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Fire on the Limestone Plains/Bush Fire Legislation

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On the 22nd November 1915, the district surveyor Percy Lempriere Sheaffe [1] recommended to the Administrator, Colonel Miller, that an Ordinance similar to that of NSW Careless Use of Fire Act be authorised to minimise the risk of bush fires to the Territory.[1]

The Careless Use of Fire Ordinance 1916 was notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 29 June 1916 (Commonwealth Gazette 1916 No 76).[2] The Careless Use of Fire Regulations 1917 were notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 25 January 1917

The Careless Use of Fire Ordinance 1936 (also known as the Bushfire Act 1936) was notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 14 May 1936 (Cwlth Gaz 1936 No 41). This ordinance became an Australian Capital Territory Act on 11 May 1989 (see Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth) s 34 (4))[3]

Bushfire Act 1936 was repealed by Emergencies Act 2004.[4] The Emergencies Act 2004 was passed by the Legislative Assembly and notified under the Legislation Act 2001 and notified on 29 June 2004. There have been 24 amendments to the Act the latest 14 October 2015.

Emergencies Bill 2004 29 June 2004

The Bill establishes the Emergency Services Authority. The authority is constituted by the Emergency Services Commissioner. The authority will be responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the four services (the Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service, Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service). Day to day performance of functions is to remain under the direct management of the Chief Officers of the services who, as members of the authority’s staff, are ultimately responsible to the Commissioner for the performance of functions.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mr Bill Wood MLA


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  1. a b http://www.naa.gov.au/ NAA A361, DSG16/528 Bush Fire Association http://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=62858
  2. Careless use of Fire Ordinance Federal Capital NAA: A1, 1930/11410
  3. "ACT legislation register - Bushfire Act 1936 (repealed) - Notification statement".
  4. "ACT legislation register - Bushfire Act 1936 (repealed) - main page".