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Biostatistics with R/Descriptive Statistics

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Summary For Formular with R

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Name Formula Formula with R
2.3.1 Class interval width using Sturges’s Rule Example
2.4.1 Mean of a population Example
2.4.2 Skewness Example
2.4.2 Mean of a sample Example
2.5.1 Range Example
2.5.2 Sample variance Example
2.5.3 Population variance Example
2.5.4 Standard deviation Example
2.5.5 Coefficient of variation Example
2.5.6 Quartile location in ordered array Example
2.5.7 Interquartile range Example
2.5.8 Kurtosis Example
Symbol Key
  • = coefficient of variation
  • = Interquartile range
  • = number of class intervals
  • = population mean
  • = population size
  • = sample size
  • =degrees of freedom
  • = first quartile
  • = second quartile = median
  • = third quartile
  • =range
  • =standard deviation
  • = sample variance
  • = population variance
  • = data observation
  • = largest data point
  • =smallest data point
  • = sample mean
  • =class width