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日本語 ~ English | http://en.wikibooks.org/upload/1/1a/Japan_coa.png 皇室御紋章 Imperial Seal of Japan |
This is an elementary course in the Japanese language. Please read the Introduction first.
Note: To use this book, your web browser first must be configured to read Japanese.
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Description: This is the starting point for beginners. You will learn how to read Hiragana and Katakana, which are the two Japanese alphabets.
Description: You will learn how Japanese sentences are formed, how to introduce yourself and be able to read and converse to an elementary level.
Description: Here you will learn how to read kanji. Refer to this section to accompany your study.
Description: This guide will help you prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
Description: You will find the master list for Grammar, Phrases, Vocabulary. Also, useful external links for software, background reading, and other methods of proficiency certification.
- Japanese:Phrases
- Japanese:Lesson E01
- Japanese:Kana
- Japanese:Basic Japanese sounds
- Japanese:Romaji
- Japanese:Advanced Topics
- Japanese:Parts of Speech
- Vocabulary Lists
- Contributor's Guide
- Discussion page
- Mailinglist
- Contributors: Antimobius, GoodStuff, Mkn, Ran, Xepo, 鼠