History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1922 08 11

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 04 - August 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 08

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

P.01 - Front Page

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A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Wireless Enthusiasts both Amateur and Professional

Vol.1 - No. 2. SYDNEY, AUGUST 11th, 1922. Price — Threepence

Cover Graphic: Sketch of Coastal Station VIA Adelaide with buildings surmounted by Twin-Wire Marconi T antenna; Graphic Caption: A Station you hear, Adelaide Radio (V.I.A.)

Advertisement: Wireless Electric Company, Beach Street, Coogee, N.S.W. We Specialise in Complete Radio Receiving Sets and all Parts. Write or Phone for Particulars. PHONE 368 & 369 RANDWICK.

Tags: VIA

P.02 - Editorial

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Wireless Electric Company Beach Street, Coogee, N.S.W. We Specialise i n Complete Radio Receiving Sets am. « Wr*ite ri 1 Phosme for* Particulars. PHOTmE 368 & 369 RAN DWICK. THE WIRELESS WEEKLY AJournat Demoted, to the Interests of Wireless Enthusiasts both. Amateur and Protessioyiat 1-No. 2 SYDNEY, AUGUST 11th, 1922. 1 rhre A STATION YOU HEAR, ADELAIDE RADIO (V.I.A)

ELECTRICITY HOUSE 387 GEORGE STREET (OP. STRAND). TEL- 2961 CITY FOR ALL RADIO SUPPLIES. We cater specially for the amateur. Expert advice given free. All and any Gear made to order. Large Stocks always on hand. CosTßpHete Outfits from ££>. HONEYCOMB COILS, from 6s. 6d. CONDENSOR PLATES, from is. Cd. doz. Knobs, Dials, Rheostats, Switch Arms/Ebonite and Bakelite Panels, Cabinets, etc. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed. A TALK WITH WIRELESS WEEKLY • ess telephony is now out ■ -xperimental stages, as far acnes up to a thousand ■ re concerned, and it is time •» .he authorities came to rea- - * til LS. L y evening, at present, the

  • ' l * n ' al Australian coast stations

t a radiotelegraphic weath- i■ i -rt for the benefit of ship- ]' r. nd very useful the report \3, too. "hat about the man on th</ ’ omewhere in the interior 6i widespread continent? In i" :j asos he is as badly iiyneed ■'* ather report as the mariner.

  • < carry telegraph or/elephone

hueyia these lonely settlers costs r '°ai of money, ana there is also mint rnance to consider. But w ! f about the radiophone? • r has been stated, the weather ■ s are now sent out in the i code, and very few people country have the time to b” rn the code in order to receive ihn I>orts, even if they had the apoa. atus. -re is a suggestion for authorities: Servd out the "■ tly reports by wireless raphy for the benefit of

  • ■ ’ ■ •• who can road the code,

immediately afterwards least it by radiophones. man outback, if this is ji will be only too willing - la receiving set. It will !: ‘ r ' ! ong before we have plenty 1 ophones broadcasting in a, and the farmers’ set ■ • > the means of supplying him and his household with en- tertainment they now lack. It cannot be contended that the scheme is not workable. True, the argument of the authorities may be that they have not the equipment, but this 'is merely evading the matter. Soon, the coast stations of Australia will have to be equipped with a radio- phone. Why not now? But as it seems to be the Go- vernment policy to be years be- hind the world in all things including wireless—it is probable that this suggestion will fall on barren ground. Officialdom is certainly not the happy hunting ground of pro- gress! A good grounding system is as necessary as a good aerial. The water pipe is not always satisfac- tory. If you have the opportun- ity, bury a large coil of fencing wire in a spiral form six feet; it's good. PLAY THE GAME. APPEAL. TO AMATEURS. In this country, unfortunately, there are a few experimenters who are dabbling in Radio with- out the necessary Government li- cence, and it is up to these per- sons to get busy to procure one. Through the thoughtlessness of a few people, the whole body of Radio experimenters are jeopar- dised[check spelling], and it's not playing the game to the genuine person who abides by the laws as laid down by the authorities. These unli- censed experimenters believe they are perfectly safe from detection, but some would get a shock if they knew their names are in the hands of the powers that be. It is only a matter of time before they will pay the penalty for it. Restrictions will never be eased if this sort of thing is going to con- tinue. Radio in Australia is just about to step into the limelight, and it is to the experimenters that wc make this appeal. Once more let us impress on those few to play the game, and in doing so, make Australia an experimenters’ paradise. If you have a “L” type aerial and change it.to a “T” type, you cut down the natural wavelength considerably.

P.03 -

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AMATEURS! Let us show you how to make your own set, and economise. We stock all Parts and will give you every assistance. Country and Interstate amateurs, take advantage of our Same Day Service. Miss F. V. WALLACE, Eleetfical Engineer, 18 Royaß Arcade (opp. O.V. BusßcTangs), George Street, Sydney.

PESSIMIST AND OTHERS. (By W. Bird). Two Radio amateurs met the cJicr day in a Sydney street. One was a pessimist, and the other an optimist. “Everything that is isn’t,” said the pessimist; “nothing can be net to rights.” Optimist replied: “You are wrong, friend; everything that isn’t is. From nothing everything was created. For everything wrong there is a remedy.” Then the pessimist challenged him: ■“Come, my friend, let us take a walk together; we shall see what we .shall see.” They had just started when they were overtaken by another Radio amateur. His face had no trace of bitterness, and pessimist felt indifferent towards him. Op- timist, too, was unattracted. But the newcomer seemed civil enough, so they invited him to join them. A little further along the road they met another young ama- teur, who was in a fix. He told them that a gale had twisted his aerial. The four started off to look at the aerial. When they reached his station the pessimist said to the optimist, “he will never get that twist out.” “Oh,” replied the optimist; “he will get it clear all right. Some fel- low that can climb will sure to be along bye and bye.” They both turned to the amateur, who had overtaken them, for his opinion, but he had his coat off and was climbing the mast. They watched in silence. He slid down again, and said to the young amateur, “hold this rope.” and with a few pulls on another rope set the aerial free again. It occurred to optimist and pes- simist to ask his name. “Friends, my name is Peptimist. I am by occupation a doer. What is not, I cause to be; what is wrong, I right. My tools are thought and action.” The moral of the tale is this: The men we want at the present time in the amateur Radio game are those of thought and action. CAST OUT. The amateur climbed the golden stairs, St. Peter asked him in, And he passed the gates of Para- dise, Thankful lie had no sin. They gave him wings and snowy gowns, He thought it good, but yet — He yearned for his box of Radio junk And a nice receiving set. The amateur nosed about a bit, But nary a set saw he, And he asked his fellow harpists How came this to be? They told him the sorrowful story, The boys had spoiled the show; Unlicensed receiving principally, (The sets were sent below). They cast him out of Paradise, He did create a din; (If they’d have known him earlier He wouldn't have got in). For he pulled his harp to pieces, And ■working on in bliss Y/ns making a set. he told them, To work with V.I.S.

SLIDER HINT. A slider for a tuning coil can easily be made by soldering a piece of brass to the base of a terminal to. make contact with the coil. The rod may be a length of brans wire of such a size that the t- rminal slides on freely. The slider is clamped by means of the terminal set screw.

MARCONI'S TEACHER. Prof. Auguste Righi, of Bologna, died at the age of 70 recently. It was he who taught the wonders of the Hertzian wave to the boy with the Italian Father and the Irish Mother, and his tutorship bore the fruits of Marconi's great invention, a system of radio-telegraphy, using the principle that between the ether waves there was a “filler” which could be made to transmit energy through space. The invention, which has been the means cif sav- ing many lives, has proved a great blessing to mankind.

TELEPHONY HINTS. For experimenters who are about to dabble in the reception of Radio telephony, a few useful hints will suffice. You know that at a certain time, and on a given wavelength, Mr. So-and-so will be broadcasting telephony, and you wish to pick this up. To do this expeditiously, follow these instructions: Adjust your receiving set to ap- proximately the desired wavelength, and if you are using a regenerative circuit, just get your valve oscillating, and bring back the Rheostat a fraction of a turn. At the time the telephony is due to be broadcasted, “search” with your condensers until you hear the carrier wave, which is easily recognised by the shrill whistling note. Wait a little till you hear signs of speech, then loosen your coupling, and make the final adjustments on your primary and secondary condens- ers, after which again adjust your coupling, till you get the clearest and loudest speech. If you are using a soft valve, it will require a delicate adjustment on filament and plate. Capacity effect of the hands coming in con- tact with the controls, at times causes a lot of delay in getting the desired adjustment, but practice will enable one to obviate this on future occasions.

P.04 -

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Note these Ear Pieces The nickel-plated brass cases are machined to give strength where needed and to reduce weight where possible. The Western Electric is rigid and hard-wearing without being overweight. The one-piece Special Tungsten Steel Magnets insure permanence under severe conditions '; and note the comfort- able adjustment arrangement. Ask us for details. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. (AUST.) LIMITED 192 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Also at 262 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Agents in all States and New Zealand. AN ATLANTIC EPIC. Imagine a small tramp steamer pitching and rolling in an Atlantic gale. Imagine a tiny radio room on the vessel, and the operator hanging to his chair and adjust- ing his apparatus as best he can. Imagine the feelings of the opera- tor when he is told the vessel is sinking. All this occurred recently, and the operator sent out his 5.0.5., intermingled with jests. The steamer in distress was the Grontoft, and her distress sig- nals were picked up by the Es- tonia, which rushed to aid her. The conversation was as follows: 11 a.m.: Gronstoft sends second 5.0.5., and operator adds: “Well, the steward is making sandwiches for the lifeboats. Looks like we were going on a picnic.”

THE LAST WORD. 11.30: Grontoft sends: “The old waggon has a list like a rundown heel. This is no weather to be out without an umbrella.” Estonia replied: “Hold on, we’ll go alongside soon. 12.10: Grontoft sends: “We are sinking stern first. The boats arc smashed; can’t hold out any longer/’ The operator added: “The skipper dictated that; he ought to know Where did I put my hat? Sorry, we couldn’t wait for you Press- ing business elsewhere Skoll” (the Norseman's “Chin Chin”). That was the last word of the Norwegian tramp. The sublime courage of the operator was in keeping with the highest tradi- tions of the sea. Tbe science is thrice enhanced by such men as lie.

A POTENTIOMETER. A potentiometer may be easily and cheaply constructed from a car- penter's lead pencil, by taking out the lead and clamping it on a suit- able mounting, with a brass strip across each end. Mount a slider above the lead on two small brackets, “and the job is complete. THE MORSE CODE. Alphabet. aj- t b k u c 1 v - ch rin w d 11 x e- o y f p z h r i- - s - - Figures. o 5 1 6 4 9 You can learn it in a day or so.

SUBSCRIBERS. Intending Subscribers may write to Wireless Weekly, Ilov 378 G.P.0., Sydney, en closing Cheque or Money Order. Subscriptions in Australasia: 17/4 per annum Post Free. The “Wireless Weekly” will be on sale each Friday at all newsagents. Order your copy now. Letters for publication must be addressed to the Editor, Box 378, G.P.0., Sydney. In all cases where it is desired, letters will be published under initials or a nom de plume, but the writer's name and address must be given as a guarantee of good faith. In wiring up a valve control panel, take care that the wire from the Grid does not run paral- lel with the plate lead, as if it does, you get inter-action in your set, which is heard in the ’phones, and tends to inefficient working. IN AN EMERGENCY During the recent heavy woalher my aerial was put out of commis- sion, so I looked on to a single wire which had an average height of about 8 feet from the ground. The results certainly surprised me. V L W, V I T, V I H were copied with the greatest of ease, while Mr. Maclurcan’s ’phone came in strong- ly, the distance from him being about 14 miles. A valve detector only was used. -W.B.

P.05 -

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MAKE YOUR OWN. A RADIOTRON HOLDER. To make this socket you will only require two scraps of ebon- ite, four bolts and nuts, and four small scraps of brass. In fig. 1, “e” is a piece of ebon- ite 2 inches square, with a circle fig 1 f ig 2 fig 3 cut out in the centre 12 inches in diameter, and a small slot “and.” In fig. 3, “e” is the other piece of ebonite also 2 inches square, with a | inch circle cut out. This forms the base. The two pieces of ebonite are held in position by the four bolts “b”; and four tubes, each an inch long, separate the top and bottom pieces of ebonite. The small pieces of brass “c” are held in position under the bottom piece of ebonite by the nuts shown in fig. 3. Two small pins “d” in fig. 2 hold the valve in position. If the brass parts are nickelled, a very effective little job will be obtained. Patent applied for.

ANOTHER DETECTOR. After a particularly trying time with his detector, an amateur be- gan to cast about for some way of maintaining a permanent, sensi- tive adjustment, and finally hit upon the following plan, which he describes in “Radio News”: A common spool was taken and four lengthwise slits w T ere cut in the surface of the hole which runs through the middle of the spool. Two strips of copper ribbon, Jin. in width, and Jin. longer than the spool, were then cut. These were inserted in the slits so that they formed two parallel surfaces, a quarter of an inch apart. One end of each strip was made flush with an end of the spool in such a way that each strip projected Jin. beyond the end of the spool, with each projection at a different end of the spool. Two small blocks of wood, cut so that they fitted snugly between the strips of ribbon and the sur- face of the spool, were next made. One of these was inserted at one end of the spool and pounded firmly into place. Then a quan- tity of crystal sufficient to nearly fill the space between the strips was ground to a mixture of pow- der and fine granules. This was poured in between the strips and the other wooden plug pounded firmly in. The projecting ends of the cop- per ribbon were then bent over flush with the ends of the spool and a short piece of wire soldered to each. These wires were led to the regular binding posts of the detector and the work was com- pleted. This detector was found to bo in adjustment when first connect- ed, and the inventor has since been unable, either by a gentle tapping or by the most vigorous shaking, to impair the fine degree of sensitivity the detector provides. The crystal used in the spool was galena, but some other crys- tal, or perhaps the mixture of two or more kinds, might give even better results.

RADIO PHONES. Special features are embodied in telephone receivers for use in wireless telegraphy. The ordinary low wound re- ceivers are not suitable, as there is not sufficient turns on the wind- ing to make the weak currents energise the pole ends and affect the diaphragm. The receivers are usually wound with a very fine silk cov- ered magnet wire, which allows of a large number of turns to be placed in a small space. The standard resistance for each re- ceiver is 1,000 ohms. The diaphragm is made very thin, as it has been found that the best results from weak cur- rents are given with this type. It is possible to use a valve re- ceiving set, using the drop of po- tential of the “A” in place of the “B” battery with excellent results. In other words, no “B” of any description is required.

  • * *

For short wave work, vario- meters are the most efficient tun- ing elements known, the degree of selectivity being most marked.

An Amateur Looks Back

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AN AMATEUR LOOKS BACK. Mr. R. C. Marsden's Memories. Yes! I Can remember it as if it were only yesterday. When 18 years old I first got the fever to probe the latest fascinations of wireless. In those days I lived in Potts Point and the neighbours looked on me as a budding genius just because I struck out in the unique hobby of studying wireless telegraphy. At the time I took this science up (from an amateur's point of view) I was also endeavouring to learn the necessary subjects to pass the Matriculation but I am afraid the wireless got more of my attention than it really should have had. However, it was instructive, and as it happened, I didn't waste my time. What prompted me to interest myself in it was a book I happened to see, telling how it was possible to build a home-made set for a ridiculously small sum. It strongly appealed to me and then and there I decided to get busy as per the instructions. All this happened at the end of 1909, and as I had just recovered from a serious operation, outside sports were debarred, and this hobby was the means of spending many happy hours of my leisure. In those days it was practically impossible to buy any kind of wireless instruments in Sydney, and immediately difficulties cropped up.

PHONE TROUBLE. One of my chief was to get a pair of phones sufficiently highly wound to be of practical use for wireless work, and I had to get over this difficulty by purchasing a pair of ordinary watch type Ericson telephone receivers. The next difficulty was to find the necessary fine gauge wire to wind same, and the person capable of doing the job satisfactorily. During my wanderings I came across a man in Elizabeth Street who decided, to take on the job, and a jolly good job he made of them too. Having successfully overcome the biggest difficulty, my next trouble was how and where to obtain the necessary minerals for crystals. Eventually I decided to pay an unofficial visit to the Mines Dept, where after an interesting talk with the gentleman in charge I opened my heart to him. He being a thorough good sport gave me samples of nearly every mineral then known and after thanking him for his kindness I proceeded home with my precious parcel. The next thing was to install an aerial, and I read in that little book that it was essential to have it as high as possible. So immediately on the top of a 40 ft. house I erected a 30 ft. mast. The other end ran to the top of the stables, a span of 250 ft. (approximately) and 30 ft. from the ground. There were 6 wires in the aerial, each wire 75 ft. long, and the aerial was of the "T" type.

THE EARTH. The lead in wire caused a whole heap of trouble. I got busy with a hammer and cold chisel and succeeded in dislodging more of the masonry than I should have. However I fitted in a heavy glass tube within a fibre tube and protected it as much as possible from the effects of moisture, etc. The earthing system was composed of a heavy gauge wire to the water service and also to an old metal bath buried in a permanently damp spot where the sun never could get at it. To make it more so, a buried water pipe in the proximity was caused to spring a small permanent leak. Coming to the set itself I had a transmitting and receiving set, and I will deal with the former first. The main source of power for the transmitter was supplied by a 6 volt accumulator, hooked up to an induction coil capable of giving a 4-inch spark. Four Leyden jars lent their aid to make this set a potent factor in the immediate vicinity. A key and helm, together with the necessary switch gear, completed the transmitter. The receiving set was composed of a 2-slide tuner coupled to a detector board, on which nestled 4 types of crystal detectors, including silicon, iron pyrites, molybdenite and galena. A blocking condenser across the phones and as a detector, switching gear about filled the bill. In those days Sydney Radio was on the top of the Hotel Australia and the call letter was A.A.A. They were ragtime wireless days; no licenses for amateurs, and all was a garden of roses.

THE ROOF LEAKED. I had a friend down the street who was also an enthusiastic experimenter. He had a sending and receiving set and between us we had a lot of fun. I remember the day we put up his aerial on the top of a roof of a terrace of houses. The terrace was of ancient structure and our work on the roof did not improve its weather resisting capabilities, for when heavy rain set in the ceilings of the wretched places showed up our tracks along the whole length of the top rooms. The outcome was that the landlady lost her tenants and forthwith ordered the removal of the aerial. Later, I may mention, the offending tenant also made tracks. Even in those days we did good work for amateurs, and I can remember hearing a warship in Hobart calling, quite an achievement in those days. One day the household cat took a fancy to sleeping where my aerial and earth wires ran closely, stretched across these leads. Being like most small boys I had to do it. I pressed the transmitting key down good and hard. With a howling squeal poor old tom leaped feet into the air, and I can assure you he was a very sick cat for many days. It was a remarkable thing that it took several days for his hair to adopt a horizontal position. On that station is the only time that I’ve seen lightning jump between the aerial and earth switch. Many times since have I tried to induce it to do so, but without success.

Tags: 2JM - Robert Cecil Marsden

Humphreys' Limited Ad

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Beautiful Illumination with PARIAN WARE HUMPHREYS’ LIMITED, 465 George Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 3849.

Rodman & Kelaher Ad

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Golden Rule

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Make it a golden rule to always keep the connections on your set ciean and free from dust. Termi- nals not nickelled are apt to get very dirty and they should be cleaned frequently. Good signals will be impaired by neglect of this task.

Rose Bay Amateur

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An amateur down in Rose Bay nut a bombshell amongst us one clay. ’Tis alleged that he did see Q.R.M. on his “grid,” and the plate Q. R.Teed., so they say.

The Trans-Pacific Tests

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THE TRANS PACIFIC TESTS. For the “Wireless Weekly,” by Q.R.M. George had a new valve set, and it was the pride of his young life. From his home in a Sydney suburb lie “listened in” nightly, changing this and that, adding and taking away, in an endeavour to get long-distance stations. He was fairly successful, too. One night, when the family were out, George switched on his valve and adjusted the phones. It was an ideal night for working, and he had a feeling that he would do some good work. VIS was very active, po George switched off for a while and changed over to a circuit of his own that he had been working on

or some time.

When next the valve glowea George was surprised by. the ex- cellence of the signal. “Now,” he thought, “I am going to ge* something good.” He had been reading about the amateur trans- Atlantic tests, and was fired with enthusiasm at the results. In fact, he had told his pals at the club that there should be trans- pacific tests, and they had laughed at him.

Adjusting his set for 200 metres, George listened carefully. He knew that there would be nothing on this short wave, bu'v something prompted him to do it. Suddenly he started violently, seized a pencil and pad and began to write. There was a very faint, out jcadable signal coining in, and the dots and dashes spelt “Australia -Australia -Australia-’ Then he began to write, and the words on his pad were: “Californian Amateur Radio Association to Australian ama- teurs. We send you greetings.” The message was repeated, several times, and then there was silence. George was wildly excited. Ke dashed off and told all his pals he could find at home, but they did not believe him. Next morning there was published a cable tell- ing of the endeavour of the Cali- fornians to get their message across. George was elated. He produced his message, gave times, and it was officially proved that he was the only amateur in the Commonwealth to get the testa The feat was featured in the Press, and George's photograph was eagerly sought. This was fame indeed!

Bang! Crackle!! Crackle!!! George sat up sleepily and rubbed his eyes. His • valve ourned brightly, and old VIS wag going for his life. The watch on the table showed 9.30, and George bad sat down at eight. The trans- pacific test? He remembered, and pulled his pad toward him. A look of disgust came over hia face. The pad was absolutely clean!

P.08 -

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TELEPHONE: CITY 11207. THE CITY OPTOMETRIST’S, Sight and Spectacle Specialists. Clients Visited by Appointment. LiiON A. BELINER, Manager, 200 Pitt Street (first floor), Sydney. Anglo-American Book Shop. WILLIAMS AND SON (late Hallams). Q.Y. BUILDINGS, 459 GEORGE STREET, SYDN EY. All the Latest Wireless Boohs and Magazines in stock, posted anywhere. IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. Club Delegates Meet. Following are the minutes of the meeting of delegates from wireless clubs and societies of Sydney, held at the Wireless In- stitute's clubrooms, Dailey Street, Sydney, on Friday last. Mr. P. Renshaw was appointed chairman. The following clubs were represented by the delegates mention ed: : — Military Radio Association: Messrs. Dewis and Mingay. Wireless Institute (N.S.W. Divi- sion): Messrs. Renshaw and Perry. Metropolitan. Radio Club: Messrs. Marsden and Best. Waverley Wireless Club: Messrs. Burrows and Thompson. Western Suburbs Wireless As- sociation: Messrs. Challenger and Slight, Illawarra Radio Club: Messrs. Atkinson and Hewitt,. The Concord Radio Club and North Sydney Club were absent from the meetinc. Mr. Charlesworth was appoint- ed minute secretary to the meet- ing. The chairman pointed out the purpose of the meeting, and in- vited discussion. Mr. Best moved that in his opinion the proposed mass meet- ing was not justified. Mr. Perry, supporting Mr. Best, urged that the meeting discuss the matter of co-operation of exist- ing clubs and others likely to spring up. NO MASS MEETING. Mr. Mingay moved:—“That no mass meeting is justified at the present time.” This was carried unanimously. Mr. Mingay proposed that full press publicity be given to the results of the meeting. The mo- tion was seconded by Mr. Bur- rows and carried. Mr. Mingay moved: “That this conference discuss ways and means of forming an association of radio societies to be called “The N.S.W. Association of Radio Societies.” He stressed the neces- sity for such a central body to control the interests of experi- menters, and be their watch dog. He suggested that the Society be unlimited in its lines of action. Mr. Best supported this. Messrs. Perry, Burrows, Chal- lenger and Marsden all spoke in favour of the proposal. Mr. Mingay's motion was car- ried unanimously. Mr. Perry proposed that dele- gates to form the Society be ap- pointed proportionately to licensed club members. NUMBER OF DELEGATES. Mr. Dewis expressed the opini- on that this was not a good idea, and suggested that clubs eligible for representations must hold a certain number of license holders. Mr. Burrows expressed the opinion that a club should not necessarily be composed of all licence holders. Mr. Perry disagreed, and ex- plained that no member can be a wireless enthusiast without hold- ing an experimental licence. Mr. Best said he would like to see Mr. Dewis’ proposal put into effect, and not a proportional system. The chairman then asked for suggestions as to how many mem- bers (licensed) a club must have to be eligible. Mr. Best suggested that over 10 licence holders and up to 25 have one delegate, over 25 to have two delegates. Mr. Perry proposed that this schedule be considered, and the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Mingay suggested that each club contribute 2/6 per member per annum as capitulation fee. Mr. Best, as an amendment, pro- posed that the fee be 1/- per li- censed member. The amendment was lost. Mr. Mingay's motion was also lost by 6 votes to 5. Mr. Hewitt then proposed that 1/6 per member be the fee. Mr. Best seconded. The question then arose as to whether the fee should be levied on licensed or unlicensed mem- bers. After some discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the fee should be levied on all mem- bers. MEETING ADJOURNED. Mr. Mingay then moved as an amendment that the fee be 2/- and this was carried, with only the Metropolitan delegates dissenting. It was moved by Mr. Mingay and seconded by Mr. Marsden that the meeting be adjourned until tour weeks from date, and that existing delegates return to their clubs with the results arrived at this meeting, and request their club's permission to act authori- tively as may be directed by their clubs. Carried unanimously. A motion of thanks expressed by Mr. Perry and seconded by Mr. Burrows, was tendered to the chairman for his able administra- tion of the meeting. Mr. Mingay also moved a vote of thanks to the Wireless Institute for arrang- ing the meeting. Mr. Burrows se- conded the motion, and was sup- ported by Mr. Atkinson.

TRY THIS. To keep a crystal detector in adjustment first find its most sen- sitive spot by a buzzer test, and then when the point of the “cat’s whisker” is well placed drop some •lot beeswax or paraffin around it. In practice this has kept the whisker in the right place for months and eliminates the neces- sity of seeking the elusive sensi- tive spot every time the set is to ue used.

P.09 -

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STAR RADIO BATTERIES. The most important part of a Radio Set is the Battery, and SPECIAL STAR BATTERIES are being Manufactured for this purpose. Our New Service Station at 43-45 Wentworth Avenue is equipped with a New and Up-to-Date Plant for Charging and Repairing all Batzeries, and a number of Special Service Batteries are always in Stock (fully charged), for the convenience of clients. A Nominal Charge is made for the use of a Service Battery during the time the repair or re-charging is being completed. Full Particulars and Prices on application. STAR BATTERIES LIMITED Storage Battery Manufacturers. Head Office and Service Station : 43“45 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney. No Radio Set is Complete or without a Star Radio Battery.

MOUNTAIN MUSIC. Progressive Scheme Those who visit a certain Blue Mountain resort and trip the “light fantastic” in conjunction with sightseeing, are going to get the benefit of radio at no distant date, it is said. From all accounts the enter- prising dance hall proprietor - is going to put in a good receiving set and a loud speaker and tap jazz music from the air for the benefit of his patrons. It is not said where the music is to be sent from, but doubtless the orig- inators of the scheme have some- thing in view. The use of a potentiometer across the “A” Battery, when us- ing a soft gas filled valve, greatly increases the efficiency of your set. Try it!

WAVE LENGTHS. U.S. PROPOSAL. An important conference sit- ting at Washington recently de- cided to recommend that the fol- lowing wavelength bands be included in the new regulations governing the use of Radio in the United States: Below 150 metres, reserved for experiment; amateur, exclusive, up to 200; technical and training schools, up to 275; City and State public safety broadcasting, 275 to 285, exclusive; restricted special amateur radiotelegraphy, non-ex- clusive, up to 310; private and toll broadcasting, exclusive, 310 to 435; aircraft radiotelegraphy and telephony, exclusive, up to 500; mobile radiotelegraphy, up to 525, exclusive; mobile radiotelephony, up to 650, non-exclusive. Government and public broad- casting within a radius of 700 miles inland, 700 to 750; Radio- compass, up to 850, exclusive; aircraft, radiotelegraphy and tele- phony, up to 950, exclusive; Radio beacons, up to 1,050, exclusive; Government and public broadcast- ing, general, up to 1,500/exclus- ive; aircraft, radiotelegraphy and telephony, up to 1,500, exclusive; fixed stations, up to 1,G50, non- exclusive; Government broadcast- ing, 1,850 to 2,050, non-exclusive; mobile service, 2,500 to 2,650, non-exclusive; fixed service radio- telephony, 2,850 to 3,300, non- exclusive; trans-oceanic radiotele- phone experiments, 5,000 to 6,000, non-exclusive. The brackets or wave bands not assigned to be given out by the authorities at their discretion as the need arises. Never switch off your filament battery till you have dulled same by putting in all your filament re- sistance. If you do, you consider- ably shorten the life of your valve.

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lk ■WIRELESS. Complete Sets (Crystal and Valve) Parts to make your own Set. Send for Pries List. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY GOY. 60S GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY.

MUSIC IN THE AIR CONCERT PROGRAMME. Mr. Maclurcan's next Sunday's concert will commence at 7.30, and will include the following Pathe records. Fox Trot —“Say it With Music.” Soprano—“La Forza del Destino, Claudia Muzio. Hawaiian Guitar —“Mahaina Ma- lamalaina.” Nursery Khymes. Whistling—“Biia Raptures.” icnor—“Vaineihent me b i e n ainee,” Mr. Vaquet. Piano Solo—“ Maiden’s Wish,” Chopin-Liszt. Fox Trot- —“i call you Sunshine.” Baritone —From the “Little W’hite House.” “The Night Nursery”) ) Edgar “The Smoking Room”) Coyle Hawaiian Guitar—“ Sweet Lei Lehua.” Banjo—“L’lnfanta.” (By Request) (Soldier's Chorus) “Faust.” Tiny tots sitting on daddy's knee gasped with wonder and de- light last Sunday evening, when Mr. Maclurcan was sending his concert. He thoughtfully included a couple of items for children in his programme and many a little one clasped the phone tightly and enjoyed the wonder tales. The sending station was tuned per- fectly and the music came in well at all stations. The programme was: —“Coral Sea,” Fox Trot; “Good Bye,” (Tosti) Mile Yvonne Gall; “My Isle of Golden Dreams,” Hawaiian Guitar; Nursery Rhymes; “Wind Among the Trees,” Flute Solo; “Avalon,” Mr. Ernest Hare, bari- tone; “Spring Song,” (Mendels- sohn) Piano Solo; “Hawaiian Twi- light,” Hawaiian Guitar; “La Traviata,” Claudia Muzio, So- prano; “Hop, Skip and Jump,” Fox Trot; “Old Mother Goose,” Bedtime Fairy Story.

IT’S COMING. Within a few years the wireless telephone will play an enormous part in the life of every man, wo- man and child in this country. Not only will it entirely revolu- tionise business life, but it will play a great part in the home.

INSTITUTE SECRETARY. Phil. Renshaw III. Experimenters, generally, will be grieved to hear that Mr. Phil Renshaw, the Hon. Secretary of the Wireless Institute (N.S.W. Di- vision) is seriously ill in a priv- ate hospital. It came as a shock to many of us, as only last Friday night he was well and hearty, tak- ing the chair at the first meeting of Wireless Club delegates at the Institute rooms, Dailey Street. We sincerely hope that he will have a quick recovery, and once again ta.ke up his duties. America has realised already the wireless ago. With us its coming has been delayed by force of cir- cumstances; but that it is now Tm its way, and that we shall soon See the wireless telephone instal- led in a large number of homes is already certain. And when that time arrives the wireless tele- phone will be one of the greatest influences in our national life. There is a large station at Den- ver, U.S.A. which sends out music that sets feet a-dancing in no less than four States.

AN AMATEUR COUNCIL. The rapid growth of Radio or- ganisations in Sydney and sub- urbs shows that amateurs are keen on the idea of banding- together, but they would be far more unit- ed if the whole of the bodies were linked together in some way. In fact, there has been serious talk in some quarters of making a move in this direction. The scheme mooted is to get each club to elect delegates to a body to be called “The Wireless Council of New South Wales.” The number of delegates from each club would be according to the number of financial members on the register. Once this council is established it could circularise other States, and suggest similar action there. The councils of each State could then elect a delegate or two to form a Grand Council for Austra- lia. The Grand Council would sit each year and consider recommen- dations from the State Councils, and put anything necessary before the authorities. When such a body can approach the authorities and say: “We re- present the whole of the amateurs in Australia,” the necessary weight and punch will be there. The scheme is an ambitious one, but there is absolutely no reason why it should not be carried h why it should not be carried through. Canadian Wireless says that an amateur they know of has con- verted an Ouija board into a pan- el for a receiving set and every- body is waiting with interest to see what will happen.

P.11 -

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SALE & EXCHANGE Three Lines (approximate 15 Words), may be inserted this Column for 9d. Extra Lines or part there f, at 6d per line. FOR SALE.—Valve Panel Set, 6 and concerts demst., gen. buyer, very cheap. Ring Y 1833. FOR SALE- —Loading Coils (plug type); 600 to 800 metres. Seacliff, Mae- pherson Street, Waverlcy. FOR SALE.— Crystal Set, 2500 m. Apply, particulars, 40 Hopetoun Street, Newtown. FOR SALE —Aerial 7—20, 300 ft., 50 ft. mast insulators etc., at 56 Rangers Road, Neutral Bay. Round the Club? Reports of club meetings and activities zvill be found under this heading. The Secretaries of the various bodies arc invited to send along such reports for pub- lication. Brevity zvill be appreci- ated. Manuscript should reach the Editor, Box 378, G.P.0., Syd- ney, not later than Tuesday in each vueek for insertion in the follozving Friday's issue. WIRELESS INSTITUTE. Mr. Phil Renshaw (Secretary, Wireless Institute), writes: — It is felt that the inauguration of the “Wireless Weekly” marks another step in the progress of the Radio Science in Australia. In the past there have been many steps, and the distance be- tween them has been great, hence much time has elapsed since the Institute first commenced its ac- tivities. Being founded in 1910, it immediately started business by taking up the cudgels on behalf of its members and those genu- inely experimenting in the Science. Although all activities were in recess for approximately five years of the war, the Institute lias been directly responsible for a great many privileges at present enjoyed. By careful government the In- stitute has survived many crises, and lias recently achieved one of its ambitions by registering under the company's Act in N.S.W. One of the Institute's planks has been the reduction of the license fees, and it is likely that it will shortly see its efforts in this regard have not been in vain. The question of the issue of transmitting licences has long been a very vexed one, but the institute has all along championed the cause of the experimenter and look matters so far that the Navy Authorities recently deputed Ra- dio Commander Cresswell to visit Sydney and interview the Council of the N.S.W. Division. However, the desired result has not been attained, although much is expect- ed to transpire in the near future. When the Honorary Secretary was in Melbourne just before last Eas- ter he had a long interview with Mr. Weston (in Mr. Malone's ab- sence) in company with Mr. S. N. Newman of the Victorian Division, and' the whole matter was again brought under review. CONCORD CLUB. The Concord Radio Club is delv- ing into the transmitting side of the science, and some practical work is being carried cut. At pre- sent the club is sending telephony and C.W. telegraphy bn 200 metres each Saturday at 8 p.m. Members would like to know how -far their signals carry and would be pleased if any amateur would report hear- ing them. Such reports should be sent to the Secretary, “Quondcng,” La Mascot Avenue, Concord. WESTERN SUBURBS The “Wireless, Weekly” has been asked to act as the official organ of the Western Suburbs Amateur Wireless Association . We have replied stating that we shall be pleased to do so, as it is the policy of this journal to assist the amateur in every way. THE LOOSE COUPLE!?. In building a loose coupler, do not forget that though it is going to be used in a crystal set at first, there will come the time when you will employ it as the timing element in a valve set. In designing the coupler, make sure that you allGW the secondary to slide out at least four inches from the primary, as this looseness in coupling for valve work is essential. 14-MILE WAVE LENGTH. One of the world's most power- ful Radio stations is near Bor- deaux, France, and is capable of sending waves 23,000 metres, ap- proximately fourteen miles, in length. While wavelengths are not an infallible index to the power of radio stations, they in- dicate comparative strength, at least roughly. The Lafayette sta- tion, the one referred to, was built by the United States Navy and later sold to France. This, station sends messages 4,000 miles to Washington, and it has been heard in French Indo-China, 6,000 miles distant. Until recently this was recog- nised as the strongest station in the world, but its claim to this distinction has been challenged recently by a commercial station in Long Island, U.S.A. This station has a wavelength of 19,000 metres, nearly twelve miles, and will, when additional units are added, be the most powerful in the world. —“Popular Science Sift- ings.” An amateur man of renown Spread this beautiful tale round town: “That the tom cats one night All started to strike At the cutting of cat whiskers down.”

P.12 -

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9 a e a What do you want to know? Every reasonable specific querv in the field of general wireless ad- dressed to the Information Depart- ment will receive a prompt reply. While lengthy replies cannot be given to complicated questions in- volving extensive research or com- putations, this department aims to b® of maximum service in supply- ing information as to what books or other sources may contain answers to these questions. A stamped addressed envelope must accompany each question, but the writer's name will not be pub- lished if he so requests. Address the Information Editor, “Wireless Weekly,” Box 378, G.P.O., Sydney. W.G. (Neutral Bay) asks :. Can I use dry cells to light the filaiment of my valve ? Answer: Yes, hut this method is going to be an expensive way of do- ing it, and we do not advise you to attempt same; a small 6-volt accumu- lator is very satisfactory. “Aerial” (Bathurst) asks : Is it nec- essary for me to put insulators on my aerial wires to use with a crystal set ? Answer : Yes, most certainly; you cannot he too particular in paying close attention to insulation through- out the whole set. H.D. (North Sydney): Your inquiry needs too long an answer for this column: we are writing you. R.H.E. (Sydney): Writing you. C.W.L.: Wait for next week's issue, T.H.C.: Same as C.W.L.

P.12 - Station Calls

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STATION CALLS. < 'iTRALIAN SHIP STATIONS, son, VKF; Adelaide (w), C; Aldinga, VKD; Anzac (w) 1 AD; Alabama, VJM; Araluen, jV: Aranac, VJJ; Arrawatta, KV; Aroona, VKE; Austral- rook, CGN; Ashbridgc, VXF; ustralcrag, VZQ; Australiord, GE; Australglen, CGD; Auctra- a (w), GABF; Australmead, ZW; Australmount, VZY; Aus- alpeak, VZS; Australplain, CGB; uslralpool, VZP; Australport, ZT; Australrangc, CGA. Baldina, VHZ; Bakara, VJS; . ambra, VXB; Barwon, VXM; arambab, VJR; Barunga, VKA; < loela, CGR; Bingera, VJD; Bun- yong, VIQ; Bombala, VHF; lrwali, VKZ; Boonah, VJQ; ooral, CGH; Boorara, VJT; isbane (w), GABH; Bulla, VJP. Camira, VZA; Calulu, VZV; rina, VZM; Cerberus (w), NO; Changsha, GVBC; Ceduna, KW; Charon, GFZM; Canberra, 10; %antara, VZC; Century, £K; Cooee, CGM; Cockburn and Base (w), VKR; Chronos, AJ; Coolana, VZBP; Cooma, E; Corio, VXO. Delungra, VXT; Dilga, VXE; > kera, VZD; Dimboola, VHL; loga, VXU; Dongarra, VJW; >dge No. 3, CGK; Dromana, P; Dumosa, VXV; Dundula, AW. ; Gcliuca, VZBG; Emita, VHG; -.counter (w), GABK; Enog- ,a, VXG; Era, VZBM; Eudun- i CGG; Eromanga VHH; Eure- i: CGF; Erriba, VHJ. Fantome (w), GABL; Fiona, . AQ; Flora, VHR; Flinders Is- . d Base (w), VKP; Garden and Base (w), VKQ; Geranium

. ) T GABM; Gilgai, VJK, Gorgon,

BR; Gabo, VZBK; Governor •■! .sgrave, VZG; Goulburn, VKX. luon (w), GABN; Hexham, ABJ; Hobson's Bay, BZBW; Ho- rwt, VHA. Aangaroo, VHM; Kanowna, I ID; Karoola, VHE; Karuah, r H; Kadina, VZI; Katoomba, IN; Komura, VZBC; Koolonga, ' BT; Kowarra, CGS; Koonda, v BD; Kooringa, VXJ; Kurumba, Q; Kooyong, VXH. Iron Baron, VHI; Iron Mon- -311, VXI; Iron Prince, VXK. Junee, VZF. Lady Loch, VHS; Levuka, IB; Largs Bay, VZBS; Lam- 3roo, VZJ; Loongana, VJH. lacedon, CGX; Mackarra, VXX; Maoumba, VXY; Maindy Lodge, VZBU; Makambo, VZB; Manu- rewa, CGO; Mallina, VKI; Mal- low (w), GABP; Marguerite (w), GABQ; Marsina, VKY; Mataram, V HU; Melbourne, VZBF; Mel- bourne (w), GABR; Melusia, CAT: Merriwa, VKB; Minderoo, GFZP; Milluna, VKC; Mindini, VJY; Monaro, VKL; Montoro, GDJC; Moreton Bay, VZBR; Moira, VXL; Marrawah, VZZ; Mo- rinda, VJF; Moorabool, VXL.. Navy Office (w)-, VKN; Nairana, VHP; Nardoo, VZL. Ooma, VXN; Oonah, VXA; Omana, VZBN. Parattah, VKU; Period, VXC; Parramatta (w), GABS; Platy- pus (w), GABT; Poolta, VZBL; Protector (w), GABV; Port Ste- phens Base (w)., VKS. Riverina, VJA; Rona, VXQ. Saros, VKH; Shandon, VXL; Stalward (w), GABW; St. George, CGC; Submarine J 1 (w), GABX; Submarine J 2 (w), GABY; Sub- marine J 3 (w), GABZ; Submarine J 4 (w), GACB; Submarine J 5 (w), GACD; Submarine J 7 (w), GACF; Success (w), GACH; Suva, VJI; Sumatra, CGP; Swan (y/), GACJ; Swordsman (w), GACK; Sydney (w), GACL. Taiyuan, GVBF; Tarcoola, VZN; Talawa, VXD; Tasmania (w), GACM; Tattoo (w), GACN; Time, VIK; Toromeo, CGL; Tor- rens (w), GACP. Una (w), GACQ; Urilla VZU. Victoria, GVBD. Wandilla, VHI; Wear, VKG; Warspray, VZBQ; Warrego (w), GACR; Westralia, VJB; Werri- bee, VJL; Wodonga, VHK; Wy- andra, VHW; Wonganella, VZBY; Woolgar, VKM; Wyola, CGV; Wyreema, VJG. . - Yankalilla, VHV; Yarra, VXS; Yarra (w), GACS; Zealandia, ZJC.

LAND STATIONS UNDER COMMONWEALTH. Adelaide Radio, VIA; Bris- bane, VIB; Broome, VIO; Cook- town, VIC; Darwin, VID; Esper- anqe, VIE; Flinders Island, VIL; Hobart, VIH; Geraldton, VIN; King Island, VZE; Melbourne, VIM; Perth, VIP; Rockhampton, VIR; Sydney, VIS; Thursday Is- land, VII; Townsville, VIT; Wyndham, VIW; Willis Island, CGI; Nauru, VKT; Rabaul, VJZ; Kaeweing, VZR; Eitape, VZX; Misima, VIX; Madang, VIV; Mo- robe, VZK; Port Moresby, VIG; Samarai, VIJ; W’oodlark Island, VIF; Kieta, VIU; Tulagi, VQJ; Maron, VI-IR.

NEW ZEALAND SHIP STATIONS Arahura, VMA; Kaiapoi, VLH; Kaitangata, VLI; Kaltuna, VLT; Kanna, VLQ; Karori, VMB; Katao, VMN; Kauri, VMC; Koro- miko, VMD; Mapourika, VLS; Mararca, VMZ; Monowai, VMM; Paloona, VLY; Rakanoa, VME; Rewa, VMI; Rotomahana, VMX; Tarawera, VMF; Terawhiti, VMH; Tutanekai, VLX; Waipori, VMO; Wanaka, VMP; Whangape, VML. LAND STATIONS UNDER N.Z. Auckland, VLD; Awanui, VLA; Awarua, VLB; Chatham Islands, VLC; Rarotonga, VMR; Welling- ton, VLW; Apia (Samoa), VMG.