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davidbspalding (discuss · email · contribs · logs · count)

I've been a registered Wikipedia user since March, 2006. Web user/developer since 1994. Internet user since 1991. Home page here. Former freelance writer, public radio producer, technology mentor, U.S. Coast Guard avionics tech and aircrewman, musician, film student (USC). Strictly a Wikipedia newbie, but catching on fast.

I'm a San Francisco native, have lived and worked in the South many years, currently residing in Durham, NC.

I just registered here, so I don't know what to do yet. ;)

Et cetera

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I've had my own domain, Korova.com for quite a while. I got rid of www.RadarLove.com when spam got out of hand, and picked up ChromeJob.com instead. Claims to fame? I've a few ... saved lives and intercepted airborne drug smugglers in the USCG (I was an avionics tech and flew in jets), reviewed music and film, produced an ambient music program for public radio, sysop'ed on CompuServe, wrote about cyberban legends, hoaxes and malware on the Internet before most people did,.... I'm also a contributor to Memory Alpha. (I'm an old, old school Trekkie.)