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Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Every Material Known to Man/Concrete

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Method 1

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This is a general concrete texture. It can be used in any sort of situation, and able to be easily applied and altered for most situations, as there are many variations in concrete in the world.


  • Col: (Change as needed)
    • R-0.8
    • G-0.8
    • B-0.8

  • Spec: (Change as needed)
    • R-0.8
    • G-0.8
    • B-0.8


  • Diffuse Shader:(Lambert)
    • Ref-0.8

  • Specular Shader:(CookTorr)
    • Spec-0.2
    • Hard-10


  • Tex: (Musgrave)
    • Input:Multifractal
    • H-0.7
    • Lacu-4.0
    • Octs-2.0
    • iScale-0.6
    • NoiseSize-(Adjust as needed)0.1
    • NoiseBasis-Blender Original

Map Input

  • TE: MusgraveTex
    • Coord-Orco
    • Map-Cube
    • SizeX-1.0
    • SizeY-7.0
    • SizeZ-1.0

(Note: Adjust SizeX/Y/Z as necessary, try to keep 1:7:1 Ratio)

  • Map To:
    • Output-Nor
    • Nor-1.0

(Adjust Nor based on mesh size, as necessary)

(Note: this tutorial seems to be for an older version of Blender- the Map Input section is not the same as newer versions)

For this texture, try adding an Image Texture and add an image of actual concrete. For a large scene, take multiple concrete images and tile them randomly and overlapping in Photoshop, then putting them down on your mesh. This texture is best for shading then a stand-alone material. Also works well with Nodes. Hope this helped!