International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/China, Republic Of (Taiwan)
China (Taiwan ROC)
[edit | edit source]- At the end of the Civil War in mainland China, when Communist forces gained control and established the Peoples Republic of China, Nationalist forces escaped to Taiwan where they re-established the Republic of China (in exile). The first such meter was placed into use in 1949.
- All stamps except Types A1 and PO-A3 are inscribed "REPUBLIC OF CHINA".
- All stamps including Types A1 and PO-A3 have Chinese inscription "
", as shown, or with characters reversed with "中" at left.
- Many stamp types were used by both private businesses and post offices and in most cases there is no clear way to tell them apart.
- Identification numbers found on the meter stamps are not meter numbers but location numbers.
- The stamps are grouped according to appearance of the frank and by function:
- A - Frank upright or square
- B - Horizontal frank with panels or ornaments at both sides
- C - Large horizontal frank without side panels or with ornaments at one side only
- PO - Designs used only in post offices
- PP - Designs used only for parcel post
GROUP A: Upright or square frank
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A1. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1962.
- Small frank with simulated perforation outer border and straight inner border.
- Chinese inscription at top, “POSTAGE” above M# at bottom.
- M# in 1000 series.

A2. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).
- Frank has thick, straight outer border with imbedded dots.
- Chinese inscription vertical at right. “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” at bottom.
- M# at top with “A”, “P”, “CA”, “NA”, “SA” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. With three dots instead of four in lower corners (A.1032)

A3. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).
- Frank with simulated perforation outer border and straight inner border.
- Ornaments within the inner border leave small open space at center of sides.
- Chinese inscription at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- M# with “C”, “N”, “S” prefix or without prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

A4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Square frank with simulated-perforation outer border, double straight line inner border with flowers in each corner.
- Chinese inscription at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- M# with “C”, “N”, “S” prefix or without prefix.
- A. Chinese country inscription with "中" at right
- B. Chinese country inscription with "中" at left
- TM: DC
- V/F:

- Frank 20-21 x 24-25 mm with straight-line outer border and inner border at top, bottom and left side only.
- Panel at top contains Chinese inscription, panel at bottom with “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M#.
- M# with “NC” or “SC” prefix.
- A. Small TM, 23 mm
- B. Large TM, 26 mm
- TM: DC
- V/F:

- Nearly identical to Type A5 except larger, 27 x 29 mm.
- M# with “NC” prefix.
- A. Small TM, 23 mm
- B. Large TM, 26 mm
- TM: DC
- V/F:

A7. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).
- Square frank with straight borders at top and bottom and side panels made up of intricate, detailed lines and flowers.
- Complete inner box around value figures.
- Chinese inscription at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- M# with “NC”, "NP", or “SC” prefix.
- A. Chinese country inscription with "中" at right
- B. Chinese country inscription with "中" at left
- TM: DC
- V/F:

A8. Neopost “Electronic” (MV). [$10]
- Square frank with complete straight single-line border.
- Flower sprigs at sides Chinese inscription at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- M# with “N” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP B: Horizontal frank with panels or ornaments at both sides
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B1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- Frank with simulated perforation outer border and straight inner border.
- Panels at sides contain ornamental line pattern that can vary from one meter to another.
- Chinese inscription at top above “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M#.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- M# with “A”, “C”, “CA” and “NA” prefix.

B2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).
- Sides ornaments are abstract drawings.
- Chinese inscription at top, “POSTAGE” M#/ “REPUBLIC OF CHINA” at bottom.
- M# with “A” prefix.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).
- Panels at sides with double inner line that do not extend to the bottom.
- Ornamental shapes in side panels.
- Chinese inscription at top, “POSTAGE” M#/ “REPUBLIC OF CHINA” at bottom.
- M# with “A”, “CA”, “NA” or “SA” prefix.
- TM: SC

B4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).
- Very similar to Type B3 but with pine tree branches in side panels.
- M# with “C”, “N” or “S” prefix.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:

B5. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank with simulated-perforation outer border and straight-line inner border.
- Chinese inscription in ribbon at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- Springs of flowers at both sides.
- M# with "CB", “SB” or “NB” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP C: Large, horizontal stamp with side panel or ornaments at one side only
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C1. Pitney Bowes-US/-GB “5000” (MV). [$25]
- Frank with straight line border at top and bottom, sprig of flowers at left, ornamental tile design at right.
- Chinese inscription at top above “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M#.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- M# N0001 only.
- A. TM small
- B. TM large
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).
- Wide frank with straight line border at top and simulated-perforation border at bottom and right.
- Sprig of flowers at left next to TM.
- Chinese inscription at top above “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M#.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- M# with “C”, “N” or “S” prefix.

C3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV). [$5]
- Large frank with open top and bottom and simulated-perforation border at right.
- Flowering branch above pagoda between TM and value figures.
- Chinese inscription at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and M# at bottom.
- Date figures on same level as value figures.
- M# with “NA” prefix.

C4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).
- As Type C3 but “REPUBLIC OF CHINA” at top.
- Frame lines at left broken by fixed zero.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C5. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” series (MV).

C6. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank with wavy line and dots border.
- Chinese inscription above M# at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” at bottom.
- Flowers at both sides of the value figures.
- M# with “C”, “N” or “S” prefix.
The stamp previously cataloged as Type C7 is now Type B5.

C8. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank with straight double-line borders and ornaments in corners.
- Chinese inscription above M# at top, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” at bottom.
- Flower group at left.
- M# with “C”, “N” or “S” prefix.
- A. Chinese country inscription with "中" at right
- B. Chinese country inscription with "中" at left
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices
[edit | edit source]Sub-group PO-A: stamps from mechanical postage meters
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PO-A1. Universal “MultiValue” (MV). [$75]
- Frank with simulated-perforation outer border and straight-line inner border.
- Value figures inside inner frame. Across the top and sides are drawings of fish and ocean waves.
- Inside frame broken at left by “$” and at right by yuan sign.
- Chinese inscription at bottom above “REPUBLIC OF CHINA”.
- M# at bottom left. M#s 101-105.
- TM: SC

PO-A2. Universal “Automax” (MV). [$75]
- Similar to PO-A1 except the inner frame around the value figures is much smaller, and the whole frank is not as wide.
- M#s 106-111.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PO-A3. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1962.

PO-A4. Hasler “F88” (MV).
- Upright frank with straight-line border and ornamental line design within.
- Chinese inscription at top above “REPUBLIC OF CHINA”.
- “POSTAGE” at bottom above M#.
- M#s 201, 210 up.
- A. M# 201 used by Directorate General of Posts
- B. M#s 210 up
- C. Chinese country inscription with "中" at left
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PO-A5. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1959. [$25]
- Special stamps used for registered mail only.
- Frank is similar to Type PO-A4 except wider and with M# below and outside.
- TM is rectangle with rounded corners above R# with large “No.”.
- M#s 301-30.
- V/F:
- a. With directional slug (in Chinese) at left of TM (shown)
Sub-group PO-B: special digital stamps from computer-based systems
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PO-B1. Acer (digital), 1993.
- Horizontal frank with TM indented in left side.
- Chinese inscription at top above the value figures at right followed by “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE” and ID# with bar code outside the bottom frame line.
- M# with or without dash. Printed in black.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
- a. With R# below frank at right.

PO-B2. Acer (digital), 1993.
- Similar to Type PO-B1 but bar code is inside the frame at the bottom rather than below the frank frame.
- The TM is separate and does not indent the frank. Printed in black.
- TM: SC (size of TM variable)
- V/F:
- a. With R# below frank at right.

PO-B3. IBM (digital), 1993.
- Similar in appearance to Type C2 but simulated-perforation border at top as well as bottom and right side.
- With small barcode at bottom right below value figures.
- Numeric code below sprig of flowers.
- ID# with or without dash. Printed in black.
- A. Chinese country inscription with "中" at right. Inscriptions and value figures thick, date figures narrow. TM: DC
- B. As A but with "中" at left. TM: SC
- C. M# with "SN" prefix. Number added below barcode. TM: SC
- V/F:
- a. As B, but characters in country inscription are more square and upright
- b. As B, but lettering, most notably in the date, is larger and thinner (shown at right)
- c. With registration label unsevered (shown reduced at right)

PO-B4. Undetermined (digital). [$15]
- Similar in appearance to Type C1.
- Date and value figures very small and on same level.
- M#s NF001 and SF001 seen.
- V/F:
000 •0

PO-B5. Undetermined (digital), 1989. [$25]
- Upright frank similar to Type A3.
- Chinese inscription at top followed by value figures, “REPUBLIC OF CHINA/ POSTAGE”, and two Chinese town name inside frame.
- Below frame are a branch number above the date-hour
- The value figures, town name, branch number and date-time are printed in black or gray while the rest of the design is printed in red.
- Printed on labels.
- V/F:

PO-B6. Undetermined, possibly TEC (digital), 1995. [$20]
- Very similar to Type PO-B5 but the value figures, town name characters,
- and data below the frame are printed in pale red, almost pink.
- Value figures and data below the frank frame are smaller than on Type PO-B5.
- A. Frame in red
- B. Frame in magenta (dark red)
- V/F:

PO-B7. Undetermined, possibly TEC (digital). [$20]
- Upright design with “REPUBLIC/ OF/ CHINA/ POSTAGE” at top left, three flying geese at top right, Chinese inscriptions along right side and at bottom.
- S# and date below frank.
- Printed in dark blue on light blue self-adhesive label with value figures, town name, S# and date printed in black.
- V/F:
GROUP PP: Stamps generated in Post Offices only for Parcel Post
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PP1. Ticket Issuing Machines (LV), 1949. [$500]
- Horizontal design printed on labels with straight top and bottom and perforated sides.
- From left to right the design consists of Chinese inscription between vertical bars,
- two characters in vertical box (Taipei), two dots, a frame containing a number in top panel,
- the meter number “1” and the date in lower panels, and a simulated perforation frame containing the value figures.
- Known printed in red and in purple.
- V/F:

- At top, miniature version of a Type B3 frank with town mark at right. At bottom, date (dd-mm-yy) above S# and value figures.
- Printed in red on labels with light blue underprint: “REPUBLIC OF CHINA” in both Chinese and English.
- Designed for use on air parcel post.
- V/F: