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WikiSkills Handbook/Cover

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

WikiSkills Handbook

Empowering and fostering social, professional, cultural and civic skills through pedagogical use of Wiki technologies and methodologies

This handbook is meant to be a practical guide to help educators of all type (teachers, trainers) bring their public in using wikis and wiki-like tools for their learning activities, through the use of customized wiki-based learning scenarios, for their socio-professional development.

The handbook has been developed in the context of the WikiSkills European project, which aims to apply the benefits of wikis to promote educational lifelong learning opportunities. It has been further refined during the Wikinomics Project, meant to improve, reuse and disseminate Wikiskills results, with a focus on the area of economy and employment.

Authors and contributors

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This handbook has been produced thanks to the contributions of the following :

Editors of the Handbook:

  • Florence Devouard and Theo Bondolfi (Ynternet.org)

Writers of the Handbook:

  • Florence Devouard
  • Frédérique Frossard
  • Mario Barajas
  • Miguel Alarcón
  • Anna Bauer
  • Theo Bondolfi
  • Thanasis Priftis

Scenarios and other contributions (surveys, training sessions, technical support, quality control etc.)

  • Pascal Echardour and Yves Boisselier (MAC TEAM)
  • Frédérique Frossard and Mario Barajas (University of Barcelona)
  • José Manuel Abuín and Maria Malmierca (CESGA)
  • Anna Bauer and Leonard Wallentin (Wikimedia Sverige)
  • Argiris tzikopoulos (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)
  • Jennifer Ziegler (die Berater) & Gernot Hausar (University of Vienna)
  • Florence Devouard and Theo Bondolfi (Ynternet.org)
  • Miguel Alarcón (heig-vd)


  • Frédérique Frossard
  • Florence Devouard


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This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contains therein.


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This document has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 3.0)