Fire on the Limestone Plains/Bush Fire Brigades/A New Era 1979 to 1989

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After the "Black Tuesday" February 13, 1979 fire Mr. Jim Rochford gathered together a group of local's and in October 1979 under C.F.C.O. Cliff Parsons a new era of the Hall Volunteer Bushfire Brigade commenced. The new Brigade had 14 financial members. The first captain was Ian Rosby

Once again after many fires swept through the Jerrabomberra Valley in 1985 and 1986 a proposal was put forward that another volunteer bushfire brigade be formed. A public meeting was held on October 29, 1986 with the Jerrabomberra Volunteer Bush Brigade being officially formed on November 11, 1986.

In 1988 the Williamsdale Bush Fire Brigade split into two, these were the Williamsdale Bush Fire Brigade (N.S.W.) and the Guises Creek Volunteer Bushfire Brigade (A.C.T.).

At the instigation of Bush Fire Council a public meeting was held on 10 October 1989, at Stromlo Depot, to decide if a new Bush Fire Brigade should be set up covering the old Fairlight-The Rivers Brigade area in the A.C.T. The meeting voted in favour of setting up a new brigade. Simon Katz became the captain of Rivers Volunteer Bushfire Brigade. On 11 October 1989 BFC endorsed the formation of the new Brigade.