AI Art Generation Handbook/Negative Prompts

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Negative prompts work by providing the AI algorithm with an input that it needs to avoid.

Negative prompts in Stable Diffusion can be compared to a painter’s palette of colors. Just as a painter selects colors from their palette to create a painting, when using Stable Diffusion's negative prompts to exclude certain elements from the final image.

For example, if the prompt crafter wants to create a portrait without any green color in it, they can give a negative prompt that instructs the AI algorithm not to use any green color, therefore the AI Art generator will try their best not to use any green colors in painting.

Original Images Negative prompt : Green trees
Algorithmically-generated landscape artwork of forest with Shinto shrine

So far , in Stable Diffusion, Automatic1111 and SD.Next utilises negative prompt in the workflow.

To know which elements to remove from images, recommended to use following links: and type the term you wanted to search.

Here is gallery of negative prompts, you may double click on the images.



Stock photo watermark
