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False Friends of the Slavist/Map bьrati

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Semasiological map for *bьrati

R. братьBlr. брацьUkr. братиPol. braćKa. bracLSo. braśUSo. braćCz. brátSlk. braťSln. (po)brati



yellow shading ‘take’
red stripes ‘record’
blue circles ‘pick up’
blue stripes ‘take away’
green stripes ‘come here’
brown stripes ‘receive’
grey dots ‘conquer’
white shading no such word

(For areas without shading there is no information yet.)

take record pick up take away come here receive conquer
R. брать
Blr. браць
Ukr. брати
Pol. brać
Ka. brac
LSo. braś
USo. brać
Cz. brát
Slk. brať
Sln. (po)brati
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