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Flora of New York/Violaceae/Viola × sublanceolata

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New York State Museum Bulletin. Nos. 243-244, March–April 1921

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The University of the State of New York - New York State Museum

John M Clarke, Director - Homer D. House, State Botanist

Pages 5–102:

Report of the State Botanist for 1921

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Page 26:

Viola lanceolata × pallens, hyb. nov.

This was taken at first for V. primulifolia because of its broad leaves. Further observations of it during 1921 showed that the petaliferous flowers were always sterile, the flower and its peduncle soon withering and never developing capsules. The leaves simulate those of the more southern V. primulifolia but are entirely smooth and in texture more like those of V. pallens.

Shore of Lake Harris near Newcomb, growing with V. pallens and V. lanceolata. House 7254, June 6–12, 1921; August 1–10, 1921.

New York State Museum Bulletin. No. 254, September 1924

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Pages 5–759:

Annotated List of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of New York State

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Pages 508-509:

23 Viola pallens (Banks) Brainerd, Rhodora 7: 247. 1905 - Northern white violet

V. rotundifolia var. pallens Banks, in DC. Prodr. I: 295. 1824
V. blanda Am. Auth., in large part. Not Willd.

In mossy or springy places and along cold brooks. Common across the State northward, especially throughout the mountainous sections. Less common southward to northern Long Island and rare on Staten Island.

× Viola mollicula (V. pallens × primulifolia Dowell, Torr. Club Bul. 37: 168. pl. 18. 1910). Type from Staten Island.
× Viola sublanceolata (V. lanceolata × pallens House, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 243-244: 26. 1923). Newcomb, Essex county. House

24 Viola primulifolia L. Sp. Pl. 934. 1753 - Primrose-leaved violet

In moist open places. Common on Long Island and Staten Island. Rare and local northward to Westchester county.

25 Viola lanceolata L. Sp. Pl. 934. 1753 - Lance-leaved or water violet

Open bogs and low or wet meadows, fields and shores. Common in the southern part of the State. Local northward to Albany, Washington, Saratoga, Fulton, Hamilton and Essex counties (Lake Harris, 1550 feet altitude, House) west to Oneida, Onondaga and St. Lawrence counties.

× Viola modesta. (V. lanceolata × primiilifolia Dowell, Dowell, Torr. Club Bul. 37: 176. pl. 17). Type from Staten Island.