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April Barrientos <3

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    Hello there and welcome to my page! My name is April Barrientos and I am currently in my second year at Old Dominion University. 

My major is History with a teaching license.

    Well to give you a little more information about my life I should begin with the fact that I am in LOVE with water. I am on the
Old Dominion Women's swim team and I have been swimming for almost 15 years now. My life revolves around the water. I am a beach kid 

born and raised. I am from Virginia Beach, Virginia, where i also spend most of my summer days on the beach saving lives and making a

difference as an Ocean Rescue Lifeguard. This summer will be my 5th summer as a beach lifeguard and I couldn't ask for a more

rewarding job. Helping people by making a difference in their lives is a passion of mine and that is why becoming a teacher is so

important to me.

Not only am I a lover of water, but i also have some of the most loving and caring family and friends in the world. 

Teaching Philosophy :) My philosophy about teaching is that teachers are not just those that get paid to do so in the classroom but those that teach,

give, and share all the knowledge they posses to others, in order for others to learn and make their own conclusions within their everyday lives.

I believe a teacher's job is to give all their students the tools and knowledge that they know of and encourage them to apply these

conclusions to their own lives and allow them to take away with them whatever they may. With these conclusions and lessons they will hopefully share their own knowledge

with others and hopefully ask more questions and be intrigued enough to go out there and explore answers on their own. Teachers are to be role models and supporters, and I know that the teacher I would like to become is one that has made a

difference and a lasting impression on a person's life. Learning should be fun and flexible. Every person is different

and so is the way that each person learns. I feel that teachers, when possible, should try to cater to the different

ways that people learn, by using some visual aids, some lecture, and some hands on activities. Well thank you for reading about me. But first before I conclude I would like to end with a quote that I love. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Some are born with knowledge, some derive it from study, and some acquire it only after a painful realization of their ignorance. But the knowledge being possessed, it comes to the same thing. Some study with a natural ease, some from a desire for advantages, and some by strenuous effort. But the achievement being made, it comes to the same thing. - Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius)

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