At the end of the Civil War in mainland China, when Communist forces gained control and established the Peoples Republic of China, Nationalist forces escaped to Taiwan where they re-established the Republic of China (in exile). The first such meter was placed into use in 1949.
All stamps except Types A1 and PO-A3 are inscribed "REPUBLIC OF CHINA".
All stamps including Types A1 and PO-A3 have Chinese inscription " ", as shown, or with characters reversed with "中" at left.
Many stamp types were used by both private businesses and post offices and in most cases there is no clear way to tell them apart.
Identification numbers found on the meter stamps are not meter numbers but location numbers.
The stamps are grouped according to appearance of the frank and by function:
A - Frank upright or square
B - Horizontal frank with panels or ornaments at both sides
C - Large horizontal frank without side panels or with ornaments at one side only
PO - Designs used only in post offices
PP - Designs used only for parcel post
PV - Design generated by meter stamp vending machine
Horizontal frank with Chinese inscription at top followed by the value figures, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA", and "POSTAGE” and ID number at bottom.
Bar code appears below the frank.
M# with or without dash.
Printed in black.
V/F: ≋0.oo ≋00.oo ≋000.oo
a. With R# below barcode at right (shown)
PO-B2. Acer (digital), 1993.
Similar to Type PO-B1 but the bar code is inside the frank rather than below it.
The TM indents the frank.
Printed in black on plain white label or on label with pale blue underprint.
TM: SC of variable size with town name curved or straight
V/F: ≋0.oo ≋00.oo ≋000.oo
a. With R# below frank at right
PO-B3.1. IBM (digital), 1993.
Similar in appearance to Type C2 but simulated-perforation border at top as well as bottom and right side.
With small barcode at bottom right below value figures.
Numeric code below sprig of flowers.
ID# with or without dash. Printed in black.
A. Chinese country inscription with "中" at right. Inscriptions and value figures thick, date figures narrow. TM: DC
B. As A but with "中" at left. TM: SC
C. M# with "SN" prefix. Number added below barcode. TM: SC
V/F: 00.00 0.00
a. As B, but characters in country inscription are more square and upright
b. As B, but lettering, most notably in the date, is larger and thinner
c. With registration label unsevered
PO-B3.2. IBM (digital), 2015.
Very similar to Type PO-B3.1C but with data added below the frank and with the "00" of the value figures heavily underlinded.
The added data can be a single or multiple lines and can include fees and discounts. A more complete explanation of the text added below the frank is needed.
V/F: (00)00.oo
a. The text below the frank includes a fee or discount
b. As a but text in three lines
c. With registration label unsevered, registration number below the frank
PO-B4. Unidentified (digital). [$15]
Similar in appearance to Type C1.
Date and value figures very small and on same level.
M#s NF001 and SF001 seen.
V/F: 000 · 0
PO-B5. Unidentified (digital), 1989. [$25]
Upright frank similar to Type A3.
Chinese inscription at top followed by value figures, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE”, and Chinese town name inside frame.
Below frame are a branch number above the date-hour
The value figures, town name, branch number and date-time are printed in black or gray while the rest of the design is printed in red.
Horizontal design printed on labels with straight top and bottom and perforated sides.
From left to right the design consists of Chinese inscription between vertical bars,
two characters in vertical box (Taipei), two dots, a frame containing a number in top panel,
the meter number “1” and the date in lower panels, and a simulated perforation frame containing the value figures.
Known printed in red and in purple.
V/F: 000
PP2. TEC (MV), 1982. [$100]
Label with underprint in light blue “REPUBLIC OF CHINA” in both Chinese and English characters.
Point of sale data added in red shows a miniature version of a Type B3 meter frank at top with town mark at right. Below the frank are the date (dd-mm-yy) above an impression counter number and the value figures.
Designed specifically for franking air parcel post.
V/F: 000 00000
GROUP PV: Stamps generated variable rate stamp vending machines