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Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Scripts/md3 import

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New Updated Importer

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It would appear that there is a new importer which can import animations as well as texture coordinates. However the texture must be imported manually: http://www.moddb.com/games/quake-iii-arena/downloads/blender-md3-import-export-tool


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Script Name: MD3 Import 234

Author: PhaethonH

Version: md3import234.py 0009 (2004.10.23), md3.py 0004 (2002.03.07)

Tooltip: Import ID Software MD3 format.

Installs in: Script Menu: 'Import'

Included in Blender 2.42a: No

Licence: Copyright 2004 PhaethonH. Permission granted to use, copy, distribute, and modify, provided this copyright notice remains intact. Software is provided as-is, with absolutely no warranty of any kind.

Link: http://www.icculus.org/~phaethon/q3/md3import/md3import.html

Blender Version: 2.34

Python Version:

Files: md3import234.py, md3.py

Executable: md3import234.py

Bpy modules: ..Bpy data: ..Dependencies:

Usage guide

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Animation is not imported yet.

Textures and texture coordinates are not imported.