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If you're seeing this page you've either come here from my user page or because I put a Cleanup Notice on a talk page. If it's from the latter, I probably identified a problem that can easily be fixed, but I'd prefer the cleanup be done by someone who has knowledge about the book in question so that I just don't make things worse.

Right now, if you're getting to this page from the Cleanup Notice, it's probably because I've found some orphans that belong in a particular book. Pages that have been categorized but not explicitly linked to in page text will appear there, which means you're probably using Categories as a table of contents, and if I've linked a lot of pages then a full TOC page or more internal links is probably required.

Miscellaneous Cleanup Tasks

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These are problems I've found but haven't found the appropriate place to notify people about yet, or am waiting to amass a number of similar issues to solve them all in one (or few) actions.

My current major project is to get the number of orphaned pages down to a list of pages that are necessarily orphaned - that is, there's a reason for the page to exist, and there's a reason for no other pages to link to it. Note that I may link to some of these pages from this page, which will remove them from the list on the next refresh, but it does not mean the problems have been resolved.

Date # of Orphans
18 Nov 2010 388
25 May 2010 451

Unassigned Orphans

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Pages that don't fit into any of the other 'categories' I've got listed here.

  • None for now


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Top-level pages that need to be indexed beyond categories. These are probably the most important to take care of, since they're not linked to from anywhere and therefore probably won't be developed. I'm collecting these here for now, once I get a couple dozen I'll put them in appropriate indices.

It seems that books can now be 'properly' categorized without actually being linked anywhere. I'll therefore divide the list into those that need categorization and those that don't.

Categorized Books

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Uncategorized Books

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  • None for now

Misplaced Subpages

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Maybe they were just misnamed, or an index somewhere was changed and they were forgotten. These are pages within non-orphaned books that became orphaned at some point.

Placeholder Pages

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These are pages that have been created and locked to prevent spam/vandalism or unbookified pages.

Orphan Redirects

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Orphaned pages that consist of solely a redirect. In some cases there's a reason to keep the redirect around (mainly for Search use) but in cases they just clutter things up.

  • None for now