 15.oo      [Rare]
    NOTE: The image shown is of a pre-war proof from 1936.

    AA8. Havas "J" (MV), 1936.

    Used only for registered mail, with large "R" at left side of slogan area.
    Printed only on adhesive tape, never directly to the mail piece.
    M# prefix "J".
    A. Printed on white tape      [Uncommon]
    B. Printed on yellow tape      [Scarce]
    V/F: 0oo

    AA9. Havas "G" (MV), 1935.

    Stamp including date/town line is 75 mm wide.
    This is the replacement machine for the Havas "C" (Type AA4). The "G" meter could print stamps on tape as well as directly to the mail piece. The "C" meter had no tape option.
    Meter number prefixes: G, GW and error WG.
    A. M# prefix "G":
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      00oo      00F      000F      00      000
    V/F:      o     
    V/F:      0oo      [Scarce]
    V/F:      0o      [Very scarce]
    B. M# prefix “GW”:
    V/F:      0oo      00oo      00F      000F      00      000
    V/F:      oo      #Foo     
    C. M# prefix “WG” (error).      V/F: 00F (WG0866)      [Scarce]
    a. Month in Western numerals (1,2,3...)
    b. With Serial number (G3351)      [Very scarce]
    c. Date only, no town     
    d. Extra wide stamp, 120 mm (GW062)      [Scarce]

    AA10. Havas "G" (MV), 1958.      [Scarce]

    As Type AA9 but stamp including date/town line is wider, 100 mm wide.
    M# with "G" prefix.
    V/F:      00oo      000F      000
    a. Month in Western numerals (1,2,3...)
    b. With Serial number (G4382)      [Scarce]

    NOTE: The stamp listed as Type AA10 (meter number Z 0001) in the original, paper edition of this catalog has been removed. The stamp is an essay that was never used to frank actual mail.

    AA11. Havas “K” (MV), 1941.

    With straight-line town mark but it is stacked at center left rather than in a single line at lower left.
    Meter number prefixes: K, KG and KW.
    A. M# prefix “K”.
    V/F:      0.oo      00.      00 .      .00
    V/F:      0      [Uncommon]
    B. M# prefix “KG”.      V/F: 00.      00      0.oo
    C. M# prefix “KW”.
    V/F:      00.      0.oo      00
    V/F:      .oo     

    AA12. Havas "rebuilt C" (MV), 1950.

    Stamp including date/town line is 100 mm wide.
    This is the Havas "C" (Type AA4) rebuilt so that it had the option to print stamps on tape as well as directly to the mail piece. The original "C" meter had no tape option.
    Meter number prefixes: CG, CGW and errors GC and OG.
    A. M# prefix "CG".      V/F: o      0oo      00oo      00F      000F      00      000
    B. M# prefix “CGW”:
    V/F:      00F     
    V/F:      00      000      [Scarce]
    C. M# prefix “GC” (error).      V/F: 00      000      000F     
    D. M# prefix “OG” (error).      V/F: 00F     
    a. Month in Western numerals (1,2,3...)

    AA13. Havas "CG" (MV), 1952.

    As Type AA12 (rebuilt "C" machine) but stamp including date/town line is 75 mm wide.
    Meter number prefixes: CG and error OG.
    A. M# prefix "CG".
    V/F:      0oo      00oo      00F      000F      00      000
    V/F:      o     
    B. M# prefix “OG” (error, OG4223).      V/F: 00F     
    a. Month in Western numerals (1,2,3...)
    b. With 4-digit transaction number high above the town line (CG2129) [Exceptionally rare]
    c. Date high, level with top of frank, town line low (normal)

    AA14. Havas “M” (MV), 1950.

    Large frank, wider than tall, with double frame line.
    Meter number prefixes M, MG, MW, MGW, and error MC.
    A. M# prefix “M”
    V/F:      00      00F      000      000F      00oo
    B. M# prefix “MC” (error)
    V/F:      00      00F      000      000F      00oo
    C. M# prefix “MG
    V/F:      00      00F      000      000F      00oo
    D. M# prefix “MW”
    V/F:      000      000F
    V/F:      00      00oo     
    V/F:      00F      [Uncommon]
    E. M# prefix “MGW”
    V/F:      000     
    V/F:      000F      [Uncommon]
    a. Value figures without “”.      V/F: 000      [Scarce]
    b. Date/town line high, in line with the top of the frank
    c. Date high, town line low
    d. Town line high, date low
    e. Date only, no town line
    f. Military Official stamp. TM with “BREST NAVAL”      [Scarce]

    AA15. SECAP "N" (MV), 1954.

    Straight-line town mark below the frank, town name above date.
    Meter number prefixes N, NW and error W.
    Two types of value figures: thick and thin.
    A. M# prefix “N”
    V/F:      00F      000F      0000F      00      000
    V/F:      000ooF      0000
    V/F:      00ooF      00      000oo      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      00ooF      00oo      [Scarce]
    B. M# prefix “NW”
    V/F:      000F      0000F      000      0000
    V/F:      00      [Very scarce]
    C. M# prefix “W” (“N” omitted, error).      V/F: 0000      [Scarce]
    a. Extra-wide value figures, 3mm instead of normal 2.5 mm. M# N1002 only.      V/F: 000F      [Scarce]
    b. Date only, no town line

    Sub-group AB: As Sub-group AA, but with circular town mark

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    Frank with simulated perforation border with breaks in centers of both sides.

    AB1. Havas "M" (MV), 1956.     [scarce]

    Small upright frank.
    One meter with meter number M.8000 used by Havas for publicity purposes, 1956 to 1958.
    TM: SC with ornaments at bottom
    V/F:    00F

    AB2. Satas, various models (MV) with earliest debuting in 1957.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Tall date figures, 4-4½ mm tall without stops:
    A. "SD" (1957).      V/F:   0.oo [scarce]      00.oo      000F      000
    B. "SDW".    V/F:   000
    C. "SF" (1858).      V/F:   000F      000
    D. "SFW".      V/F:   000F      000
    E. "SJ" (Satas "Baby", 1961).      V/F:   0      00      000
    F. "SJW".      V/F:   000
    G. "SJX" (Satas "Baby X", 1985).      V/F:   000
    H. "SJXW".      V/F:   000
    J. M# "SZ 000" (prototype for the 'Baby').      V/F:   00F     [very rare]
    Short date figures without stops, 12mm x 2.5mm, Satas "Rotary", 1958:
    K. "SR".      V/F:   000F [scarce]     000
    L. "SRW".      V/F:   000
    Short date figures without stops, 13mm x 3mm, value figures widely spaced:
    M. M# "SG00001" only, prototype for the "SL", 1968.      V/F:      0 0 0      [scarce]
    Date with dash between D and M, 14mm x 2½ mm:
    N. "SL" (1970).      V/F:     000 (4 or 5mm tall)      0000 ("SL 0001" only) [rare]
    P. "SLW".      V/F:     000 (4 or 5mm tall)
    Short date figures without stops, 13-13½ x 2¾ mm, 1982: (Three sizes of frank inscriptions found. See images at right.)
    Q. "SK" (1982).      V/F:     ≋000 (prototype) [rare]      0000 (4 or 5mm tall)
    R: "SKW":      V/F:      0000 (4 or 5mm tall)
    Wide date figures with stops, 13 x 2¾ mm:
    S: "SG" (1894).      V/F:    ≋000      ≋0,00
    T: "SGW".      V/F:    ≋000      ≋0,00
    U: "SV" (1991).      V/F:    ≋000      ≋0,00
    V: "SVW".      V/F:    ≋000      ≋0,00
    TM: SC
    a: M# prefix "SC" in lieu of "SD" (error)      [scarce]
    b: M# prefix "SCW" in lieu of "SDW" (error)      [very rare]
    c: M# prefix "W" in lieu of "SJW" (error)      [rare]
    d: Month in letters      [scarce]
    e: Month in Roman numerals
    f: TM and date inverted (error)

    AB3. SECAP, various models (MV) with earliest debuting in 1959.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Small, short date figures without stops, 11½ x 2 mm:
    A. M# prefix "N" (1959).      V/F:   000 [scarce]      0000
    Date figures without stops, 11 x 2½-3 mm:
    B. M# prefix "NA" (1962).      V/F:   00      000     000 (error) [Scarce]      0000      00,00 [rare]
    C. M# prefix "NAW".      V/F:   000 [rare]      0000
    D. M# prefix "NB" (1962).      V/F:   000
    E. M# "NC0002" or "NC0003" (1980), prototypes of the "NK" meters.      V/F:    00,00 [scarce]
    F. M# prefix "ND" (1972).      V/F:   000
    G. M# prefix "NE" (1972).      V/F:   000     0000
    H. M# prefix "NEW".      V/F:   000     0000
    J. M# prefix "NK" (1982).      V/F:   00,00
    K1. M# prefix "NKW".      V/F:   00,00
    K2. M# prefix "NX".      V/F:   00,00
    Very wide date figures with stops after D and M, 14½ x 3 mm:
    L. M# prefix "NC" (1969).      V/F:   000
    M. M# prefix "NC ST".      V/F:   000
    N. M# prefix "NCW".      V/F:   000
    Wide date figures with stops after D and before Y, 13 x 3 mm:
    P. M# prefix "NJ" (1974).      V/F:   000 (M# NJ0001 only) [rare]      000
    Q. M# prefix "NJW".      V/F:   000
    Wide date figures without stops, 13½ x 2¾-3 mm:
    R. M# prefix "NL" (1983).      V/F:   00,00
    S. M# prefix "NLW".      V/F:   00,00
    T. M# prefix "NP" (1991).      V/F:   00,00
    U. M# prefix "NPW".      V/F:   00,00
    V. M# prefix "NS" (1992).      V/F:   00,00      000,00
    W. M# prefix "NSW".      V/F:   0000      00,00
    X. M# prefix "NY".      V/F:   0000      00,00
    Y. M# prefix "NYW" not reported but presumed to exist
    Wide date figures with stops after D and M, 13 x 3 mm:
    Z. M# prefix "NM" (1988).      V/F:   00,00 (M# NM0001 only) [rare]      00000
    ZA. M# prefix "NMW".      V/F:   00000
    Date figures with stops centered after D and M:
    ZB. M# prefix "NF".      V/F:   0000
    ZC. M# prefix "NR" (1991).      V/F:   0000
    ZD. M# prefix "NRW".      V/F:   0000
    Date figures tightly spaced, 11-12 x 2¾ mm:
    ZE. M# prefix "NT" (1995).      V/F:   00,00
    ZF. M# prefix "NTW".      V/F:   00,00
    ZG. M# prefix "NX" (1995).      V/F:   00,00      000,00
    ZH. M# prefix "NXW".      V/F:   000,00
    TM: SC
    a. M# prefix "NAH" (error).      V/F:    000      0000
    b. As A, but value figures are thick.      V/F:   0000

    AB4. SECAP "MMP" (MV), 1960.     [Rare]

    Small upright frank with Meter number "Z_003".
    Used at Paris Post Office 108 for only a few weeks in 1960.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000

    AB5. Havas "P" experimental version (MV), 1961.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter numbers P0002 through P0009 used by Havas prior to official release of the production "P" model in 1964.
    Tall, narrow date figures.
    A. Value figures wide and tightly spaced:      V/F:   000
    B. Value figures narrow.      V/F:   000

    AB6. Havas "P" (MV), 1964.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes: P, PA, and PW.
    Narrow date field without stops, 10 x 3 mm.
    A. Meter number "P A 0001", prototype design.      V/F:   000      [Very scarce]
    B. M# prefix "P".      V/F:   00     000     000
    C. M# prefix "PW".      V/F:      000

    AB7. Havas "T" (MV), 1964.

    Small upright frank.
    Short date figures with stops, 11-12 x 2 mm.
    A. Meter number "LZ_0000", prototype design.      V/F:   000      [Rare]
    B. M# prefix "T".      V/F:   000     0000
    C. M# prefix "TW".      V/F:   000     0000

    a. TM: DC
    b. Roman month in date      [scarce]
    c. Post Office stamp used for Postage Due. As B, with slogan correspondance TAXEE and postal logo inside rhomboid
    d. As B, frank nearly square, 23-24 mm wide

    AB8. SECAP experimental "NC"(MV), 1966.

    Small upright frank with widely spaced 'teeth' in the frame,
    eight indentations across the top and bottom instead of the usual thirteen.
    Meter number prefixes: NC and Z.
    Very wide date field with stops after D and M.
    A. Meter number "Z 0001", prototype design      [Rare]
    B. # prefix "NC"
    V/F:      000

    AB9. Havas "HZ" (MV), 1968.     [$125]

    Small upright frank.
    Meter numbers "HZ 0000" and "HZ 00000" only, two machines used experimentally between 1968 and 1971.
    Date field wide with stops after D and between M and Y, 14 x 3 mm.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000

    AB10. SMH/Alcatel (Havas), Neopost various models (MV), earliest debuting in 1982.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Date with stops centered between D and M and after M, 12 x 2½ mm: (Three sizes of frank inscriptions found. See images at right.)
    A. "F" (1982).      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    B. "FW".      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    Wide date field without stops, 14 x 2½ mm: (Three sizes of frank inscriptions found. See images at right.)
    C. "F" (1982).      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    D. "FW".      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    Date with stops after D and M, 13 x 3 mm:
    E. "R" (1984).      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    F. "RW".      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    G. "RC".      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    H. "RCW".      V/F:   0000 (4 or 5 mm tall)
    a. Bottom inscriptions ("POSTES" and meter number) missing, but frame intact

    AB11. Pitney Bowes-GB "6500" (MV), 1987.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BA"
    B. "BAW"
    C. "BB"
    D. "BBW"
    V/F:      ≋000
    a. Meter numbers "BA00002" and "BB00002" are prototypes      [rare]

    AB12. Pitney Bowes-GB "6900" (MV), 1990.

    Very similar to Type AB11 but the value figures slightly more widely spaced.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "E" (prototype design).      V/F:    ≋000      [rare]
    B. "BC".      V/F:    ≋0,00
    C. "BCW".      V/F:    ≋0,00

    AB13. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV), 1990. [rare]

    Small upright frank.
    One meter only, meter number "HA 00001, used between 1990 and 1991.
    TM: large SC
    V/F:      00,00

    AB14. Pitney Bowes-GB "A/B900" (MV). 1993.

    Larger frank, wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. M# "BC1000" (prototype design)      [rare]
    B. "BE"
    C. "BEW"
    V/F:      ≋00,00

    AB15. Satas three models including the "Baby Plus" (MV) with earliest debuting in 1994.

    Larger frank, wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Date with stops centered between D and M and after M:
    A. "SK" (1994).      V/F:   000,00
    B. "SKW".      V/F:   000,00
    Date with dashes centered between D and M and M and Y:
    C. "SB" (1997).      V/F:   000,00
    D. "SBA".      V/F:   000,00
    E. "SBW".      V/F:   000,00     [rare]
    F. "SD" (1997).      V/F:   ≋≋0,00
    G. "SDW".      V/F:   ≋≋0,00

    AB16. SMH/Alcatel, Neopost" various models (MV) with earliest debuting in 1994.

    Larger frank, wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Date with stops centered between D and M and after M:
    A. "F" (1994).      V/F:   000,00
    B. "FW".      V/F:   000,00
    Wide date field with stops after D and M:
    C. "RC" (1994).      V/F:   ≋00,00
    D.1. "RCW".      V/F:   ≋00,00
    D.2. "SV".      V/F:   ≋00,00
    Date with dashes centered between D and M and M and :
    E. "HB" (1997).      V/F:   000,00
    F. "HBA".      V/F:   000,00
    G. "HBW".      V/F:   000,00     [rare]
    H. "HC" (1997).      V/F:   000,00     ≋≋0,00
    J. "HCW".      V/F:   ≋≋0,00
    K. "HD" (1999).      V/F:   000,00
    L. "HDW".      V/F:   000,00
    a. With "SPECIMEN" (in lieu of "HC") below "POSTES", used in error on actual mail.

    AB17. Pitney Bowes "Paragon" (MV), 1994.

    Larger frank, wider than tall.
    Wide date field, 14½ x 3 mm, and relatively short but widely spaced value figures.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BH"
    B. "BHW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      ≋00,00
    a. Small TM, 23 mm in diameter rather than normal 26mm. Prototype design, meter number BH00002 only
    b. TM: DC

    Sub-group AC: Stamp printed digitally with thermal or ink-jet process, with straight-line town mark

    [edit | edit source]

    AC1. Neopost "SM22" and “SM26” (digital), 1997.

    Town mark is large rectangle.
    M# prefixes:
    A. “HB” (SM26)
    B. “HBA” (SM22)
    C. “HBW”     
    V/F:      000,00

    AC2. Satas "Baby Plus SB100" (digital), 1998.

    Identical to Type AC1 except for the different M# prefixes.
    M# prefixes:
    A. “SB”
    B. “SBA”
    C. “SBW”     
    V/F:      000,00

    Sub-group AD: Digital frank, as with Sub-group AC, but with circular town mark

    [edit | edit source]

    AD1. Pitney Bowes “PostPerfect” (digital), 1998.

    Value figures are broad
    The town mark is somewhat small and close to the frank.
    M# prefixes:
    A. “BJ”
    B. “BJW”
    C. “BK”      [Scarce]
    TM: SC
    V/F:      ≋00,00

    GROUP B: Inscribed “POSTES FRANCAISES" at top, winged envelope ornament at bottom above meter number

    [edit | edit source]
    All have straight-line town mark.

    B1. Havas “Tiranty” (FV-1), 1943.

    Fixed value machine with straight-line town mark.
    A. M# prefix “A".      Postage values:
    15F      [$7.50]
    1F50     20F [$17.50]
    2F     3F     4F     6F      [Scarce]
    50c     4F50      [Scarce]
    25F      [Very scarce]
    10F      [Very scarce]
    80c      [Very scarce]
    25c      [Rare]
    1F30      [$125]
    1F40      [$150]
    13c     90c     1F      [Rare]
    5F      [quite rare, value unknown]
    B. M# prefix “A.W”.      Postage values:
    15F      [Very scarce]
    10F      [Rare]
    a. With zero left of “F”: 0F20 [Very scarces on commercial cover]
    b. Franc value without “F”: 4 50 [Rare]
    c. Denominated in new francs, (without denomination indicator): 25 [Rare]
    d. Post office stamp: M# A.0635. Value: 1F50 [Rare]

    B2. Havas “Granjean” (FV-6), 1943.

    Very similar in appearance to Type B1 but M# prefix is “B” .
    TM: SL.
    1F50     4F     5F     12F     20F     25F      [Uncommon]
    2F     6F     8F     10F     30F      [Uncommon]
    1F20      [Scarce]
    50c     1F     2F50     3F     18F      [Scarce]
    70c      [Scarce]
    4F50      [Scarce]
    80c     9F      [Very scarce]
    14F      [Very scarce]
    3F50      [$85]
    6F50     9F50      [Rare]
    90c      [Rare]
    10c     30c     40c     60c [Very rare]
    a. With zeros after the “F”:
    3Foo      [Scarce]
    1Foo     2Foo      [Very scarce]
    b. With zero in front of the “F”:      0F50      [Very scarce]
    c. Denominated in new francs, (without denomination indicator):
    25      [Scarce]
    15     20      [Very scarce]
    30 [Very scarce]
    1     5      [Rare]

    B3. Havas “C” (MV), 1943.

    Very similar to Types B1 and B2 but meter number prefix C, CW or W (error).
    Stamp width including date/town line is 100 mm.
    With or without impression counter number above left.
    A. M# prefix "C"
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo     00oo , 00F     000F     00 (new francs, five machines only, 1959-1961) [Very scarce]
    B. M# prefix "CW"
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo     00oo     00F     000F
    a. Franc value without "F", e.g. 1 50      [Very scarce]
    b. With zero instead of a star in the value figures, e.g. 015o [Scarce]
    c. M# prefix "W" in lieu of "CW" (error)      [Very scarce]
    d. Frank inverted, value figures upright, M# C1695      [probably quite rare, value unknown]

    B4. Havas “C” (MV), 1943.

    As Type B3 but stamp width including date/town line is 75 mm.
    Meter number prefixes: C or CW.
    With or without impression counter above slogan area.
    A. M# prefix "C"
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo     00oo , 00F     000F [Scarce]     00 (new francs) [quite rare, value unknown]
    B. M# prefix "CW"
    V/F:      0oo [Uncommon]     00oo [Uncommon]

    B5. Satas "SC" (MV), 1942.

    As previous "B" types but differing in the M# prefixes which are SC and SCW.
    The month in the date is either in Roman numerals or in letters.
    With or without impression counter at top above slogan area.
    A. M# prefix “SC”
    V/F:      .oo [Uncommon]     0.oo     00.oo     000F , 000 [Uncommon]
    B. M# prefix "SCW"
    V/F:      0.oo [Uncommon]     00.oo [Scarce]     000F [$12.50]      000 [Scarce]

    B6. Havas "G" (MV), 1943.

    As Type B4, 75 mm wide impression, but differing in the M# prefixes which are G and GW.
    The G machine could print on tape which the C could not do.
    Normally without impression counter above slogan area.
    A. M# prefix "G"
    V/F:      oo      #Foo      0oo     00oo     00F     000F     000 (new francs,1961) [Very scarce]
    B. M# prefix "GW"
    V/F:      oo [Scarce]     #Foo [Scarce]     0oo      00oo     00F     000F
    C. M# prefix "GG"     {Rare]
    V/F:      0oo
    a. With impression counter above slogan area, M# G3351 only      [Rare]

    B7. Havas "G" (MV), 1949.

    As Type B6 but stamp is 100 mm wide including date/town line.
    M# prefix "G".
    V/F:      0oo [Very scarce]     00 (new francs) [Rare]

    B8. Havas “J” (MV), 1943.

    Special stamps for registered mail.
    Printed only on tape, never directly to the mail piece.
    M# prefix "J".
    V/F:      0oo [white tape $10, yellow tape $15]     00oo [white tape $7.50, yellow tape $17.50]     00F [white tape $30, yellow tape $40]     000F [Known only on violet tape, Rare]

    B9. Havas “K” (MV), 1943.

    TM: SL stacked at left.
    Meter number prefixes: K, KG and KW.
    A. M# prefix “K”
    V/F: .oo      #.oo      0.oo      00.
    B. M# prefix “KG”
    V/F: 00.     0.oo [$12.50]
    C. M# prefix “KW”
    V/F: .oo [Uncommon]      #.oo [Uncommon]      0.oo      00.
    a. Printed in black instead of red, M# K0793 only [Very scarce]

    B10. Satas (FV-1), 1949.

    Very similar to Type B5 but from fixed value machine.
    M# prefix “SB”.
    Value:      15.oo     [$12.50]
    Value:      20.oo     [Scarce]
    Values:      5.oo      25.oo      [Very scarce]

    B11. Havas “M” (MV), 1950. [Rare]

    Large, wide frank.
    Two machines only, M. 0002 and M. 0003.
    V/F:      000F

    B12. Havas "CG" (MV), 1950.

    As Type B3, stamp including date/town line is 100 mm wide, but M# prefix is CG.
    These stamps are from C machines rebuilt to allow for printing on tape.
    Normally without impression counter.
    V/F:      0oo     00oo     00F , 000F     000 (new francs, M# CG4102 only, 1960-1961) [Scarce]
    a. M# prefix "OG" (error) in lieu of CG      [Uncommon]
    b. With impression counter above slogan area      [Uncommon]

    B13. Havas "CG" (MV), 1951. [Uncommon]

    As Type B12 but stamp, including date/town line, is 75 mm wide.
    M# prefix "CG".
    V/F:      000F

    GROUP C: Inscribed “REPUBLIQUE/ FRANCAISE” at top with "LA POSTE" above or below value figures

    [edit | edit source]
    All are from digital meters.

    C1. Neopost "IJ65" (digital), 1999.

    Wide frank.
    “LA POSTE” above the value figures.
    TM: rectangle containing four or five lines of text
    A. M# prefix “HD”
    B. M# prefix “HDW”
    V/F: 000,00

    C2. Neopost/Satas (digital), 1999.

    Identical to Type C1 except meter number with "SX" prefix.
    TM: rectangle containing four or five lines of text
    V/F: 000,00

    C3. Pitney Bowes “EasyMail” (digital), 1999.

    “LA POSTE” below value figures.
    M# with “ABC” prefix.
    TM: frameless lines
    V/F: ≋00,00

    C4. Pitney Bowes “PersonalPost” (digital), 2000.

    Very short frank, 18 mm tall.
    "LA POSTE" below the value figures.
    M# with “BM” prefix.
    TM: frameless lines
    V/F: ≋00,00

    C5. SECAP (digital), 2000.

    Small frank, taller than wide.
    "LA POSTE" above the value figures.
    M# prefixes:
    A. “VA”
    B. “VAW”
    C. “VB”
    D. “VBW”
    E. “VC”
    F. “VD”
    G. “VE”
    H. "VEW"
    V/F: 000,00

    GROUP D: Frank inscribed with Euro sign (€) and "R.F."

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    Sub-group DA: Stamp impressed by mechanical meter with solid die

    [edit | edit source]
    All have "LA POSTE" below value figures.
    All have circular town mark.

    DA1. Neopost/Havas, various models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Date 11.5 mm wide with stops centered:
    A. "F".      V/F:      00,00
    B. "FW".      V/F:      00,00
    C. "HF".      V/F:      0000
    D. "HFW".      V/F:      0000      00,00
    Date 13 mm wide with stops:
    E. "HR".      V/F:      000      0,00
    F. "HRW".      V/F:      000      Template:Font size=40,00
    G. "R".      V/F:      000
    H. "RC".      V/F:      000      Template:Font size=40,00
    J. "RW".      V/F:      000
    K. "RCW".     V/F:      000
    Date 10 mm wide without stops:
    L. "P".      V/F:      000      000
    M. "PW".      V/F:      000
    TM: SC
    a. M# prefix "HRCW" (error).      V/F:      0,00     
    b. Euro sign (€) omitted. M# with "F" or "RC" prefix      [Scarce]
    c. Frank inverted, date upright ("R" prefix)

    DA2. Neopost/Havas, two models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Frank wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "HC"
    B. "HCW"
    C. "HG"
    D. "HGW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000,00      Template:Font size=40,00

    DA3. Neopost/Satas, various models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Small upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    Date 13 mm wide with stops:
    A. "SE".      V/F:      000      0,00
    B. "SEW".      V/F:      0,00
    C. "SG".      V/F:      000
    D. "SGW".      V/F:      0,00
    E. "SV".      V/F:      000
    F. "SVW".      V/F:      000      0,00
    Date 11 mm wide with stops centered:
    G. "SH".      V/F:      0000
    H. "SHW".      V/F:      00,00
    J. "SK".      V/F:      0000
    K. "SKW".      V/F:      0000
    Tall date figures without stops:
    L. "SJ".      V/F:      000
    V/F:      00      [Uncommon]
    M. "SJW".      V/F:      000
    TM: SC
    a. Frank inverted, date upright. ("SV" and "SG" prefixes known)

    DA4. Neopost/Satas, two models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Frank wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "SD"
    B. "SDW"
    C. "SF"
    D. "SFW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000,00      0,00

    DA5. SECAP, various models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Small upright frank.
    Date with stops.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "NF".      V/F:      00,00
    B. "NFW".      V/F:      00,00
    C. "NT".      V/F:      0000      00,00
    D. "NTW".      V/F:      00,00
    Date 11 mm wide without stops:
    E. "NK".      V/F:      00,00
    F. "NKW".      V/F:      00,00
    Date 14 mm wide without stops:
    G. "NL".      V/F:      0000      00,00
    H. "NLW".      V/F:      0000
    J. "NP".      V/F:      0000      00,00
    K. "NPW".      V/F:      00,00
    L. "NS".      V/F:      00,00
    M. "NSW".      V/F:      00,00
    N. "NY".      V/F:      0000      00,00
    P. "NYW".      V/F:      00,00
    TM: SC

    DA6. SECAP, four models (MV) debuting in 2000.

    Frank nearly square.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "NG".      V/F:      00000      000,00
    B. "NGW".      V/F:      000,00
    C. "NN".      V/F:      000,00
    D. "NT".      V/F:      000,00
    E. "NX".      V/F:      0,00      00,00      00000      000,00
    F. "NXW".      V/F:      00000      000,00
    TM: SC

    DA7. Pitney Bowes "6900" (MV), 2000.

    Small, upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BC"
    B. "BCW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0.00

    DA8. Pitney Bowes "Paragon" (MV), 2000.

    Large, upright frank.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BH"
    B. "BHW"
    C. "BP"
    D. "BPW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00.00
    a. TM: DC

    DA9. Pitney Bowes/SECAP "Paragon" (MV), 2002.

    Large, upright frank identical to Type DA8 except for meter number prefix.
    Meter number prefix "VH".
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00.00

    DA10. Pitney Bowes "A/B900" (MV), 2000.

    Frank nearly square.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BE"
    B. "BEW"
    C. "BL"
    D. "BLW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0.00

    DA11. Pitney Bowes/SECAP "A/B900" (MV), 2002.

    Medium, upright frank identical to Type DA10 except for meter number prefix.
    Meter number prefix "VR".
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0.00

    DA12. Pitney Bowes "A/B900" (MV), 2000.

    As Type DA10 but frank is wider than tall.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BE"
    B. "BEW"
    C. "BL"
    D. "BLW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00.00

    DA13. Pitney Bowes/SECAP "A/B900" (MV), 2002.

    Frank wider than tall, identical to Type DA12 except for meter number prefix.
    Meter number prefix "VR".
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00.00

    Sub-group DB: Stamp printed digitally with thermal or ink-jet process

    [edit | edit source]
    "LA POSTE" above or below value figures.
    NOTE that these stamps are found in a variety of colors. Blue and red are most common, but many shades exist as well as black and purple.

    DB1. Neopost/Havas "SM22", "SM26" (digital), 2000.

    Small, upright frank.
    "LA POSTE" below value figures.
    Printed in red or blue.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "HB"
    B. "HBA"
    C. "HBW"
    D. "HE"
    E. "HEW"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB2. Neopost/Satas "SM26", "Baby Plus SB50" (digital), 2000.

    Small, upright frank identical to Type DB1 except for meter number prefix.
    "LA POSTE" below value figures.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "SB"
    B. "SBA"
    C. "SC"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB3. Neopost/Havas, various models including "IJ25", "SM22" and "SM26" (digital) debuting in 2000 and 2001.

    Frank wider than tall.
    "LA POSTE" above value figures.
    Printed in red or blue.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "HA"
    B. "HD"
    C. "HE"
    D. "HH"
    E. "HK"
    F. "HL"
    G. "HP"
    H. "HQ"
    J. "HU"
    K. "HY"
    L. "HV"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB4. Neopost/Satas, various models including "Baby Plus SB50 and SB100" (digital) debuting in 2000 and 2001.

    Frank wider than tall, identical to Type DB3 except for meter number prefix.
    "LA POSTE" above value figures.
    Printed in red or blue.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "SA"
    B. "SC"
    C. "SL"
    D. "SM"
    E. "SP"
    F. "SQ"
    G. "ST"
    H. "SU"
    J. "SX"
    K. "SY"
    L. "SZ"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB5. Pitney Bowes/SECAP, various models (digital) debuting in 2000 and 2001.

    Small, upright frank.
    "LA POSTE" above value figures.
    Printed in red or blue.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "VA"
    B. "VAW"
    C. "VB"
    D. "VBW"
    E. "VD"
    F. "VDW"
    G. "VE"
    H. "VEW"
    J. "VK"
    K. "VL"
    L. "VLW"
    M. "MG"
    N. "MF"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00
    a. Bi-color print, red and blue
    b. Bi-color print, red and black
    c. Printed in brown

    DB6. Pitney Bowes "EasyMail" (MV), 2000.

    Small, very short frank wider than tall.
    "LA POSTE" above value figures.
    Meter number prefix "BM".
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      ≋00,00

    DB7. Pitney Bowes "EasyMail" (MV), 2000.

    As Type DB6 but frank is much taller, nearly square, and
    "LA POSTE" is below the value figures.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BJ"
    B. "BJW"
    C. "BN"
    D. "BNW"
    TM: SC
    V/F:      ≋00,00
    a. M# prefix "OBJ" (probably an error)

    DB8. Pitney Bowes "PersonalPost" (MV), 2001.

    Small frank, wider than tall.
    "LA POSTE" below value figures.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "BK"
    B. "BS"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      ≋00,00      000,00

    DB9. Pitney Bowes/SECAP "DM INFINITY" (MV), 2004.

    Square frank.
    "LA POSTE" below value figures.
    Known printed in pink and in blue.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "MD"
    B. "MH"
    C. "MP"
    D. "MR"
    E. "MC"
    F. "MT"
    G. "MM"
    H. "MB"
    J. "ML"
    K. "CT"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

      The stamp cataloged as Sub-type K has ID number prefix "CT" which is inconsistent with the prefix series used with other DB9 stamps. The stamp will be re-cataloged if we learn it is from a different machine.

    DB10. Neopost (digital), 2011.

    Very similar to Type DB3 but "LA POSTE" is below the value figures rather than above.
    M# prefixes:
    A. "HX"
    B. "HZ"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB11. Frama (digital), 2012.

    Upright frank very similar to Types DB1, DB2 and DB5.
    The euro figure (€) is close to "R.F."
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "FP"
    B. "FT"
    C. "FM"
    D. "FR"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB12. Pitney Bowes "ConnectPlus" (digital), 2012.

    As Type DB9 but with different meter number prefix.
    This model is able to print a multi-color slogan across the entire top of an envelope.
    M# prefix "CP".
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    DB13. Francotyp Postalia (digital), 2011.

    Similar to Types DB3 and DB4 with frank slightly wider than tall and with "LA POSTE" above the value figures.
    Date figures right justified and without separations, formatted as YYMMDD.
    Meter number prefixes:
    A. "AX"
    B. "AE"
    C. "AT"
    TM: SL in rectangle
    V/F:      000,00

    a. Date figures are centered and formatted as DD-MM-YY

    GROUP PO: Special stamps used generated only by machines in post offices

    [edit | edit source]

    Sub-group PO-A: Early experimental designs

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    PO-A1. Anker (MV), 1933      [$150]

    Horizontal borderless design with date and "PARIS 1" above transaction number, the weight in grams, and value figures followed by large "R".
    Without country name or meter number.
    One machine only, used to frank registered mail.
    A. Printed on beige white tape with pink underprint, as shown
    B. Tape without underprint
    V/F:      0F00

    PO-A2. Caisse Nationale Enregistreuse / NCR (MV), 1951      [Scarce]

    As Type PO-A1 but narrower.
    “REPUBLIQUE/ FRANCAISE” in simulated perforation frame above value figures.
    Without M#.
    Printed on plain brown or white tape.
    TM: SL
    A. PARIS 52, Jan 1952 to Apr 1952
    B. PARIS 118, Apr 1952 to at least Mar 1957
    V/F:      – – 000F – – 000FR

    PO-A3. Caisse Nationale Enregistreuse (MV), 1954      [Rare]

    Experimental stamp similar in appearance to those in Group A,
    but the first two positions of the value figure are large stars when in the “zero” position.
    Hour within TM at end of date.
    M# “N 000”.
    Printed on straight-edge tape.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00F

    PO-A4. SECAP (MV), 1954      [Rare]

    Experimental stamp similar in appearance to Type PO-A3 but M# “N 000”.
    Printed on serrated-edge tape.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0000F

    PO-A5. Camp (MV), 1954      [Rare]

    Experimental stamp similar in appearance to Types PO-A3 and PO-A4 but M# “CAMP 000”.
    Printed on straight-edge tape.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000F

    PO-A6. Satas (MV), 1956      [Rare]

    Experimental stamp similar to Types PO-A3 through PO-A5 but M# “Z.000”.
    Hour figure between TM and frank.
    Date figures very short.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000F

    PO-A7. Havas (MV), 1956      [Rare]

    Experimental similar to Types POA3 and 6 but frank is wider.
    M# “Z_000”.
    Date figures quite small and narrow with hour at end within TM.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000F

    PO-A8. SECAP (MV), 1956      [Rare]

    Experimental stamp as Types POA3 and 6.
    M# “Z000”.
    Hour figure within TM.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0000F

    Sub-group PO-B: Production designs similar to commercial stamps

    [edit | edit source]

    PO-B1. Camp (MV), 1956.

    Camp's first production meter stamp.
    Similar to Type POA5 but M# prefix is “PR” or “P1”.
    Star in value figures tilts slightly.
    Usually printed in a lilac or rose color.
    Hour figure is inside the TM.
    A. Printed on mauve tape.      V/F: 000F     
    B. Printed on white tape.      V/F: 000F      000
    TM: SC
    a. Printed in black
    b. Military Official stamp. TM contains “NAVAL” or “ARMEE”     

    PO-B2. Camp (MV), 1963.

    As Type PO-B1B but the hour figure is between the TM and frank.
    M# with “PR”, “P1”, “P2”, “P3” or “P4” prefix.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000
    a. Printed in black
    b. Military Official stamp. TM contains “NAVAL” or “ARMEE”     

    PO-B3. Satas (MV), 1957.

    Similar to Type PO-A6 with hour figure between TM and frank, but date figures are tall.
    A. M# with “SP” prefix (1957)
    B. M# with “S1”, “S2” or “S3” prefix (1973)
    C. M# with “S10” prefix      [Uncommon]
    D. M# with “S4” prefix. Military Post Office stamp
    E. M# with “SC” prefix (1978)
    F. M# with “SCW” prefix      [Scarce]
    G. M# with “SD” prefix
    H. M# with “SDW” prefix      [Uncommon]
    I. M# with “SE” prefix     
    J. M# with “SF” prefix      [Scarce]
    K. M# “SP1.0001”      [Rare]
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000 , 000F (known with “SP” prefix only), 0.oo (M# S1 65017)
    a. Solid bar in place of M# and prefix (relief machine)      [Uncommon]
    b. Military Official stamp. TM contains “NAVAL” or “ARMEE”     
    NOTE: Stamps with prefixes “SC”, “SCW”, “SD”, “SDW”, “SE” and “SF” are from meters that were converted from private business to Post Office service.

    PO-B4. Camp “Junior B” (MV), 1976      [Scarce]

    Closely resembles Group A stamps.
    Value figures with space between francs and centimes.
    Without hour figure.
    Four machines used in Paris between 1976 and 1979.
    M# with “PX” prefix.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      00 00

    PO-B5. SECAP (MV), 1958.

    Very similar to Type PO-A8 but M# with “NP” prefix.
    Hour figure within TM.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0000      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      0000F      [Very scarce]

    PO-B6. SECAP “Junior” (MV), 1978.

    As Type PO-B5 but wider frank with hour figure at left of TM.
    M# in two segments (three including prefix).
    A. M# prefix “KX”      [Scarce]
    B. M# with dashes, prefix “N1”
    TM: SC
    V/F:      0000
    a. Military Official stamp. TM contains “NAVAL” or “ARMEE”     
    b. As "B", TM contains “ST PIERRE ET MIQUELON"      [Uncommon]

    PO-B7. Frama (MV), 1976.

    TM is straight line with town at top, 'date – hour' in center, and either province or star () at bottom.
    M# with “S1”, “S2”, “S3” (and “SO”) prefix.
    The corner extensions of the frank can be either large or small.
    A. Frank 20-21 mm wide
    I. Time includes hour figure only
    II. Time includes minutes (vertical)
    B. Wide frank 23 mm wide
    V/F:      0000 (A)      00000 (B)
    a. Solid bars in place of town, province, and M# (relief machines      [Scarce]
    b. M# with “SO” prefix
    c. TM contains “ST PIERRE ET MIQUELON      [Uncommon]
    d1. Military Official stamp. TM reads “BUREAU POSTAL MILITAIRE” at top and number at bottom (shown)
    d2. Military Official stamp. TM reads “POSTE AUX ARMEES” at top and has solid star at bottom
    e. Used with accompanying hand stamp reading "“Timbre Taxe” to collect Postage Due. First used in 1986.

    Sub-group PO-C: Digital frank with boxed town mark printed on self-adhesive label

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    • These stamps (and those in sub-group PO-D as well) have dual printing mechanisms, one for the postage value and the other for the frame, town mark (and sometimes the date). Although specialists can identify both mechanisms, this catalog bases its listings on the manufacturer of the metered portion, the postage value printer.
    • These stamps are usually printed in red but are also found in black.
    • Stamps in Sub-groups PO-C and PO-D are applied to self-adhesive labels with the following pre-printed (underprint) designs:
    A. Plain white (1976)
    B. Panel at left with bird border, wave design at right (light blue)
    C. Comet tail (light blue)
    D. Birds in flight with full moon (light blue)
    E. Paper airplanes (2000)

    PO-C1. GAPA (digital), 1976      [Uncommon]

    Known only on plain white labels with black stripe along left edge.
    M# with “G#” prefix.
    A. Date figures with low dashes:      00_00_00
    B. Date figures with stops:      00.00.00
    V/F:      0,00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C2. CGA (digital), 1981.

    M# with “G#” prefix.
    Date figures with dashes:      00–00–00
    V/F:      000,00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C3. EMD/CAMP (digital), 1980.

    M# with “G#” prefix.
    Date figures with spaces:      00 00 00
    The “one” figure in the date/value line has a long serif at top and no foot.
    V/F:      000.00      000,00      0000,00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C4. CGA (digital), 1984.

    The frank has “FRANCE” alone at top.
    M# with “G#” prefix.
    A. Date figures with dashes:      00–00–00
    V/F:      000,00
    V/F:      000.00      [Uncommon]
    B. Date figures with spaces:      00 00 00
    V/F:      000.00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C5. CGA (digital), 1987.

    The frank has “REPUBLIQUE/ FRANCAISE” at top.
    M# with “G##” prefix.
    The “one” figure in the date/value line has a short serif at top and a foot.
    A. Date figures with spaces:      00 00 00
    B. Date figures with slashes:      00/00/00
    V/F:      000.00      0000.00      0000,00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C6. SERCEM (digital), 1987.

    M# with “G#” or “G##” prefix.
    The “one” figure in the date/value line has a short serif at top and no foot.
    A. Date figureswith spaces:      00 00 00
         V/F: 000,00      0000,00
    B. Date figures with slashes:      00/00/00
         V/F:      0000,00      0000.00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-C7. LOGABAX (digital), 1986.

    M# with “G##” prefix.
    Date/value figures large, 4 mm tall. Sevens (7) are crossed.
    A. Date figures without separators:      000000
         V/F:      000,00      [Scarce]
    B. Date figures with spaces:      00 00 00
         V/F:      000,00      0000,00
    C. Date figures with slashes:      00/00/00
         V/F:      000,00
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    Sub-group PO-D: Digital frank as sub-group PO-C but without frames around frank and TM

    [edit | edit source]
    • The label design with the yellow paper aeroplanes is known by La Poste as "La Poste logo thermal sticker with "zero carbon plane".

    PO-D1. Olivetti “PR50” (digital), 1993.
    Value figures are fairly heavy and somewhat angular, most notable in the '6' and '9' which have straight appendages.
    The “1” is footed.
    The date is formatted as "00/00/00".
    Identification number with “G##” prefix.
    A. Value in francs only. The date and hour figure are in one line. The M# is below the value figures
    B. Value in francs (FRF) with euros (EUR) below. The date is above the hour figure
    C. Value in euros (EUR” with francs (FRF) below, otherwise as B
    V/F:      0000,00 (A)      (00)0,00 / (00)0,00 (B, C)
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-D2. Olivetti “PR2” (digital).
    Value figures are fairly heavy like on Type PO-D1 but they are quite rounded. This is most notable in the '6' and '9' which have curved appendages.
    The “1” has no foot.
    The date is formatted as "00/00/00" and is above the hour figure.
    Identification number with “G##” or "G#" prefix.
    A. Value in francs (FRF) with euros (EUR) below
    B. Value in euros (EUR) with francs (FRF) below
    C. Value in euros (EUR) only
    V/F:      (00)0,00 / (00)0,00 (A, B)      0,00 (C)
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left
    c. Without location name across top

    PO-D3. Unisys (digital), 1993.
    Value figures are relatively thin and narrow. The zeros have a slight ‘lozenge’ (diamond) shape.
    The “1” is footed.
    The date is formatted as "00/00/00".
    Identification number with “G##” prefix.
    A. Value in francs only. The date, hour and value figures are in one line. The identification number is below the value figures
    B. Value in francs (FRF) with euros (EUR) below. The date is above the hour figures
    C. Value in euros (EUR” with francs (FRF) below, otherwise as B
    V/F:      0000,00 (A)      (00)0,00 / (00)0,00 (B, C)
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with boxed “AR” at left

    PO-D4. Siemens “HighPrint 4905” (digital).
    Value figures are heavy and seriffed.
    The “FRF” and “EUR” denomination indicators also are seriffed.
    Date figures formatted either as "00 00 00" or "00/00/00" above the hour figure (00H).
    Identification number with “G##” prefix.
    A. Value in francs only. The date, hour and value figures are in one line. The M# is below the value figures (not shown)
    B. Value in francs (FRF) with euros (EUR) below
    C. Value in euros (EUR) only
    V/F:      0000,00 (A)      (00)0,00 / (00)0,00 (B)      (00)0,00 (C)
    a. For registered mail, with large “R” and number at left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with “AR” at left, boxed or unboxed
    c. With "Documents" at lower right (shown at right)

    PO-D5. Unidentified (digital)
    As previous PO-D designs except the town line at top is very large, and the remaining text is very small.
    Date formatted as 00/00/0000.
    Showing the actual time of mailing (as 00:00:00) rather than just the hour.
    Identification number with "G#" prefix.
    V/F:      0 00 EUR

    PO-D6. Unidentified (digital)
    All text is in a light font, and there is no town name across the top.
    The “1” has no foot.
    The date is formatted as "00/00/00" and there is no hour figure.
    Identification number with "G#" prefix.
    V/F:      (00)0.00 EUR
    a. For registered mail, with large bold “R” at top left
    b. To indicate return receipt requested, with bold “AR” at bottom left
    c. With bold "Lettre Reco Inter" at bottom right

    PO-D7. Toshiba "SV4" (digital)
    All text is in a light font, except for the town name which is in bold font.
    The date is formatted as "DD/MM/YYYY" with the time as “HH:MM:SS”.
    Identification number with "G#" prefix.
    V/F: (00)0.00 EUR
    a. With service type at bottom, e.g. “LETTRE PRIORITAIRE INTER”
    NOTE: The example illustrated above is used at the French military post office in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

    [edit | edit source]
    • These stamps are used by a special service provided by La Poste, the French postal system, in which a postal employee goes to a mailer's location and processes it's mail there. Mailers must sign up for this service.
    • Frameless horizontal design with "FRANCE" at top left, date and weight at top right, and the LA POSTE logo at center above the 2d barcode. The mail class appears below "FRANCE". Beneath the barcode is a 15-digit mailing identification number. At far right are two codes, the top one representing the responsible postal unit. At bottom right is AFFRANCHIGO, La Poste's nomenclature for this service.
    • Printed in black.
    • The stamp shown at right is a Proof or Specimen that appeared in the French ACEMA Bulletin (no. 146, Spring 2019).

    PO-E1. Unidentified (digital), April 2019.

    Very similar to the proof/specimen shown in the introduction above. It differs in the digits of the weight and in the identification number formats.
    At far left, outside the frank, is the address of the post office handling the mailing.

    The frank does not show a postage value. It is calculated based on the weight.

    GROUP PD: Special stamps used only for collecting Postage Due

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    There are two specific sub-groups, those used to collect short-paid postage, and those used to collect a fee charged for general delivery (poste restante) mail held at the post office for pickup.
    NOTE: See also Types AB7c and PO-B7Be for Postage Due stamps.

    Sub-group PD-A: Stamps used to collect postage due on short paid mail

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    PD-A1. Satas (MV), 1984.

    As Type AA9 with tall date figures but with “TIMBRE TAX”
    replacing the meter number at bottom.
    TM: SC
    V/F:      000

    PD-A2. Frama (MV), 1987.

    As Type PO-B7B with “TIMBRE TAXE” as the bottom line of the town mark.
    With or without hour figure between date and frank.
    Known printed in red and in black.
    A. M# with “S1” prefix below “POSTES”.      V/F:      0000      [Uncommon]
    B. Without M#.      V/F:      00000

    PD-A3. SMH-ALCATEL (MV), 1987 [Uncommon]

    As Type AA5 but with “TIMBRE TAXE” replacing the meter number at bottom.
    Printed in black.
    V/F:      00

    Sub-group PD-B: Stamps used to collect a fee for ‘poste restante’ (mail held at the post office for pickup)

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    PD-B1. Havas (FV), 1958      [Very scarce]

    AS Type AA5C but with “POSTE RESTANTE” in the bottom of the TM.
    M# M.8001.
    Value:      15F

    NOTE: The illustration is a tracing.

    PD-B2. Havas (FV), 1961      [Rare]

    Frank with bar below “POSTES”.
    TM is below the frank rather than at the left.
    TM contains “POSTE RESTANTE” at bottom
    Value:      o,20 only known

    PD-B3. Havas (FV), 1963.

    Similar to Type PD-B2 but with M# below “POSTES”.
    M# with “R”, “PR” or “R1” prefix.
    TM below frank with “POSTE RESTANTE” at bottom.
    Values:      o,20 (M# with “R” prefix)      [Very scarce]
    Values:      o,30 (M# with “R” prefix)      [Scarce]
    Values:      o,40 (M# with “PR” prefix)      [Scarce]
    Values:      o,70 , 1,00 (M# with “R1” prefix)      [Uncommon]

    PD-B4. Havas (FV), 1978.

    As Type PD-B3 but with “TAXEPR” replacing the figure of value.
    M# with “R1” prefix.
    TM below frank with “POSTE RESTANTE” at bottom

    NOTE: The illustration is a tracing.

    GROUP PP: Special stamps used only for railway parcel post

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    These stamps are printed in triplicate: The top one, in red, is applied to the parcel label. The next two are carbon copies (usually black or blue) which are used as a receipt for the customer and a record for the mailing office.

    PP1. Graphotaxe (MV), 1937.

    Horizontal frank with station name at top right, 5-digit S# in center,
    value figures right center, and department name bottom left, and date bottom center.
    A. With outer frame [Very scarce]
    B. Without outer frame [Very scarce]
    V/F: 00F

    PP2. Graphotaxe (MV).

    Station name is top center, sometimes with ID number in italics below.
    5-digit S# at bottom left, value figures at bottom center, and date at bottom right.
    The year figures in the date are vertical.
    V/F:      000F      [Scarce]
    V/F:      —000F      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      —0,00      [Uncommon]
    a. without ID number

    PP3. Graphotaxe (MV)      [Uncommon]

    Similar to Type PP2 but S# below station name.
    V/F:      00.00

    PP4. Hasler (MV), 1943.

    Station name at top, sometimes with number to its left.
    Date at center left (usually but not always with time vertical), 5-digit S# center, and value figures at center right.
    Value figures include column of horizontal dashes.
    With or without department name at bottom left.
    A. With frame lines at top and bottom      [Scarce]
    B. Without frame lines      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      00F      [Scarce]
    V/F:      00F      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      .00F      [Uncommon]
    V/F:      000F      [Scarce]
    a. With thick horizontal bar in place of department name across bottom

    NOTE: Type PP5 in the print edition of the catalog is actually Type PP2.

    PP6. Camp (MV). Probably quite rare, value unknown

    Low but wide stamp with station name in small letters along top, and date, hour, value figures across bottom.
    S# at far right.
    One seen with S# preceded by “LR”
    V/F:      000

    PP7. Havas (MV), 1971. Probably quite rare, value unknown

    Two (with vertical year), value figures, and 5-digit S# across bottom.
    V/F      00.00      00000

    PP8. Anker (MV), 1971

    Two-line format: station name at top, date and 3- or 4-digit S# at bottom left and value figures at bottom right.
    Year figures are vertical.
    000 , 0.00 , 000. ,
    00.00 , 00.00 F , 0.00 F ,
    0.00 NF , 00 00 , 00.00F ,
    oo00.00 , oo00.00 F , 0000000.00(+ two letters)
    a. With department name between S# and value figures

    GROUP PV: Special stamps generated only in public access, self-service vending machines

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    PV1. Francotyp "Automat No. 6” (LV-8), 1936      [Exceptionally rare]

    In use only from 20 February to 21 May, 1936.
    Frank as with sub-group AA but much taller.
    M# “M.0001”.
    TM: BIC
    V/F:      25      50
    NOTE: Postage values 75, 1F, 1F25, 1F50, 1F75 and 2F were available from the machine, but no examples are known to exist.

    Annex: Stamps used in French overseas departments

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    • French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion, St. Pierre et Miquelon, and the French Caribbean are provinces of France located outside Europe but with full political integration. The stamps are identical to those used in continental France and differ only in the contents of their town marks. In addition to the stamps listed below Mayotte has also used a stamp with "MAYOTTE" in the frank. It is cataloged separately under Mayotte.
    • Town marks seen used in French Guiana are CAYENNE, KOUROU, and MATOURY, often with post code 973 and usually with GUYANE or GUYANE FRANCAISE. Stamp types known used in French Guiana are:
    AB2K (SR 5082, SR 4657, SR 6035)
    AB2N (SL 5288)
    AB3B (NA1 3548)
    DB2 (SB...)
    PO-B2 (PR 672, PR 97374, P2 97302)
    PO-B3A (SP 342)
    PO-B3B (S1 97374)
    PO-D1 (G03/G04 PC97307)
    PO-D3 (G04 PC97304)

    • Town marks seen used in Guadeloupe include:
    • ST. CLAUDE
    The townname may include post code 971, and the townmark normally also contains "GUADELOUPE".
    Stamp types known used in Guadeloupe are:
    AA3B        (CW 4311)
    AA12A      (CG 2207,    CG 2233,    CG 4008)
    AA14A      (MG 0957,    M 900,    M 1350,    M 2444,    M 3669,    M 10139,    M 10142,    M 11350)
    AA14C      (MG 1062,    MG 1066,    MG7593,    MG 10189,    MG 10266,    MG 11189,      MG 11300,    MG11312)
    AB6B        (many)
    AB7B        (T 88215,    T 95309,    T 95393)
    AB10C      (F 2020)
    KA11        (K 1031)
    DB9          (MB625718)
    PO-B2      (PR 447,    PR 514,    P1 97152,    P2 97105,    P3 97120,    NI 97100)
    PO-B3A    (SP 273,    SP 875,    SP 1039,    SP 1496,    S1 97113)
    PO-D1      (G19 PC97210)
    PO-D3      (G02 PC97156)

    • Town marks seen used in Martinique are FORT DE FRANCE, BASSE POINTE, RIVIERE SALEE, and TROIS ILETS, often with post code 972, 97, 97-2 or 972## and usually with MARTINIQUE. Stamp types known used in Martinique are:
    AA11A (K 0941)
    AA14A (M 0940, M 1090, M 10481)
    AA14C (MG 0957, MG 0966, MG 1073, MG 10318, MG 10803, MG 11341)
    AA14D (MW 1250)
    AB6B (P 0761, P 6262, P 6369, P 10516, P 11271, P 12400, P 15676, P16379, P 18568, P 79788)
    AB10E (R19014, R 79788)
    PO-B2 (PR 436, PR 576, PR 577)
    PO-B3A (SP 1424)
    PO-B3B (S1 972030)
    PO-D1 (G02 / G03 PC97221)

    • Town marks seen used in Mayotte are 976 KAWENI CENTRE COURRIER, 976 MAMOUDZOUKAWENI, and MAMOUDZOU, all with MAYOTTE at bottom. Stamp types known used in Mayotte are:
    AB3 (NL 41546)
    DA5 (NL000795)
    PO-B7 (S2 98153)
    (See also Mayotte)

    • Stamps used in Reunion were first used with the letters "C F A" in the frank but were replaced with regular French meter types during the 1970s. Stamps with "C F A" are cataloged under REUNION. Stamps used in Reunion without "C F A" have been seen with town marks containing ST DENIS, ST PAUL, ST PIERRE, LE PORT, and CILAOS, often with post code 974 or 97 and usually with REUNION or LA REUNION. Stamp types known used in Reunion are:
    AB2K (many)
    AB2L (SRW 343)
    AB2S (SG 21770)
    AB3L (NC 1611)
    AB3R (NL 5478)
    AB6B (P 224, P 19729)
    DB9H (MB 625722)
    PO-B1 (PR 858)
    PO-B2 (PR 440, PR 448)
    PO-B3A (SP 272)
    PO-B3B (S1 97454)

    • Town marks of stamps used in St. Pierre et Miquelon contain ST PIERRE ET MIQUELON, usually with post code 975. Stamp types known used in St.Pierre et Miquelon are:
    AB3G (NE 91220 reported but not verified)
    AB3R (NL 41155)
    AB6B (many)
    AB10E (R 422837)
    AB12B (BC 2809)
    DA1G (R 64341)
    PO-B6B (N1-97-1142)
    PO-B7B (S2 97502)

    • Town mark of stamp used in French Caribbean contains "POLE CARAIBES / D.O.M.-T.O.M." without post code. The stamp type known used in the French Caribbean (Saint Martin) is:
    DB3G (HP-1308310)

    NOTE: The stamps shown below, despite their similar appearance, are not meter stamps but variable rate automat stamps. They function like traditional stamps (i.e. they can be pocketed for use on a future date) rather than like meter stamps. These stamps are fully covered in the numerous automat stamp catalogs available.

    identification numbers 'SA 00001' and 'BAA-001'

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