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User:Joel Lamoure

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Professional Website: http://www.joelwlamoure.com/

Joel Lamoure RPh., B.Sc.Phm., FASCP. Assistant Professor and Assistant CME Director, Department of Psychiatry University of Western Ontario Teaching Associate, Faculty of Pharmacy University of Toronto; Mental Health Pharmacist, London Health Sciences Centre, South St Hospital


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Lamoure J. Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(10):27

Lamoure J. How Often is Male Hypogonadism Associated with depression? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(10):21

Lamoure J. Theory of Mindfulness. Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(9):20

Lamoure J. When Should Antidepressants Not be Used for Depression? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(9): 34

Lamoure J. Anxiety, Depression and Dual SSRI Use Pharmacy Gateway Mental Health ATE. Aug 2009 http://www.pharmacygateway.ca/index/asktheexpert/mental_health.jsp

Lamoure J. What is the First-line Treatment for Bipolar Disorder for GP’s? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(6): 28

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Parker N. Do older "typical" antipsychotics share the same warnings as "atypical" regarding their use in the elderly with dementia? Are any of them safer? Pharmacy Gateway Mental Health ATE. June 2009 http://www.pharmacygateway.ca/index/asktheexpert/mental_health.jsp

Lamoure J, Stovel J, Marchioni D. What Drug Interactions Are Common in Treatment-Resistant Depression? Medscape ATE June 2009 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/703441

Lamoure, JW., Rudnick,A. (Poster Abstract) A retrospective case report series of patients (post-marketing) receiving olanzapine intramuscular (IM) outside of product monograph does and indications: Assessing safety and tolerability. UWO Psychiatry Research Day June 18, 2009

Lamoure, JW., Rudnick,A. (Poster Abstract) A retrospective case report series of patients (post-marketing) receiving olanzapine intramuscular (IM) outside of product monograph does and indications: Assessing safety and tolerability. RMHC Research Day May 13, 2009

Lamoure J. Which Types of Psychotherapy are Effective for the Different Anxiety Disorders (Empirically Validated)? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(5):38

Lamoure J. How Common is Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? In Adults/In Children? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(5):24

Lamoure J. What is the Best Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(4):33

Lamoure J. How Can We Best Help and Treat the Depressed Adolescent? Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(3):15

Lamoure J. What is the Medication/Treatment for Somatic Delusions?. Cdn. J of CME 2009; 21(2):20

Lamoure J, Stovel J. (Poster Abstract) Topiramate-Induced Hemiplegia. CSHP PPC Toronto February 1, 2009

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Depression: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Pharmacy Practice. 2009; 25 (1): 38-42

Lamoure J, Stovel J, Boivin M. Schizophrenia for Pharmacists. Beyond the Diagnosis. Web Education Module. December 2008 www.rxbriefcase.com

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Medications and Mental Health. Cdn J. CME 2008: 20 (11):51-54

Lamoure J, Stovel J, Bateman K. How Common or Significant Is Serotonin Syndrome? Medscape ATE November 2008 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/582862

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Do SSRIs medications cause bleeding in general patients? Is there need to be cautious when patients take SSRI’s with other medications such as aspirin or NSAID’s? September 2008 http://www.pharmacygateway.ca/index/asktheexpert/mental_health.jsp

Lamoure J. Como funciona a estimulação magnética transcraniana no tratamento da depressão refratária. Jornal Mineiro de Psiquiatria. Edição No. 28 (agosto de 2008) Ano XII

Dixon D, Harris S, Lamoure J, Stovel J. Webmodule: TZD in the news. Putting Evidence into Perspective. August 2008. http://www.rxbriefcase.com/process/view.asp?cid=358

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Overview of New Treatments and Efficacy of Medications in Mental Health. Pharmacy Gateway Mental Health ATE. July 2008 http://www.pharmacygateway.ca/index/asktheexpert/mental_health.jsp

Lamoure J, Bombardier S. Overview of Options for Treatment Resistant depression and SSRI Augmentation. Pharmacy Gateway Mental Health ATE. June 2008 http://www.pharmacygateway.ca/index/asktheexpert/mental_health.jsp

Lamoure J. Neurobiology of rTMS. Medscape ATE May 2008 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/572342

Lamoure J, Stovel J. Does Quetiapine Produce False-Positive Methadone Tests? Medscape ATE January 2008 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/568245

Andrews E, Bombassaro A, Mills D, Lamoure J, Baskette J. (Poster Abstract) Medication Reconciliation In a Pre-Admission General Surgery Service. CSHP PPC January 2008

Pang S, Facca N ,Lamoure J, Delamere K. (Poster Abstract) Medication Reconciliation on 4-IP (Medicine). CSHP PPC January 2008

Lamoure J. Stovel J. Are Duloxetine's Side Effects Dose Related? Medscape Pharmacist ATE December 2007 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/566867

Lamoure J. Stovel J What are the Troublesome Side Effects of Topiramate? Cdn J of Diagnosis 2007; 24(12); 25

Lamoure J. Stovel J. Is It Safe to Use "Natural" Sleep Aids While Taking Antidepressants? Medscape Pharmacist ATE October 2007 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/563447

Lamoure J. Psychopharmacology Drug Case. Summary of Case and Conclusions. . UWO Department of Psychiatry Fall 2007 Issue 47:6-7

Chiu A, Lamoure J, Naidu K. Lamotrigine-Induced Blood Dyscrasias in Association with Rash. Cdn J Hospital Pharmacists 2007; 60 (4); 257-259

Smith L, Lamoure J. Drug-Disease Psychopharmacology Review. Clinical QandA Antipsychotics in Breastfeeding. UWO Department of Psychiatry Summer 2007 Issue 46:8-9

Lamoure J. Regarding expired medications, other than a decreased efficacy, is there a significant health risk? Cdn J. of Diagnosis 2007; 24(5) (In press-publication date May07)

Lamoure J. Does Combining Duloxetine and Amitriptyline Raise the Risk for Seizures? Medscape Pharmacist ATE April 2007. http://www.medscape.com/pharmacists/asktheexperts

Lamoure J. Schizophrenia.Getting the Right Drug to the Right Patient. Pharmacy Practice 2007; 23(4) 48-54, 63-64

Lamoure J. Somatization/Personality Disorders and Adverse Effects "My antidepressants or my eyesight?". Cdn J. of Diagnosis 2007; 24(4):47-50

Lamoure J, Turgay A, Sumpton J, Weiss G. Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children. Web Education Module March 2007 www.rxbriefcase.com [1]

Loder J, Lamoure J, Northcott S. Clarithromycin and Clozapine Interaction “Doctor, I don’t feel well”. Cdn. J of Diagnosis 2006; 23(12):34-37

Lamoure J. Treatment of Social Anxiety in Teenagers. Cdn. J of CME 2006; 18(10):10

Lamoure J. Antidepressant Use Associated with Type 2 Diabetes. UWO Department of Psychiatry Fall 2006 Issue 43 pp12-13

Lamoure J. Discontinuation Syndrome: Relapse vs. Withdrawal. Cdn. J of Diagnosis 2006; 23(9):95-98

Lamoure J, Smith L. Methamphetamine...Madness to the Method. : Cdn. J of CME 2006; 18(7): 51-54

Lamoure J. Role of Dalteparin in Stroke. Cdn. J of Diagnosis 2006;23(2):21

Lamoure J. IM MPA and BC Failure. Cdn. J of CME 2006;18(1):39

Lamoure J. Metformin and Glyburide. Cdn. J of CME 2005; 17(9):31

Lamoure J, Bush H. Atypical Antipsychotics as Poison in Overdose. Cdn. J of CME 2005; 17(5):71-73

Flinn A, Lamoure J. Olanzapine Induced Pancreatitis (Case Review): CSHP Journal PPC Feb 2004:p50

Bio (June 2009)

Joel Lamoure is a mental health pharmacist at London Health Sciences Centre, South Street Hospital. Joel also serves as an Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of CME in the Department of Psychiatry at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario and Teaching Associate, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. He recently became an Accreditor with Accreditations Canada specializing in medication management, infection control and mental health.

He has won the Western Teaching Roll of Honour in Medicine for the past 4 years, the UWO CME Award in Medicine for 2007 and the University Of Toronto Teaching Award in 2006. He has published over 40 journal papers and consultant reviews on mental health medications and their impact to the patient and their quality and quantity of life. He writes as a psyhcopharmacotherapy expert for several national and international publications.

Joel was awarded a Fellowship in the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (Geriatrics) in 2000. Areas of interest and research include medical conditions that overlap and augment the severity of psychiatric disorders, impacts of alternative treatments and psychopharmacology. He is an inductee in the Canadian Book of Who’s Who, Strathmore’s Who’s Who and the International Book of Who’s Who in Medicine