Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 5: The Grand Turnabout/Beginning, Part 1

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File:GK2 Yatagarasu's Badge.png
File:GK2 4-2 Victim's Letter.png

Edgeworth, Kay, and Lotta leave the Grand Tower. Edgeworth is still mulling over what Shelly de Killer told him over the transceiver, trying to work out the meaning behind the red-hooded person who attacked Kay, and the Letter from Unknown (差出人不明の手紙 sashidashinin fumei no tegami) found on the victim in the P.I.C. meeting room. The group are interrupted by a familiar-looking girl who comes screaming for help. She says that someone is dead - killed by a monster!? Edgeworth and Kay agree to follow her.

The girl leads them to a temporary film lot near the Grand Tower. On the ground are what appear to be hoofprints, far larger than any real animal could make... and in one of them is the body of Di-Jun Huang, the president of Zheng Fa. Beside the body is Agent Shi-Long Lang of Interpol. Lang is more shocked than anyone at finding his president dead in a film set. Lotta says that the footprints are those of the "Mighty Moozilla" (ボルモス Borumosu). Just then, Edgeworth has a flashback to the fake attempted assassination a few weeks earlier - someone had hired de Killer to kill Huang, so has de Killer finally fulfilled his contract? Lang, meanwhile, is getting worked up, and demands to know exactly what the girl from earlier knows about Huang's death. Edgeworth manages to talk him down, and convinces him to carry out an investigation before arresting anyone.

Edgeworth remembers who the girl is - Penny Nichols (間宮 由美子 (まみや ゆみこ) Mamiya Yumiko), an assistant at Global Studios, who was involved in one of Edgeworth's cases from a few years ago. She explains that the site is being used as a film set, and she came here to get the equipment set up for filming. She leaves to call the police. Until they arrive, you should investigate what you can.

Investigation: Outside Grand Tower - Temporary Film Lot / 捜査 ~タワー裏・空き地~

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File:GK2 5-1 Crime Scene Notes.png
File:GK2 5-1 Monster's Footprints.png

First, examine the body. It looks like he was stepped on by a monster, but that's impossible, surely? You receive the Stepped on by a monster? logic anyway (ふみつぶされた? Fumitsubusareta?). You also jot down some Crime Scene Notes (死体の所見メモ shitai no shoken memo) in the Organizer. Examine the "footprint" outlining the body. The Monster's Footprints (怪獣の足跡 kaijū no ashiato) are added to the Organizer. Kay notes that there are three similar "prints" around the set. You receive the Three footprints logic (3つの足あと Mittsu no ashiato).

File:GK2 5-1 Grand Tower.png

Go back and examine the broken lock by the gate to the right. It leads back to the Grand Tower (ビッグタワー Biggu Tawā). This is added to the Organizer. The lock and chain have been broken, suggesting that someone forced their way through. You receive the Rear entrance forced open logic (こじ開けられた裏口 Koji akerareta uraguchi). Penny also notices a massive dent in the fence. She says that it wasn't there yesterday. The Dented fence (へこんだフェンス Hekonda fensu) is added to your Logic. If you want, you can examine the fence again to catch a glimpse of what a certain defence attorney and his assistant are up to at the moment.

Talk to Lotta. She claims that she saw Moozilla herself, when she was staking out the 51st floor storeroom. According to her, Moozilla is on the other side of the blinds in the photo she took of Jill Crane in the red raincoat.

Next, talk to Penny:

  • Discovery of the body (死体の発見 Shitai no hakken): She came here early on her own. She first noticed the "hoofprints", which hadn't been there the previous day. She thought at first that they were part of the set, but then saw the body when she took a closer look.
File:GK2 5-1 Monster Movie Flyer.png
  • Filming a movie (映画の撮影 Eiga no satsuei): The film is a revival of the "Mighty Moozilla" series. The film is set at the Grand Tower. She gives you a Monster Movie Flyer (怪獣映画のチラシ kaijū eiga no chirashi) for the film, "Mighty Moozilla vs. Gourdy". Gourdy... where have you heard of that before?
  • The entrance (入口 Iriguchi): The front gate was locked with a combination lock. It was properly locked when Penny arrived today. Only people involved in the movie know the combination. You receive the Combination lock logic (数字錠がかかっていた Sūji-jō ga kakatteita).

Edgeworth has his suspicions about some of the equipment around the film lot. Examine the film crane. Kay wonders what the best way to smuggle it to Edgeworth's house would be. Then, examine the vinyl sheet on the table. Penny explains that it's a waterproof sheet used to cover the film crane during bad weather.

File:GK2 Case 5 Logic 01.png
File:GK2 5-1 Combination Lock.png
File:GK2 5-1 Deduce broken horn.png

Penny's given you some useful information. First, go to your Logic, and connect the Combination lock (数字錠がかかっていた) to Rear entrance forced open (こじ開けられた裏口). Since the lock on the rear gate was broken, you can assume that the culprit was someone who didn't know the combination - that is, someone not involved with the movie. The Combination Lock (撮影所のカギ satsueijo no kagi) is added to the Organizer. Next, examine the body again. Highlight the horn to the right of the body, and deduce from the Monster Movie Flyer (怪獣映画のチラシ) that the horn resembles that of Moozilla. Talk to Penny again:

  • Broken horn (角のカケラ Tsuno no kakera): The Moozilla horn was made for use as part of an advertising campaign. It should be connected to a model Moozilla head, which was on the studio's roof. The model is large, but not as big as the "real thing". You receive the Broken horn logic (角のカケラ Tsuno no kakera).

File:GK2 Case 5 Logic 02.png
File:GK2 Case 5 Logic 03.png

The Logic is starting to fall into place now. Connect the Broken horn (角のカケラ) to the Dented fence (へこんだフェンス). It's possible that the Moozilla head on the roof of the building fell off and struck the fence, causing the dent. You receive the Monster's head logic (怪獣のアタマ Kaijū no atama). Connect this to Stepped on by a monster? (ふみつぶされた?). If the Moozilla head had fallen off the rooftop while Huang was stood underneath, it would have landed on top of him and killed him. Was that the murder method? Edgeworth decides that he needs to investigate the rooftop. Examine the staircase to do so.

File:GK2 5-1 Borumosu head.png
File:GK2 4-4 Stuffed Animal.png

The Moozilla on the roof looks different. Penny explains that it's based on the original design from 12 years ago. Examine the model itself. One of the horns is broken. Edgeworth asks how the model is transported. Penny explains that it can be taken apart, but only if you know how. When it is taken apart, it can easily be carried by one person. Moozilla's Head (ボルモスのアタマ Borumosu no atama) is added to the Organizer. The model also resembles the stuffed animal doll you saw in the president's plane and the storeroom. So the president owned a Moozilla Doll (ボルモスのぬいぐるみ Borumosu no nuigurumi)... Is this really just a coincidence? Next, examine the table. Moozilla's head should be on the stand, but the legs have been burnt off. If Moozilla's head was on the stand when the legs broke, then the stand woud have tilted, causing the head to fall. Edgeworth also has a good idea of what caused the fire: a flammable can next to a heater. But Penny is certain that the heater was never used. The question now becomes, what caused the fire?

Go back, and talk to Lang:

  • Why were you here? (なぜここに? Naze koko ni?): Lang heard Penny scream, and came to check via the back entrance. When he arrived, Penny was already running out of the front entrance. He doesn't tell you why he was at the tower in the first place, though.
  • President Huang (王大統領 Ō-daitōryō): Lang's father served under Huang. Huang's will was left in the care of the Lang clan, as a sign of trust. 12 years ago, however, everything changed, and Huang lost trust in the police of Zheng Fa. Lang never lost his faith in Huang, though.

At this point, Lang leaves. While on his way out, he meets a young boy, who rudely orders him to "move it". The boy is John Marsh (相沢 詩紋 (あいざわ しもん) Aizawa Shimon), the star of the film. Talk to John:

  • John Marsh (相沢 詩紋 Aizawa Shimon): John plays a boy who has a "special connection" with Moozilla. The horns he's wearing are special prosthetics made as part of his costume, which allow him to "communicate with Moozilla". Apparently, John is older than he looks.
File:GK2 5-1 Commemorative Photo.png
  • The president (大統領 Daitōryō): Huang was a fan of Moozilla, so he was to have a small cameo part in the film. John shows you a Commemorative Photo (記念写真 kinen shashin) taken yesterday. The body, hoofprints, and dent in the fence aren't in it.
File:AAIME Security Footage.png

That completes your investigation of the crime scene. Based on what you've learned, it's very likely that Huang died from being crushed by the falling Moozilla head. Lang returns alongside the police and Huang's bodyguards. Lang says he already has a suspect in mind. He shows you a Security Camera Photo (監視カメラ映像 kanshi kamera eizō) from the camera on the roof of the Grand Tower. It shows President Huang, with... Judge Courtney? Edgeworth wants to hear Lang out, but Lang has already heard that Edgeworth has given up his badge. Edgeworth explains to Lang about the person in the red raincoat who attacked Kay, and convinces Lang to explain his logic.

Lang's Argument: Why Courtney? / 狼の推理 ~ミカガミを疑う理由~

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Lang's Argument
- Why Courtney? -

  1. Listen up. That woman met with the president on top of the Grand Tower.
  2. Two nights ago, she pushed the president off the roof, and he fell onto this film lot.
  3. At the time, there was no one else on the rooftop, aside from those two.
  4. There's no room for doubt! That woman murdered the president!

  1. いいか?この女はビッグタワーの屋上で、大統領と会ってたんだ。
  2. そして、大統領をこの場所へと突き落とした。一昨日の夜のことさ。
  3. そのとき、屋上は人払いがされ、2人以外ダレもいなかった。
  4. 疑う余地はねえ!この女が大統領を殺しやがったんだ!

Rebuttal: Why Courtney? / 追求 ~ミカガミを疑う理由~

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Present the Commemorative Photo (記念写真) on the second statement. The photo was taken yesterday, and shows no body, which overturns Lang's logic immediately. Edgeworth explains the results of his investigation to Lang. Lang suggests that Courtney pushed Huang to his death two days ago, and then went to the film lot to hide the body. That's impossible, though - present the Combination Lock (撮影所のカギ) to prove it. Edgeworth asks why Lang is insisting that Huang was killed two days ago. Lang says that there is more to the security footage.

Lang's Argument: Why Courtney? Pt. 2 / 狼の推理 ~ミカガミを疑う理由②~

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Lang's Argument
- Why Courtney? Pt. 2 -

  1. A photo was recorded 10-20 minutes after the president went up to the roof with that woman.
  2. That woman, she came back down on the elevator alone.
  3. After that, there was no sign of the president getting on the elevator at all!
  4. There's no other way for the president to get down without using the elevator, is there?
  5. Besides getting pushed off the roof by that woman, that is!

  1. 大統領とあの女が屋上に上がってきた数十分後の映像さ。
  2. あの女は、たった1人でエレベータに乗っていった。
  3. それ以降、エレベータに乗る大統領の姿は映ってねえ!
  4. エレベータ以外に大統領が下に降りる方法なんてねえだろ?
  5. あの女に、屋上から突き落とされる以外には!

Rebuttal: Why Courtney? Pt. 2 / 追求 ~ミカガミを疑う理由②~

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Present the Grand Tower (ビッグタワー) on the fourth statement. Lang doesn't know about the secret 51st floor, but what if Huang did? Lang is not impressed by the suggestion that Huang might be involved in the black market auctions. Lang doesn't know about the real President Huang you saw on the presidential plane, but it's best not to mention that now.

File:PWAAJFA Letter of Introduction.png

Lotta butts in, and says that Huang never went through the 51st floor while she was there. Lotta's Testimony (ナツミの証言書 Natsumi no shōgen-sho) is noted down in the Organizer. This still doesn't explain why the body was not found until today, though. Further investigation into what transpired last night is needed. A police officer comes to bring the body in for the autopsy. He also reports that footprints were found near the body. The footprints appear to belong to a child. Could they be John's? Penny interrupts, and says that she came to the film lot last night at about 10 p.m. to check up on John. She says that John stayed behind to practice. When she came, though, she saw what appeared to be a long neck with scaly, reptile-like skin. Was it Gourdy? Penny says that John appeared to be talking to Gourdy. Lang wants to hear John's testimony, but the boy has already left.

The group chase John to the Tower Plaza, but can't find him anywhere. Just then, Detective Gumshoe shows up with a group of police officers, but he runs away as soon as he sees Edgeworth. Lang also leaves to look for John, and Lotta runs off on the trail of another scoop. Kay notices a man standing around the taxi rank - it looks like one of Lang's former subordinates. He explains what happened to Lang: in the "Yatagarasu Incident" a month ago, Lang made a "mistake" - he aided and abetted a criminal, if unwittingly. Lang took full responsibility, and his team was disbanded. This agent followed Lang, because he was worried about his former boss. He mentions that Lang is chasing the "ghosts of 12 years past", but doesn't say any more.

There's nothing more to do at the Grand Tower for now, so Edgeworth decides that he should speak to Judge Courtney next. He and Kay go to the courthouse, where Courtney is currently holding the trial of Patricia Roland for the murder of Horace Knightley.