Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 9/9.5.2

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Creating a positive Learning Environment

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Learning Targets

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  1. Identify the elements that could create a positive learning environment
  2. Explain why Physical Fitness is important to the learning environment
  3. Explain and Identify Good Classroom Management
  4. Describe the characteristics of a good teacher


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  1. Introduction
  2. Being a Positive Teacher
  3. Good Classroom Management
  4. Physical Environment
  5. Having Fun
  6. Conclusion

A positive learning climate in a school for young children is a composite of many things. It is an attitude that respects children. It is a place where children receive guidance and encouragement from the responsible adults around them. It is an environment where children can experiment and try out new ideas without fear or failure. It is an atmosphere that builds children's self-confidence so they dare to take risks. It is an environment that nurtures a love of learning.

~Carol B. Hillman (20th Century), U.S. early childhood educator. Creating a Learning Climate for the Early Childhood Years, Fastback Series (1989).


Having a positive learning environment is crucial and the first start to having a successful class and motivated students. "Teachers who have a positive classroom are more likely to have positive students, Which means that as a teacher you will have more success", and who wouldn't want that (Carr,2008). In this article are some really great pointers on how to create a positive learning environment.

Being a Positive Teacher

Being a positive teacher most often comes from within. In order to make your student feel comfortable, a teacher's attitude should always remain positive. In my opinion, a good teacher should be patient, fun-loving, and have a passion for what they do. In the classroom, children look up to the teacher for guidance and responsibility. Other than their parents, the teacher is the only other adults that they grow up to respect. So in return you should always respect the students. Teachers should also serve as a model for their students. Children often imitate adult behavior so, by setting an example of the appropriate behavior this will encourage the students to do the same.(Lynch, Warner 2004)For all too many students school becomes something to avoid. As the students get older they start to see school as boring, depersonalized, or all together irrelevant(Partin, 2005). It is the teachers' job to keep the student motivated, interested and enthusiastic about learning and it can all start with a positive attitude. Here are a few steps that can help to become a positive teacher:

  • Welcome student
  • Never Show Anger
  • Treat everyday as a New Day
  • No Question is Dumb
  • Don't be a Punisher
  • Call Each Student by Name
  • Positive Feedback at all Times
  • Accept Every Student No Matter What

Good Classroom Management

Good classroom management is essential to keeping a positive environment. Without classroom management the classroom would be in chaos. The students would not be able to learn nor would the teacher be able to teach. The responsibility of classroom management lies with both the teacher and the student. By the teacher establishing responsibility and routines within the classroom, this gives the students the tools to carry routines out on their own. Having daily routines and responsibilities have an impact on how children behave and what they learn(Lynch and Warner, 2004). Routines establish a predictable and stable environment that helps the child to feel balanced and comfortable. This in return cuts down on stress and able the child to learn. Some examples of good classroom management are having set times for: snacks, lunch, naps, cleaning up after play time and recess. Sticking to the routine that has been established in the class is key to having good classroom management. Often when a routine is disrupted children become disruptive and irritable with the situations around them and that causes them to not want to learn.

Physical Environment

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The physical environment of a classroom consists of many things such as: the chalk boards, bulletin boards, posters, cubbyholes and even the people inside the class room. The teacher should make sure that the physical environment screams with positivity. When walking into a new environment it always feels better when it is made to be comforting and welcoming. This is especially important with children because transition from home to a new place is harder for children the teacher should take precautions to make sure that the child is comfortable. The physical environment should be attractive but balanced. "Some children respond negatively to bright colors, especially children with special needs. If the classroom is too colorful and busy, tone down the color scheme to prevent children from being distracted be classroom brightness"(Lynch and Warner, 2004).Put up inviting posters with the teacher and students name. Another thing that can contribute to a positive learning environment is to take steps to personalized the classroom. Doing small things like putting up the children's artwork and putting their names on cubby holes makes the children feel like they are important, and gives a positive outlook on learning in the class.

Having Fun

Having fun can be called many things: play time, recess, P.E, or social time. Whatever it may be called, having fun within the classroom can be a major element to maintaining a positive learning environment. To the children plat time is just that a time to play, but as a teacher we know that having fun could prove to be very beneficial to both the student and the teacher. Elementary school students' bodies and minds are not made to sit down and be still for a long period of time. Children have to have some type of stopping points and or brief "intermissions" to keep them interested and engaged in the lesson. "Many educator provide recess periods for their children because they recognize that the benefits of this type of play go way beyond just refreshing the children's mind"(Kovar, Combs, Campbell, Napper-Owen, and Worrell 2007). Some other benefits to having fun other than just the physical part is that it keeps the children happy and focus on the lesson when they return from play time and, also while engaging in various activities they gain other skill such as sharing, communication, decision-making skills and it teacher them skills on how to develop relationships with other students. These skills gained from having fun will in turn transfer into the class and keep the class running smoothly and opens the door for more learning.


In my opinion, being a positive teacher perhaps is the most important element in creating a positive learning environment. Children know more than we sometimes think. Just like adults, they can pick up vibes from their teacher and if the teacher is giving off negative vibes then the child will respond back negatively. I also think that giving positive feedback is another great way to establish a positive learning environment because, it make the children feel important, and also motivates them to want to learn and do good so that they can earn more positive feed back.


Carr, S (2008). Creating a Positive Classroom. Retrieved February 3, 2009, from Web site:

Hillman, Carol (1989). Teaching and learning quotes. Retrieved February 3, 2009, from California State University Web site:

Kovar, S, Combs, C, Campbell, K, & Napper-Owen, G, Worrell, V (2007). Elementary classroom teachers as movement educators. New York: McGraw Hill.

Lynch, S, & Warner, L (2004). Preschool classroom management 150 teacher tested techniques. Beltsville: Gryphone House.

Partin, Ronald (2005). Classroom teacher's survival guide. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


1. Which one of these elements do NOT create a positive learning Environment?

a)Having Fun

b)Good classroom management

c)Showing Disappointment in student when they do something wrong

d)Having an attractive classroom

2. Why is it important to establish routine in the classroom?

a)It make the children feel comfortable

b)So that the teacher can get a break

c)To satisfy the principle

d)To make the parents happy

3. Which classroom is the BEST example of being inviting?

a) A classroom with lots of bright colors and lots of toys

b) A classroom with neutral colors and lots of posters

c) A classroom with dull colors and lots of toys

d) A classroom with some neutrals and some bright colors with personalized posters

4. Out of the 4 situations, which displays good classroom management?

a)Students coming in and immediately rushing to play with toys

b)Students coming and not knowing what they are supposed to do

c)Students coming in and placing belonging into cubbyholes then going to their seats

d)Teacher taking her class room day by day with no planned lessons

Answers:1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C

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