Biblical Studies/Christianity/Eschatology/Signs of the Times

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End Time Events Supported by The Bible

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  • The airplane − Isaiah 31: 5 − EXAMPLE: Fly-over
  • The automobile − Nahum 2: 4 − EXAMPLE: Road rage
  • Atomic power − II Peter 3: 12 − EXAMPLE: Chernobyl melt-down
  • Invention of radio, radar, & telephone − Job 38: 35 − EXAMPLE: Air-waves
  • Global telecommunications − Revelation 11: 9 − EXAMPLE: Ability to do real time viewing of events that transpire in other continents.
  • Invention of TV, satellites, & Telstar − Revelation 1: 7 − EXAMPLE: CNN
  • Marked increase in knowledge − Daniel 12: 4 − EXAMPLE: Relatively recent discoveries of tau neutrinos; dust mites, Helium II, volcanoes on Io, gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets, and coronal mass ejections.
  • Jet powered planes − Ezekiel 38: 9 − EXAMPLE: Airbus
  • Marked increase in running to and fro − Daniel 12: 4 − EXAMPLE: Recent emergence of international jogging industries.
  • Excessive pride − II Timothy 3: 2 − EXAMPLE:
  • Manufacturing of armaments − Joel 3: 10 − EXAMPLE:
  • Disregard for the needy − Ezekiel 16: 49 − EXAMPLE: Iraq Oil-For-Food scandal
  • Pleasure-seekers − II Timothy 3: 4 − EXAMPLE:
  • Shorter work week − Ezekiel 16: 49 − EXAMPLE:
  • Overeating − Luke 17: 27-28 − EXAMPLE:
  • Exchanging wives − II Timothy 3: 6 − EXAMPLE:
  • Increase in divorce − Luke 17: 27 − EXAMPLE:
  • Broken homes − Matthew 24: 12 − EXAMPLE:
  • Building boom − Luke 17: 28 − EXAMPLE:
  • Increase in the ungodly − Jude 15 − EXAMPLE:
  • Despisers of good − II Timothy 3: 3 − EXAMPLE:
  • Insurgents abound − II Timothy 3: 3 − EXAMPLE: Enduring Freedom and Iraq Freedom Operations
  • Violence − Genesis 6: 11 − EXAMPLE:
  • Labor strikes − James 5: 4 − EXAMPLE:
  • Greediness − I Timothy 6: 10 − EXAMPLE:
  • Burdensome taxes − Daniel 11: 20 − EXAMPLE:
  • Heaping up wealth − James 5: 3 − EXAMPLE:
  • Widespread distress − Luke 21: 25 − EXAMPLE: New Orleans, Waveland, Biloxi, Mobile under water. 8-30-05
  • Nations crumbling − Ezekiel 37: 22 − EXAMPLE:
  • Wars and rumors of wars − Matthews 24: 6 − EXAMPLE:
  • Headstrong leaders, dictators, bossy spirit − II Timothy 3: 4 − EXAMPLE: 2019
  • Increase of crime − II Timothy 3: 13 − EXAMPLE:
  • Sudden heart failure − Luke 21: 26 − EXAMPLE: Death rates from heart disease in New York City are among the highest recorded in the country, and no one quite knows why. NY Times Online 8-18-05
  • Children’s revolt against parents − II Timothy 3: 2 − EXAMPLE:
  • Ungrateful society − II Timothy 3: 2 − EXAMPLE:
  • Women’s movement − Isaiah 4: 1 − EXAMPLE:
  • Political divisions − Isaiah 32: 5-8 − EXAMPLE: Impeachment inquiry 2019
  • Boasters, complainers − Jude 16 − EXAMPLE:
  • Critical of government − II Peter 2: 10 − EXAMPLE:
  • Lukewarm condition of the church − Revelation 3: 15 − EXAMPLE:
  • Ritualistic churches − II Timothy 3: 5 − EXAMPLE:
  • Faithless churches, doctrines of devils − I Timothy 4: 1 − EXAMPLE:
  • Many dishonor their bodies − Romans 1: 24 − EXAMPLE:
  • AIDS epidemic− Romans 1: 27 − EXAMPLE:
  • Incurable diseases rampant − Matthew 24: 7 − EXAMPLE:
  • False prophets − Matthew 24: 11 − EXAMPLE:
  • False messiahs (christs) − Matthew 24: 5 − EXAMPLE:
  • Increase of earthquakes − Matthew 24: 7 − EXAMPLE: Earthquake and the Tsunami in Asia 2004
  • Famines (food shortages) − Matthew 24: 7 − EXAMPLE: Anticipated impact of global warming.
  • Fearful signs in the heavens − Luke 21: 11 − EXAMPLE:
  • Regathering of Israel − Ezekiel 37: 21 − EXAMPLE:
  • Israel becomes a nation − Ezekiel 38: 8 − EXAMPLE: On May 15, 1948, Israel was established as a nation.
  • Israel persecuted − Jeremiah 30: 4-5 − EXAMPLE:
  • Persecution of believers − Matthew 24: 9 − EXAMPLE:
  • Disbelief in Christ’s return − II Peter 3: 3-4 − EXAMPLE:
  • Spiritual revival among true believers − Joel 2: 28 − EXAMPLE:
  • Pillars of smoke − Joel 2: 30 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Vertical smoke cloud caused by a nuclear detonation and/or smokey contrails from rocket launchings.
  • Sun black as sackcloth − Revelation 6:12 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Darkness during the crucifixion (Matt. 27:45 and The Apocryphal Gospel of Peter (Frag. I, V, 15-20)); the hour long solar blackout of 879 A.D.; and the three hour solar blackout of June 3, 1239.
  • Red Moon during black Sun − Joel 2:31; Revelation 6:12 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Red wide area lunar luminescence during November 1, 1963 and March 26, 1970.
  • Emergency global migrations to dens − Revelation 6:15-16 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Switzerland's underground shelters can accommodate seven million people.
  • Future meteoroid impact − Revelation 8:8 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Impact crater beneath the Atlantic Ocean at Chesapeake Bay (53 miles in diameter) and discovery of Near-Earth Objects (NEO).
  • Superluminal communication and/or transportation − Revelation 8:12 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Solutions to general relativity equations allow faster than light travel.
  • Solar directed migrations of birds to Armageddon − Revelation 19:17 − PROOF OF CONCEPT: Verified role of magnetoreceptors in the navigation behavior of birds.

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