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Video Production/Windows media encoder tutorial

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Windows Media Encoder - Creating small WMV files

You will need to Install

http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/encoder/default.aspx Download Windows Media Encoder and install it - it has an installer so it should be easy.

Download http://www.clearertraining.org/clearertraining/wme/indyvideo.wme this file. It ends *.wme. This is a windows encoder template file.

How to do it.

Open up Windows Media Encoder

You may get a "New Session" box up on the screen. Click Cancel if you do.

You need to open the *.WME file you downloaded from above in Windows Media Encoder.

File > Open [ browse for file]

You will get two error messages. This is ok, click ok, it's ok really.

Click on the Properties icon on the tool bar at the top. To get the options displayed below.

You want to tell it which file you want to encode, So Click the browse button next to the source box.


Your source file should if possible be a dv avi that you might have saved out of premiere. It may also be an Xvid file if you have created one from a DVD. The better quality you start with the better it will end up.

You also need to indicate where you want to save the new window media version of your file. To do this click on the output tab at the top of your options and Browse for a place to put it.


That's it!

It creates a relatively small file, One mintute is about one Megabyte in size. It's a bit fuzzy but waddya want for that kinda compression rate!