C++ Programming/TOC2

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C++ Programming

Wikibook Charter

This book covers the C++ programming language, its interactions with software design and real life use of the language. Its presented as a introductory to advance course but can also be used as reference book. This is an open work, if you find any problems with terms or concepts you can help by contribute to it, your participation is needed and welcomed!. You are also welcome to state any preference, shortcomings or vision for the actual book content, structure or other conceptual matters, see this wikibook's discussion page for the right forum for participating.

v1 Contents >> and Editor's TOC >>

C++ Language Essentials

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Development stage: 50% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Functions - Arguments, return values, recursive functions, function pointers and overloading.
Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 18, 2007) Pointers
Development stage: 00% (as of Oct 27, 2006) Memory Management
Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Unions
Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Operator Overloading
Development stage: 00% (as of Sep 21, 2006) Inheritance - Base, parent, child and multiple inheritance concepts.
Development stage: 00% (as of Sep 21, 2006) Polymorphism - Virtualization and abstraction.
Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Templates
Development stage: 50% (as of Dec 23, 2005) Runtime Type Information (RTTI)
Development stage: 50% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Exception Handling

Standard Library

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Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Standard Template Library (STL)

Beyond the Standard

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Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Multithreading
Development stage: 20% (as of Jan 01, 2006) Introduction to design patterns
Development stage: 00% (as of May 12, 2006) Optimizing Your Programs


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Development stage: 00% (as of Sep 21, 2006) Glossary
Development stage: 30% (as of Sep 21, 2006) Cheat Sheet
Development stage: 70% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Standard Headers
Development stage: 70% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Operators Table
Development stage: 20% (as of Sep 10, 2006) Examples
Development stage: 100% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Resources - Various C++ websites, compilers, libraries, forums and online books, etc.
Development stage: 100% (as of Sep 20, 2005) Books