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Australian Esoterica/Neopaganism in Australia

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« Australian Esoterica
Neopaganism in Australia
Nature Traditions of the World Observances and Symmetries

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o how can a philosophical belief system originating in the Northern Hemisphere be relevant to a multicultural nation situated south of the equator?

In answering this, the Australian Esoterica is not prepared to classify a cultural identity for Australian followers of Neopagan philosophies however there are a number of factors that southern followers of the craft may wish to contemplate.

Modern Neopagan spiritual movements of the Northern Hemisphere describe themselves as influenced by ancient nature-based cultures and their philosophies. Seasonal festivals throughout the year commemorate these occasions. Certainly the dates of such observances can be adjusted in accordance with the southern seasons, yet Australian Neopagans may find it difficult to culturally relate to the relevant historical stories. But does that really matter? We are all of the same biological genus and reside on the same home planet. Ultimately, such narratives belong to all of us - they are the chronicles of human spirituality. Neopaganism is as much about what feels right for the individual as it is about traditional folklore and customs. With all this is mind Australian Neopagans might consider:

  • The traditional cultural practises and myths of Aboriginal Australians.
  • Other traditional cultures of the Southern Hemisphere such as the Austronesian peoples of Oceania and Southeast Asia.
  • The Anglo-Celtic colonial history of Australia.
  • The traditional nature-based practises of Asiatic and Abrahamic philosophies and customs who have prominent populations within Australia (such as Feng Shui of China, the Islamic Koranic Law of Nature, or Ayurveda of India).
  • Personal ancestry/genealogy.
  • The natural landscape and local history of an Australian region with which they closely identify (such as their place of birth or residence).
  • The legality of Neopagan practises in Australia.
  • Their personal views on the cultural identity that is an Australian Neopagan.