History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1939 04

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 03 No. 12 - April 1939 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1939 04

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

April 10, 1939; Vol. 3 - No. 12; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Photo of Cunard White Star Liner "Queen Elizabeth" with S.T.C. Radio Equipment (See Page 8.)

Highlighted Contents: How to Make Home Recordings: Special Marine Receiver Covers All Bands: "Sky-Hawk All-Wave Three": This Thing Called "Q": Latest World Shortwave News: Next DX Contest Closes June 30.

Inside Front Cover - W. G. Watson & Co. Ad

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P.01 - John Martin Ad

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .


P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 3. - April, 1939 - No. 12

P.02 - Contents

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How To Make Home Recordings . . . . 3

Standardised Components For Set-Builders . . . . 6

Important New Rola Patent . . . . 7

160 Miles On Five Metres . . . . 8

Club Contests In Full Swing . . . . 10

"Sky-Hawk All-Wave Three" . . . . 12

This Thing Called "Q" . . . . 18

15 To 600-Metre Marine Receiver . . . . 22

The Velco 1939 Mastery Battery Five . . . . 27

Modern Trends In Set Design . . . . 32

What’s New In Radio . . . . 35

Leaves From A Serviceman’s Diary . . . . 37

"Find-The-Fault" Contest For Readers . . . . 38

Shortwave Editor Tests DX Champion Receiver . . . . 40

Shortwave Review . . . . 42

Hundreds Of Constructional Items In Back Issues — Special Offer To Readers . . . . 47

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly for the proprietors, Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 15th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand. Subscribers in New Zealand can remit by Postal Note or Money Order.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.03 - How To Make Home Recordings

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P.06 - Standardised Components For Set-Builders

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P.07 - Important New Rola Patent

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P.08 - 160 Miles On Five Metres

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P.10 - Club Contests In Full Swing

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P.12 - "Sky-Hawk All-Wave Three"

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P.18 - This Thing Called "Q"

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P.22 - 15 To 600-Metre Marine Receiver

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P.27 - The Velco 1939 Mastery Battery Five

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P.35 - What’s New In Radio

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P.37 - Leaves From A Serviceman’s Diary

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P.38 - "Find-The-Fault" Contest For Readers

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P.39 - All-Wave All-World DX News

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The All-Wave All-World DX News

Official Organ of the All-Wave All-World DX Club.

World-Wide DX With The “Atlas All-Waver.” I am in receipt of the club badge and certificate, with which I am delighted. May I say that “A.R.W.” is the best magazine ever, and I have been taking it for twelve months now, and always look forward to the next copy. Re the “Atlas All-Waver.” I built this up from the “A.R.W.” circuit, and started off by building up the detector and first audio stage with the output pentode. In its two-valve form I got fair results with pretty good selectivity. Later on I added the r.f. stage and this seemed to give a decrease in selectivity, with a great increase in sensitivity. I am at a loss to account for this decrease in selectivity though and would like to hear other readers’ views on the subject and also exchange experiences with others who have built this set. Using a P.M. 8-20 Rola speaker, I get plenty of volume on broadcast stations within a radius of 300 to 400 miles. Performance is good on short waves, but as I listen mostly on 20 metres I cannot say much about the other bands. The following is a list of stations received on short waves:— 14 VK2’s, 8 VK3’s, 17 VK4’s 7 VK5’s, 7 VK6’s, 3 VK7’s, 4 VK9’s, 12 ZL’s, 6 K6’s, and XU8NA, VS6AB, CE1AH, OA4AI, ZS2C, XZ2DY, CO7CX, VQ4KTC, ZS2BU, 13 KA’s, 7 W’s, F8KI, G5AK, G8UR, GSF, GSE, KZIM, YLR, also m any others announcing in foreign languages.—B. Beresford (AW483DX), “Windy,” Quirindi, N.S.W. [Re your problem with the “Atlas,” you will probably find that adding the r.f. stage gives what amounts to only an apparent decrease in selectivity. Actually, the appreciable improvement it makes to sensitivity apparently broadens the tuning. The r.f. tuning control will be fairly broad, but the detector tuning should still be sharp. To obtain a still further improvement in selectivity, try the effect of coupling your aerial lead-in to the receiver through, say, a .0001 mfd. midget variable condenser. With this set approximately half out, selectivity will be greatly improved, though sensitivity will suffer a little as these two factors are inter-related. Glad to know you are getting such fine results.'—E d.].

QSL Exchange Bureau. The following readers would like to exchange QSL cards with other members :— L. R. J. Knighton, 334 Barbadoes St., Christchurch, New Zealand.

P.40 - Shortwave Editor Tests DX Champion Receiver

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P.42 - Shortwave Review

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P.47 - Hundreds Of Constructional Items In Back Issues

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