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var BookName, BookNameE; //contains the name of the book, if any
var gml_xmlhttp;         //http client
var PVtext;              //node element for the textarea
var PVstat;              //node element for the status area 
var formnode;
var xml;
var PVformspan = "WKPVFormSpan";
var PVtextspan = "WKPVSpan";
var PVstatspan = "WKPVStatSpan";
var PVboxspan  = "WKPVFormSpanSub";
var text = "";
var text2 = "";
function WKPVCreateForm() {
    "<form Name=\"WKPVFormB\" Action=\"\" Method=\"GET\">" +
    makeTextBox("WKPVBookNameB") +
    makeButton("WKPVSubmitB",  "Load",    "WKPVGet(this.form);") + "&nbsp;" +
    makeButton("WKPVShowB",    "Show",    "WKPVShowBox();") +
    makeButton("WKPVHideB",    "Hide",    "WKPVHideBox();") + "&nbsp;" +
    makeButton("WKPVClearB",   "Clear",   "WKPVClear(this.form);") + "&nbsp;" +
    makeButton("WKPVConvertB", "Convert", "WKPVConvert(this.form);") + "&nbsp;" +
    makeButton("WKPVEditB",    "Edit",    "WKPVEdit(this.form);",    "true") +
    makeButton("WKPVDisplayB", "Display", "WKPVDisplay(this.form);", "true") +
    "<span id=\"" + PVboxspan + "\" style=\"display: none;\">" +
    "<Textarea name=\"WKPVListB\" rows=\"15\" cols=\"70\"></textarea>" +
function WKPVShowBox() {
  var box = document.getElementById(PVboxspan);
  box.style.display = "";
function WKPVHideBox() {
  var box = document.getElementById(PVboxspan);
  box.style.display = "none";
function WKPVClear(form) {
  form.WKPVListB.value = "";
  form.WKPVEditB.disabled = true;
  form.WKPVDisplayB.disabled = true;
function WKPVGet(form) {
  formnode = form;
  BookName = form.WKPVBookNameB.value;
  BookNameE = BookName.replace(" ", "_");
  PVstat = ClearSpan(PVstatspan);
  PVtext = ClearSpan(PVtextspan);
  if(PVstat && PVtext) {
    if(BookName == "") {
    gml_xmlhttp = HTTPClient();
    if (!gml_xmlhttp) {
      setSpanText(PVstatspan, "xml thingy does not work");
    gml_xmlhttp.open("GET", "http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=" + BookNameE +
                            "&action=raw", true);
    gml_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = WKPVGet2;
  } else {
    alert("No " + PVstatspan + " or " + PVtextspan + " element!");
function WKPVGet2() {
  if (gml_xmlhttp.readyState != 4) {
  formnode.WKPVListB.value = gml_xmlhttp.responseText;
  setSpanText(PVstatspan, "Got text from [[" + createWikiLink(BookName) + "]]. " +
                          "Click <b>Convert</b> to prepare the print version. " +
                          "Click <b>Show</b> to show and edit the current text manually.");
function WKPVSetChapter(page, offset, xml) {
  page = page.replace("[[", "");
  page = page.replace("]]", "");
  var levels = page.split("/");
  var subpage = levels[levels.length - 1];
  if(subpage == "")
    subpage = levels[levels.length - 2];
  return ("{{Print chapter heading|" + subpage + "}}\n{{:" + page + "}}\n"); 
function WKPVFormat(xml, BookName) {
  xml = xml.replace(/''+/g, ""); //kill text formatting
  xml = xml.replace(/\{\{[^\}]+\}\}/g, ""); //kill templates
  xml = xml.replace(/\[\[category:[^\]]+\]\]/ig, ""); //kill categories
  xml = xml.replace(/\|[^\]\}]+\]\]/g, "]]"); //kill piped links
  xml = xml.replace(/\[\[\/([^\]]+)\/\]\]/g, "[[" + BookName + "/$1]]"); //properly address relative links
  xml = xml.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g, WKPVSetChapter); //prepare chapter entries     
  xml = xml.replace(/\* ?/g, ""); //kill bullets
  xml = xml.replace(/# ?/g, ""); //kill ordered lists
  xml = xml.replace(/==+[^=]+==+/g, ""); //kill headings
  xml = xml.replace(/\n\n\n+/g, "\n\n"); //kill extra whitespace
  xml = xml.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
  xml = xml.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
  var header = "{{Print version notice}}\n" +
               "__NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__\n" +
               "&lt;br style=\"page-break-after: always\"&gt;\n";
  if(BookName != "") {
    header = header + "{{:" + BookName + "/Cover}}\n" +
                      "&lt;br style=\"page-break-after: always\"&gt;\n";
  xml = header + xml + "\n= GNU Free Documentation License =\n\n{{:GFDL|=}}\n\n";
  return xml;
function WKPVConvert(form) {
  form.WKPVEditB.disabled = false;
  form.WKPVDisplayB.disabled = false;
  BookName = form.WKPVBookNameB.value;
  text  = WKPVFormat(form.WKPVListB.value, BookName);
  text2 = text.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
  text2 = text2.replace(/&lt;/g, "<");
  setSpanText(PVstatspan, "Successfully converted text. " +
                          "Click <b>Show</b> to display and edit the current text. " +
                          "Click <b>Display</b> to show the current text for copy+paste. " +
                          "Click <b>Edit</b> to edit and save the current text.");
function WKPVDisplay(form) {
  BookName  = form.WKPVBookNameB.value;
  BookNameE = BookName.replace(/ /g, "_");
  PVstat    = document.getElementById(PVstatspan);
  PVstat.innerHTML = "<b>Print version text:</b><br>";
  if(BookName != "") {
    PVstat.innerHTML = PVstat.innerHTML +
                       "Copy the text below into " +
                       "[[<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=" + BookNameE + 
                       "/Print_Version&action=edit\">" + BookName + "/Print Version</a>]] " +
                       "<br><small><font color=\"FF0000\" align=\"center\">Warning</font>: " + 
                       "this text may need to be edited manually to remove unwanted " + 
                       "templates, categories, links or odd formatting that the tool " +
                       "cannot account for.</small><br>";
  setSpanText(PVtextspan, "<pre style=\"overflow: auto;\">" + text + "</pre>");
function WKPVEdit(form) { 
  formnode = form;
  BookName = form.WKPVBookNameB.value;
  if(BookName == "") {
  BookNameE = BookName.replace(" ", "_");
  gml_xmlhttp = HTTPClient();
  if (!gml_xmlhttp) {
    setSpanText(PVstatspan, "XML thingy doesnt work");
  editurl = "http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=" + BookNameE + "&action=edit";
  gml_xmlhttp.open('GET', editurl, true);
  gml_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = WKPVEdit2;
function WKPVEdit2() {
  if (gml_xmlhttp.readyState != 4) return;
  var doc = gml_xmlhttp.responseXML;
  var form = doc.getElementById('editform');
  var ta = doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  var sum = doc.getElementById('wpSummary');
  sum.value = BookName + " Printable Version: Created by Whiteknight's Print Version Creator";
  ta.value = text2;
  form.action = "/w/index.php?title=" + BookNameE + "/Print_Version&action=submit";
  setSpanText(PVstatspan, "Editing text for [[" + 
                          createWikiLink(BookName + "/Print Version") + 
                          "]]. Edit the text below to remove any errors or artifacts " +
                          "of the conversion process. Once you have made your edits, " +
                          "click <b>Save Page</b>.");
  PVtext = ClearSpan(PVtextspan);
if(typeof WhiteknightGadgets != 'function') {