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Appendix D

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C++ Programming


Appendix Purpose and Scope

This Appendix to the C++ Programming book will attempt to provide users a complementary understanding of the C++ programming language. It will be interconnected and dependent on the lessons and theoretical content already presented on the C++ Programming book but at the same time will attempt to remain as self contained as possible to enable the series of exercises and problems to be used alone in practical/laboratory classes. This is an open work, if you find any problems with terms or concepts you can help by contribute to it, your participation is needed and welcomed! You are also welcome to state any preference, shortcomings or vision for the actual book content, structure or other conceptual matters, see this Wikibook's discussion page for the right forum for participating.

Referencing the learning chapters
If you have questions related to C++ that are not addressed on the book, ask at the Q&A or check
Subject:C++ programming language

A complete printable version of
C++ Programming Exercises
is available.
(attention to its size)

A single page version [ edit) with all chapters is available (attention to its size).

You can use WikiType an online application which converts the Wikibooks into formatted PDF. With no source highlight.

Use the link for the single page version version of the work (or any of the by Chapter print versions).

Chapter 1: C++ a multi-paradigm language

Chapter 2: Fundamentals for getting started

Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming

Chapter 4: Advanced Features

Chapter 5: Beyond the Standard

include c++ exercise