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BASIC Programming Language
Currently updating a forgotten project started by a source no longer working on it. Revamping everything to the same style and to FreeBasic. Will be working on for another month or so.

About Me

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Heyas ^.^

I am Klemintine, or Klem.. Either works. I enjoy writing, programming, and talking in my free time and would die without my friends x.X

There is no greater joy in the world for me than helping others =] Except maybe the surprised comments that I get when they find out I am barely fourteen, Lol.

So yeah, I love to talk, (Golly gee, This is boring, I have to write about 5 'About Mes' a day -sighs-). So if you are ever bored just go down to my Contact area and just give me call (by Call I mean IM or eMail) >.<

I have been programming since the age of eight.. actually I will make a timeline so I don't have to type this all out Teehee.

Age 8: Got into programming after deciding that I didn't like that fact that I had no idea what the computer was doing inside when I pressed a button. My uncle showed me Visual Basic which I gave up on after one week because I didn't like the drag and drop factor (And I had no idea what was happening that made the button when I dropped it on the screen.). I moved onto C++.
Age 9: I know the basics of C++ and programming concepts. I try out my hand on HTML 4.0 (xhtml was new/unpopular/nonexistent). I liked it. I stayed after school everyday making websites. I didn't like the formating and all the capitals and the incorrectly nested elements (I am a perfectionist, even at the age of nine). About a few months later xhtml became popular/in-existance and it was everything I thought HTML 4.0 should have been.
Age 10: What is this.. this wonderful program? Animations.. Programming.. Flash! Macromedia was my superhero, they made my favorite program. Flash MX 2004, it was love. (Actually Shigeru Miyamoto is my idol) I learned Actionscript 2.0 and stuck with Flash up until today, and still with it. After Flash 8 came out, I considered my self a RIA Web Developer.
Age 11: Made websites still, but went back to learn more about Desktop Programming and Game Programming Concepts. Learned Object-Oriented-Programming and was like "OMG.. PROGRAMMING IS GOING TO BE MY BEST FRIEND! OOP IS FUN!".. well not really.. but, yeah xP
Age 12: Dude, teh PHP is awesome. I love PHP now.
Age 13: Game programming with Flash. PHP Studies continue. Hired to write tutorials.
Age 14: I am writing a programming concepts book that will be self published and also made into a PDF and will be offering online classes that go along with the book.


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Wiki Talk (With Me)
Meebo: Cayson
Aim: ShannaraGeek
Msn: CaysonHiivala@hotmail.com
Yim: CaysonHiivala
Email: Caysonhiivala@hotmail.com