Indian Mythology/Printable version

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Indian Mythology

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Vedic mythology

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The roots of mythology that evolved from classical Hinduism come from the times of the Vedic civilization, from the ancient Vedic religion.

The characters, theology, philosophy and stories that make up ancient Vedic myths are indelibly linked with Hindu beliefs. The Vedas are said to be four in number, namely RigVeda, YajurVeda, SamaVeda, and the AtharvaVeda. Some of these texts mention mythological concepts and machines very much similar to modern day scientific theories and machines.


The major sources for the Indian mythology are:

All the above works were compiled about 5000 years before Christ. Commonly held belief is that eighteen Puranas, Bhagavata and Mahabharata were created by Vedavyasa Rishi, and the Ramayana was created by Valmiki Rishi. Although the veda are regarded as holy texts, many stories from the veda are among the lore of the myth. As such, to understand the Indian mythology, one has to study the veda as well.


The two most important epics in the Indian mythology are Mahabharatha and Ramayana.

Each tells the story of one of the lord Vishnu's 24 incarnations on earth. The narration and the characters as depicted in the Ramayana portray the model code of conduct, a conduct which is free of guilt. Lord Ram is the Maryadapurusottam; the most ideal human being on earth his conduct is free of fault of any kind. Ramayana is an ideal world. Mahabharata on the other hand is a narration on the statehood and state policy. Mahabharata's is a real world full of deception, intrigue, cruelty and ambition. It is real war between Dharma (the one which could be born) and Adharma (the one which is not worth being born). The emotions are real. It is a treatise on politics and national policy.


There are total four Vedas.

Vedas are supposed to be a divine creation. They are the words of Gods. They deal with the various subjects i.e Worship, Mantra, Hums, Philosophy, Music and chanting during rituals.



Prominent Hindu Deities are:

  • Brahma, the Creator
  • Vishnu, the Preserver
  • Mahesh, the Destroyer (also known as Rudra/Shankar/Shiva)

  • Indra, the Lord of the land of the gods, controls Varuna
  • Varuna, God of rain and water
  • Saraswati, Goddess of learning, consort of Brahma
  • Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, consort of Vishnu
  • Parvati, consort of Rudra
  • Shachi, consort to Indra
  • Madan, God of Love
  • Rati, consort to Madan
  • Ganapati, God of safety, son of Rudra
  • Shanmukha, elder brother to Ganapati, also known as Maarkandeya
  • Manikantta, younger brother of Shanmukha and Ganapathi
  • Yama, God of Death


Myths and legends (in no particular order):

  • Pralaya : the destruction of Earth