Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 3: The Inherited Turnabout/End, Part 2

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A forensics officer reports the results of the tests on Kate's teapot - they've found traces of Normallium in it. Courtney sends Debeste off to check on Gustavia's condition, leaving her alone to deal with Kate. Kate says it may have come from a detergent she used to clean the teapot, and says she could not have known how to create the poison gas. You know this is false, though, since the Angel's Recipe contains instructions for creating poison gas. Kate says that this does not prove she was responsible, and suggests that, since Gustavia locked himself in the room and set off the gas, that would make it an attempt at suicide. She goes on to say that, since the gallery employs no security guards, it would have been easy for anyone to sneak in and set a trap. Ray suggests that you should turn your thinking around, and use what you know of the case from 18 years ago to solve this case. Kate claimed to be responsible for melting Dover's scupltures, and yet those same sculptures were on display today... You ask for her testimony regarding the art gallery itself.

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Kate's Testimony
- The Zodiac Art Gallery -

  1. 18 years after Monsieur Master was arrested, I was finally able to buy back this mansion.
  2. Then, in order to maintain it, I decided to manage it as an art gallery.
  3. I collected Pierre Hoquet's works from all over the world.
  4. After all, it was my dream to open the Zodiac Art Gallery.

  1. 天海さまが逮捕された18年経ち、わたしはこの屋敷を買い取りました。
  2. そして、屋敷をイジするために美術館を経営することにしたのです。
  3. ポール・ホリックさまの作品を世界各地から集めました。
  4. 12星座美術館を公開するのは、わたしの夢でもありましたから。
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Press on the third statement. Kate says she had the Taurus and Gemini sculptures prepared based on the photos she took. She adds a statement to the end of her testimony:

  • I prepared replicas of the sculptures in the Winter Palace based on the photos I took.
  • 冬の宮殿の星座は、写真をもとに再現レプリカを用意しました。

Present the Liquid Analysis Results (ふたご座の成分結果) on this statement. This proves that the sculptures are really those Dover made 18 years ago. In truth, Kate did not melt the sculptures - she stole them. She says it would have been impossible for her to do so, and testifies about what she did 18 years ago.

Kate's Testimony: What I Did 18 Years Ago / 緒屋敷の証言 ~18年前の行動~

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Kate's Testimony
- What I Did 18 Years Ago -

  1. On the day of the incident, I was waiting in the main building until the judging.
  2. During the judging, at Monsieur Master's request, I went to change the film in the camera.
  3. But before I could deliver the camera to him, I discovered Monsieur Dover's body.
  4. After Monsieur Gregory arrived, I prepared tea for everyone involved in the investigation.
  5. It was then that I witnessed Monsieur Gustavia entering Monsieur Dover's room.

  1. 事件当日、コンテストの審査前はずっと母屋で待機しておりました。
  2. 審査中は天海さまに頼まれたカメラのフィルム交換を行いました。
  3. そしてかめらをお届けする前に、氷堂さまの死体を発見したのです。
  4. 御剣弁護士さまが来られてからは、皆さまに紅茶をお配りしていました。
  5. その時、風見さまが氷堂さまの部屋に入られとのを目撃したのです。

Rebuttal: What I Did 18 Years Ago / 追求 ~18年前の行動~

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File:GK2 3-8 Present service cart.png
File:GK2 3-8 Statute of Limitations.png

Your task here is to choose the statement pertaining to the point in time at which Kate stole the sculptures. Press the fourth statement. Ray mentions that Gregory noticed that the saucers on which Kate served the tea were chilled. When asked, choose She stole them then (このタイミングで盗んだ Kono taimingu de nusunda). Kate asks you how she could have stolen the sculptures from under Gregory and Ray's noses. Present her service cart. It was no ordinary service cart - but what was it? Present the Lift Trolley. The lift trolley was carrying a case containing Dover's sculptures, disguised with a tablecloth. Kate finally admits to stealing the sculptures. She removed everything from Dover's room, and replaced them with empty glass cases. Then, she melted some unfinished sculptures, to make it appear as though the other sculptures had melted as well. However, she's only telling you this because she knows you can't arrest her. Why? Because of the Statute of Limitations (公訴時効の本 kōso jikō no hon), detailed in a book Courtney gives to you, which expired 11 years ago in the case of Kate's theft of the statues.

File:GK2 3-8 Present Gemini sculpture.png

However, Kate's theft of the sculptures did result in you finding Dover's body. Where was it hidden for the last 18 years? Present the Winter Palace Photo (冬の宮殿の写真). The body can be seen in this photo... When asked to point out where, present the Gemini sculpture. It may appear to be one of the Gemini twins... but in fact, it is the body of Isaac Dover, which was hidden 18 years ago. A certain piece of evidence was used to conceal this fact; present the Fluorescent Cloth (光る布). The cloth was attached to a rainbow light device, and set to glow blue, giving it the appearance of a sheet of ice. To prevent anyone from discovering the body during the investigation of Gustavia's poisoning, Kate again used the lift trolley to transport the body out of the Winter Palace. However, she wants proof that this was what actually happened. Present Larry's Sketch of Beauties (美女のスケッチ). At the time when Larry drew this sketch, Kate was in the process of transporting the body - as evidenced by the light blue tablecloth. But where is this tablecloth now? Choose Ms. Hall has it with her (緒屋敷が持っている Oyashiki ga motte iru). She's wearing it around her waist! If the tablecloth was tested, there should be traces of Dover's sherbet on it.

Kate finally admits to everything she's done. She stole Delicia's Megatoxin X, used it to set the poison gas trap, and put the bottle in Gustavia's pocket to make it look like suicide. 18 years ago, she stole the sculptures, because she was afraid that Dover's final works would be lost. She failed to notice the body, however, until she bought the mansion recently. Since the statute of limitations for Dover's murder had expired, she came up with another plan to prove Master's innocence. Given this, her true goal must have been to find the true culprit (真犯人を探すこと Shinhan'nin o sagasu koto). Only one other person in the world knew where Dover's body was hidden - his real killer. Kate knew that the real killer could not afford to have Dover's body be found, and that he would attempt to remove the body again. Therefore, she set up the Autumn Palace to look like the Winter Palace, in order to confuse the real killer, and set the poison gas trap - and whoever fell for it must be the real killer of Isaac Dover. You have no proof, but you should make an accusation (告発する Kokuhatsu suru) anyway, and present Dane Gustavia's profile (風見 豊). Kate says she set up the trap at the museum in order to create as many witnesses as possible, and avoid a repeat of von Karma's cover-up of 18 years ago. The only thing left to do now is wait and see if Gustavia wakes up.