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Welsh/Mynediad/Lesson 8

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  • Ask for the time.
  • Tell the time.
  • Talk about the weather.


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A: Faint o'r gloch yw hi?

B: Mae hi'n dri o'r gloch. Pam?

A: Mae drama yn y theatr am hanner awr wedi tri. Dw i'n mynd i weld. Wyt ti'n dod?

B: Nac ydw. Yn anffodus, mae apwyntiad gyda fi

A: Faint o'r gloch wyt ti'n mynd allan?

B: Am chwarter i bedwar.

A: O na! Mae hi'n bwrw glaw!


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  • Faint o'r gloch yw hi? - What time is it? (lit. How many bells?)
  • Faint o'r gloch..? - At what time..?
  • O'r gloch - O' clock
  • Drama - Play
  • Yn anffodus - Unfortunately
  • Apwyntiad - Appointment
  • Mynd allan - To go out.
  • Hanner - Half
  • Chwarter - Quarter


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  • How to say it / The weather
Welsh Vocabulary • Lesson 8 • audio (upload)
Y tywydd The Weather
Mae hi'n bwrw glaw It's raining
Mae hi'n bwrw eira It's snowing
Mae hi'n stormus It's stormy
Mae hi'n wyntog It's windy
Mae hi'n heulog It's sunny
Mae hi'n dwym It's hot
Mae hi'n oer It's cold
  • The clock
Welsh Vocabulary • Lesson 8 • audio (upload)
Yr amser The Time
2:05 Pum munud wedi dau o'r gloch
2:10 Deg munud wedi dau o'r gloch
2:15 Chwarter wedi dau o'r gloch
2:20 Ugain munud wedi dau o'r gloch
2:25 Pum munud ar hugain wedi dau o'r gloch
2:30 Hanner awr wedi dau o'r gloch
2:35 Pum munud ar hugain i dri o'r gloch
2:40 Ugain munud i dri o'r gloch
2:45 Chwarter i dri o'r gloch
2:50 Deg munud i dri o'r gloch
2:55 Pum munud i dri o'r gloch


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  • In Welsh, to say 'it', you must use either 'fe' (he) or 'hi' (she). If the noun, you're referring to is masculine, use 'fe', or if it's feminine, use 'hi'. When talking about the weather and time, use 'hi'.
    • Mae hi'n bwrw glaw.
    • Mae hi'n ddeg o'r gloch.
  • Am is the correct preposition to use with various time expressions:
    • Am dri o'r gloch - At 3:00
    • Am awr - For an hour.
Note that "am" causes a soft mutation.
  • Telling time:
    • Use o'r gloch on the hour. e.g. Dau o'r gloch (2:00)
    • Use hanner wedi [number] o'r gloch for half past. e.g. Hanner wedi tri o'r gloch. (3:30)
    • Use wedi up until half past. e.g. Pum munud wedi pump o'r gloch (5:05)
    • Use i after half past. E.g. Chwarter i chwech o'r gloch (5:45). I causes a soft mutation as we have already seen.
  • Talking about the weather.
    • Mae hi'n causes a soft mutation in adjectives. Therefore twym (hot) becomes dwym, gwyntog (windy) becomes wyntog and so on.
      • Exception: braf (nice). E. g. Mae hi'n braf heddiw and not Mae hi'n fraf heddiw.
Verbs on the other hand do not undergo mutation. For instance bwrw glaw (to rain) stays the same.