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Wikibooks:Collections/Open Education Handbook

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The Open Education Handbook

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Open Education Handbook

[edit source]
About this book
Who is this book for?
How this book was written
Open Education
What is open education?
History of open education
Education: tradition & open
Benefits of open education
Access, participation, collaboration
Open Education Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Types of OER
Why use OER?
History of the OER movement
Finding and using OER
Assessing OER quality
Creating & developing OER
Useful software for OER creation
Publishing OER online
Editor tools for building and remixing OERs
Impact of OER
OER & Accessibility
MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses)
OER for the developing world
OER communities and interest groups
Open Textbooks
OER Resources and Handbooks
Open Licences and Copyright
Intellectual Property, Rights & Licensing
Open Licences
Misperceptions about OER & copyright
Open Education in Policy and Practice
Practising open learning
Open Educational Practices (OEP)
Open Assessment
Open Badges
Open Policy
Open Advocacy
Open Data
Open Education Data
Open Data & Institutions
Types of Open Data
Creating Open Data
Using Open Data
Open Data and Learning Analytics
Open Source Education Tools
Open data for education: LinkedUp Challenge
Open Data - Useful Links
Open Communities
Open Education - Conferences and Events
Open Education Data - Conferences and Competitions
Open Education Directory
Openness and the developing world
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)