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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

This is an annotated list of existing resources that can support your Wikibooks learning as well as extend it.


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There are very few books available in English about Uyghur, which is partly a motivating factor for this Wikibook.


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  • Spoken Uyghur by Reinhard Hahn (1991, University of Washington Press, ISBN 0295986514). Amazon indicates that it's going to be reprinted in October 2006. Has 15 lessons with dialogues in Arabic script, Latin script and English translation. Main script used in vocabulary lists is Latin. Has a lengthy and detailed introductory section on the "principles of morphophonology".
  • Introduction to Modern Uyghur by Hamit A. Zakir, (2007, Xinjiang University Press, ISBN) 7563120777). Available in private bookstores in Urumqi (best bet, ones near Xinjiang University, specifically Ghalibiyet Kitabxanisi). 28 lessons, Arabic script, instruction and explanation in English.


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  • [unseen] Lonely Planet Central Asia Phrasebook by Justin Jon Redelson (1998, Lonely Planet Publications, ISBN 0864424191). Covers five languages, one of which is Uyghur. Reportedly the chapter on Uyghur is better than the others, also reportedly only has transliterations, not original scripts.


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  • An Uyghur-English Dictionary by Henry Shwarz (1992, East Asian Research Aids and Translations, ISBN 0914584898). A large dictionary that suffers from only having Latin script lookup and no Arabic script at all, save the alphabet on the inside cover. Has terminological lists in an appendix on these topics: Agriculture, astronomy, botany, chemistry, clothing, food, geography, geology, grammar & linguistics, history, literature, mathematics, medicine, military, music, philosophy, physics, physiology, religion, sports and zoology.
  • [unseen] Inglizcha-Uighurcha lughat: English-Uighur dictionary by Anvar Paizulla (1998, Shinjang Khalq Nashriyyati, ISBN 7228007395).
  • List of further dictionaries


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  • A reasonably complete list exists here.


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United States

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  • University of Washington Central Asian Studies in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization: Uighur Studies. They have taught Mordern and Old Uighur since the 1970s and have an exchange agreement with Xinjiang University.
  • Indiana University, Bloomington Department of Central Eurasian Studies offers introductory, intermediate and advanced Uyghur.
  • The University of Kansas offers Uyghur through its Center for East Asian Studies.
  • Columbia University School of International Public Affairs lists Uyghur as one of the courses it offers.
  • Berkeley reportedly offers Uyghur, but I couldn't find any mention of it...

See also the Less Commonly Taught Languages database (search for 'Uighur'), and the American Association for Teachers of Turkic (may list other relevant schools in the future).


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They probably all teach in Chinese.

  • Xinjiang University (新疆大学), Xinjiang website
  • Normal University of Xinjiang (新疆师范大学), Xinjiang
  • Kashgar Pedagogical College, Xinjiang
  • Ili Pedagogical College, Xinjiang
  • Central University for Nationalities (中央民族大学), Beijing: Department of Turkic Languages and Cultures
  • Northwestern Nationality Institute, Gansu
  • Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi: Centre for Nationality Studies


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Uyghur content

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  • http://dict.yulghun.com/
  • http://www.uyghurdictionary.org/ "What we can offer you at this time is a basic list of 70,120 Uyghur entries, the etymology of words of non Turkic origin and indications of vowel length as well as attempted English translations." Search in romanized script, Cyrillic or Arabic, or English.


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  • Oyghan Toolbox "allows you to convert the selected text from Arabic-Uyghur script to Latin-Uyghur script (UKY--Uyghur Computer Writing, hereafter: UKY), and the inverse is also possible."
  • Verbix - "verb conjugator software" for Windows. Reportedly has Uighur support.


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  • [1] Free and shareware Arabic fonts with samples.
  • [2] (In Uyghur) These fonts are linked to in the previous page so unless you want to practice some Uyghur reading...
  • Advice about Uyghur encodings and "[converting] between the Arabic Presentation Form blocks and the Arabic block of Unicode".


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Linguistic resources

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Don't quite belong here, but nowhere else for them to go just yet...

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