Hindi/Family Relations

Family relation names in Hindi are very specific to the speaker. For example, your father's brother and your mother's brother are not both just "uncle"; you would differentiate and address them using specific terms to indicate the precise relationship. These terms can vary a bit from place to place. The following are some standard examples.
Often the honorific suffix "-जी" ("-ji") is added to names to denote respect. The Desi (South Asian) Muslim community may sometimes add the prefix "मियां-" ("miyaan-"), to the relationship of which they have with that individual, do denote that the individual of whom they're describing or talking about is a Muslim. Muslims (and sometimes Zorastrian Parsis), add the honorific suffix "-जान" ("-jaan") to names to denote respect. It is very common to use when referring to or especially addressing an older relative, and sometimes for others depending on customs or the situation.
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Father | बाप (bap), बापू (baapu), पिता (pita), पापा (papa), बाबा (baba), अप्पा (appa), अब्बू (abbu), अब्बा (abba), वालिद (valid), जनकः (janak'ha), तातः (taat'ha), पितृ (pitr'i) |
Mother | माँ (ma), माता (mata), मम्मा (mamma), अम्मां (amma), मम्मी (mammi), अम्मी (ammi), वालिदा (valida), बेबे (bebe), अम्बा (amba), जननी (janani), मातृ (maatr'i), मादर (maadr) |
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Father's father (paternal grandfather) | दादा (dada), बाबा (baba), आजा (aaja), पितामहा (pitamaha) |
Father's mother (paternal grandmother) | दादी (Dadi), बा (ba), आजी (aaji), आयी/आई (aayi), पितामही (pitamahi) |
Mother's father (maternal grandfather) | नाना (nana), मातामहा (maataamaha) |
Mother's mother (maternal grandmother) | नानी (nani), आयी/आई (aayi), मातामही (maataamahi) |
[edit | edit source]In Hindi, the prefix "great-" is given by the prefix "पर-".
There is some ambiguity when talking about great-grandparents because, for example, the term "परदादा" (pardada) can refer to either your father's father's father or your father's mother's father.[1] Therefore, if there is a need to be more specific, spell out the exact family relation in full; e.g. "बाप के बाप के बाप" (bap ke bap ke bap), or "बाप की माँ के बाप" (bap ki ma ke bap).
Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Paternal great-grandfather
(Father's parent's father) |
परदादा (pardada), प्रपितामहा (prapitamaha), प्रमातमहा (pramaatmaha) |
Paternal great-grandmother
(Father's parent's mother) |
परदादी (pardadi), प्रपितामही (prapitamahi), प्रमातामही (pramaatmahi) |
Paternal great-great-grandfather
(Father's grandfather) |
लकड़दादा (lakkaRdada) |
Paternal great-great-grandmother
(Father's grandmother) |
लकड़दादी (lakkaRdadi) |
Maternal great-grandfather
(Mother's parent's father) |
परनाना (parnana) |
Maternal great-grandmother
(Mother's parent's mother) |
परनानी (parnani) |
Maternal great-great-grandfather
(Mother's grandfather) |
लकड़नाना (lakkaRnana) |
Maternal great-great-grandmother
(Mother's grandmother) |
लकड़नानी (lakkaRnani) |
Siblings & Siblings-in-law
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Brother | भाई (bhai), भाजी (bhaji), भाईजान (bhaijaan), भ्राता (braata), बरादार (baraadaar), सहोदरः (sahodar'ha) |
Older brother | बड़ा भाई (bada bhai), भैया (bhaiya), दादा (dada), दाउ (da'u), अग्रजः (agraj'ha) |
Younger brother | छोटा भाई (chhota bhai), अनुजः (anuj'ha) |
Sister | बहन (bahan), भेन/भेण (bhen), भगिनी (bhagini), सहोदरी (sahodari), बीबी (bibi) |
Older sister | बड़ी बहन (badi bahan), दीदी (didi), जीजी (jiji), आपा (aapaa), अग्रजा (agrajaa) |
Younger sister | छोटी बहन (chhoti bahan), अनुजा (anujaa) |
Brother's* wife (sister-in-law) | भाभी (bhabhi), भौजी (bhauji), भौजाई (bhaujai), भ्रातिजाया (bhraatijaaya) |
Older sister's husband (brother-in-law) | जीजा (jija), आवुत्तः (aavuttah'a) |
Younger sister's husband (brother-in-law) | बहनोई (bahanoi), आवुत्तः (aavutta'ha) |
Husband's older brother (brother-in-law) | जेठ (jeth), ज्येष्ठ (jyeshTh) |
Husband's older brother's wife (co-sister-in-law) | जेठानी (jethani), ज्येष्ठा (jyeshTha), याता (yaataa) |
Husband's younger brother (brother-in-law) | देवर (devar) |
Husband's younger brother's wife (co-sister-in-law) | देवरानी (devarani), याता (yaataa) |
Husband's sister* (sister-in-law) | ननद (nanad), ननान्दा (nananda) |
Husband's sister's* husband (co-brother-in-law) | नन्दोई (nandoi) |
Wife's brother* (brother-in-law) | साला** (sala), श्यालः (shyala'ha) पत्नी का भाई (patni ka bhai) |
Wife's brother's* wife (co-sister-in-law) | सलहज (salhaj) |
Wife's sister* (sister-in-law) | साली** (sali), श्याली (shyali), पत्नी की बहन (patni ki bahan) |
Wife's sister's* husband (co-brother-in-law) | साढ़ू (sarhu) |
Child's spouse's father (co-father-in-law) | समधी (samdhi), संबन्धिन् (sambandhin) |
Child's spouse's mother (co-mother-in-law) | समधिन (samdhin) |
**These two words ("साला" (sala) & "साली" (sali)) are also commonly used as pejoratives, so be careful when using them.
[edit | edit source]There is no direct word for "cousin" in Hindi. If there is a need to be specific when referring to a cousin, then phrases like "uncle's son" or "aunt's daughter" are used. However, in general, they are simply referred to as "brother/sister" ("भाई/बहन").
Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Father's older brother's son | (ताएरा) भाई (taera) bhai, (तायाज़ाद) भाई (tayazaad) bhai |
Father's older brother's daughter | (ताएरी) बहन (taeri) bahan, (तायाज़ाद) बहन (tayazaad) bahan |
Father's younger brother's son | (चचेरा) भाई (chachera) bhai, (चचाज़ाद) भाई (chachazaad) bhaai |
Father's younger brother's daughter | (चचेरी) बहन (chacheri) bahan, (चचाज़ाद) बहन (chachazaad) bahan |
Father's sister's* son | (फुफेरा) भाई (phuphera) bhai, (फूफोज़ाद) भाई (phuphozaad) bhai |
Father's sister's* daughter | (फुफेरी) बहन (phupheri) bahan, (फूफोज़ाद) बहन (phuphozaad) bahan |
Mother's brother's* son | (ममेरा) भाई (mamera) bhai, (मामूज़ाद) भाई (mamuzaad) bhai |
Mother's brother's* daughter | (ममेरी) बहन (mameri) bahan, (मामूज़ाद) बहन (mamuzaad) bahan |
Mother's sister's* son | (मौसेरा) भाई (mausera) bhai, (मासेरा) भाई (masera) bhai, (ख़लेरा) भाई (KHalera) bhai, (ख़ालाज़ाद) भाई (KHalazaad) bhai |
Mother's sister's* daughter | (मौसेरी) बहन (mauseri) bahan, (मासेरी) बहन (maseri) bahan, (ख़लेरी) बहन (KHaleri) bahan, (ख़ालाज़ाद) बहन (KHalazaad) bahan |
Children & Children-in-law
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Son | बेटा (beta), पुत्र (putr), सूनुः (soonu'hu), सुत (sut), तनयः (tanay) |
Daughter | बेटी (beti), पुत्री (putri), जाई (jai), तनया (tanayaa), सूनू (soonoo) |
Son's wife (daughter-in-law) | बहू (bahu), पुत्रवधू (putravadhu), पतोहू (patohu), स्नुषा (snusha), वधू (vadhu) |
Daughter's husband (son-in-law) | दामाद (damad), जमाई (jamai), जामाता (jaamaata), जामातृ (jaamaatr'i) |
Brother's son (nephew) | भतीजा (bhatija), भ्रातृव्यः (bhraatrivya'ha), भ्रातृपुत्रः (bhraatriputra) |
Brother's daughter (niece) | भतीजी (bhatiji), भ्रातृव्या (bhraatrivyaa), भ्रातृजा (bhraatrijaa) |
Sister's son (nephew) | भांजा (bhanja), भागिनेयः (bhaaginey'ha) |
Sister's daughter (niece) | भांजी (bhanji), भागिनेया (bhaagineyaa) |
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Son's son (grandson) | पोता (pota), पौत्रः (pautra'ha) |
Son's daughter (granddaughter) | पोती (poti), पौत्री (pautri) |
Daughter's son (grandson) | नाती (nati), नवासा (navasa), दोहता (dohata), दौहित्रः (dauhitra'ha) |
Daughter's daughter (granddaughter) | नातिन (natin), नवासी (navasi), दोहती (dohati), दौहित्री (dauhitri) |
Spouses & Parents-in-law
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Husband | पति (pati), शोहर (shohar), ख़ावन्द (KHaavand)/ख़ाविन्द (KHaavind), भर्ता (bhartaa), परिणेता (pariNeta), कान्तः (kaant'ha), भर्तृ (bhartr'i) |
Wife | पत्नी (patni), बीवी (bivi), बैग़म (baighum), भार्या (bhaarya), अर्धाङ्गिणी (ardhaangiNi), जाया (jaaya), जोरू (joru), दाराः (daara'ha), सहचारिणी (sehchaariNi), बायड़ी (baayRi), बायको (baayko), तीवीं (teevee'n), वहुटी (vauTi), कलत्रम् (kalatram) |
Spouse's father (father-in-law) | ससुर (sasur), श्वशुरः (shvashur'ha) |
Spouse's mother (mother-in-law) | सास (sas), श्वश्रूः (shvashru'hu) |
Fiancé(e) | मँगेतर (mangetar) |
Aunts & Uncles
[edit | edit source]Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Father's older brother (uncle) | ताया (taya), ताऊ (tau), बड़े पापा (bade papa), बर्का अब्बा/अब्बू (barka abba/abbu), ताततुल्य (taattulya) |
Father's older brother's wife (aunt) | ताई (tai), पितृव्यपत्नी (pitrivyapatni) |
Father's younger brother (uncle) | चाचा (chacha), काका (kaka), छोटे पापा (chhote papa), पितृव्यः (pitrivya'ha) |
Father's younger brother's wife (aunt) | चाची (chachi), काकी (kaki), छोटी मम्मी (chhoti mammi), पितृव्या (pitrivyaa) |
Father's sister* (aunt) | बुआ (bua), भुआ (bhua), फूफी (phuphi), पितृभगिनी (pitribhagini), पितृष्वसा (pitrishvasa), फ़ोई (foi) |
Father's sister's* husband (uncle) | फूफा (phupha), फूफो (phupho), फ़ूफ़ड़ (fufaR) |
Mother's brother* (uncle) | मामा (mama), मामू (mamu), मातुलः (maatul'ha) |
Mother's brother's* wife (aunt) | मामी (mami), मुमानी (mumani), मातुलानी (maatulaani), मातुला (maatula) |
Mother's sister* (aunt) | मौसी (mausi), मासी (masi), ख़ाला (KHala), मातृभगिनी (maatribhagini), मातृष्वसा (maatrishvasaa) |
Mother's sister's* husband (uncle) | मौसा (mausa), मासा (masa), मासड़ (masaR), ख़ालू (KHalu) |
[edit | edit source]In Hindi, the prefix "step-" (or "half-") is given by the adjective "सौतेला".
Relation in English | Relation in Hindi |
Stepfather | सौतेले बाप (sautele bap) |
Stepmother | सौतेली माँ (sauteli ma), विमाता (vimaata) |
Stepbrother | सौतेला भाई (sautela bhai), विमातृज (vimaatrij) |
Stepsister | सौतेली बहन (sauteli bahan) |
[edit | edit source]*If a particular sibling's name is followed by an asterisk, then it does not matter whether they are older or younger; the Hindi term remains the same.
[edit | edit source]Further Reading
[edit | edit source]- McGregor, R.S, The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, Oxford University Press. 1993
- Snell, Rupert, Teach yourself Hindi: A complete guide for beginners. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group, 1992. ISBN 0-8442-3863-5