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The Newest Edition to my family (HE IS ALREADY IN ODU GEAR)

A Little About Me

Hello, Everyone my name is Siedah (SI-E-(LONG E)-DAH- IT SAID THE WAY ITS SPELLED) and currently I am a second semester sophomore majoring in elementary education. Originally I'm from a small city called Hopewell, VA. I'm sure not many people know where that is but it's near Petersburg, VA or Towards Richmond, VA. I come from a very big family that has 23 grandchildren which for the most part are older then me and they all have children so I was and still am always around babies.I guess that is where my love for children came from.I don't have any children but I do have a Beautiful God Son who I love so much. As I Said before I LOVE children and everything about them especially their innocence I like it when they begin to learn and start applying their knowledge to the world around them. My second love is Fashion. I love to keep up with the latest styles and fads and also putting bold colors together. Along with that I love to shop and love being with my boyfriend of 4 years.

My Teaching Philosophy

As a teacher I will strive to explore every educational outlet possible. I believe as a teacher that I should make the classroom an easy-going,fun and positive learning environment. I know that as a student and a future teacher that every student will not have the same learning style and I will do my best to utilize all learning outlets.

I First knew that I wanted to be a teacher the day that I graduated high school. Sounds a little late but thats when it happened. One of my teachers from elementary school had been so inspirational to me she was everything that I wanted to be. She had always been there for me even with the little problems that I was have having in the 4th grade and she had also been there for my mom in her time of need. Her husband was in the army so she moved away soon after I left elementary school but she always kept in contact with the class. She told me that she was always going to be there for me and that she would be there on the day that I graduated from high school and sure enough she was there. When I saw her I realized that a teacher can be more then a disciplinary figure that only cared about what happened in school but a teacher could be much more then that. Because of the HUGE impact that that single teacher had on me I decided that I would become a teacher and have an impact on someone else life. I know its a little too much information but this is the type of impact that I would like to have on my students.