Traditional Chinese Medicine/Formula Design/Clearing Away Summer Heat/Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang

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The formula Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang, designed to clear away summer-heat, to reinforce qi, to nourish yin to promote the generation of body fluid, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Xi Yang Shen 西洋参 6
2 Shi Hu 石斛 9
3 Mai Men Dong 麦门冬 9
4 Huang Lian 黄连 3
5 Zhu Ye 竹叶 3
6 He Geng 荷梗 6
7 Zhi Mu 知母 6
8 Gan Cao 甘草 3
9 Jing Mi 粳米 15
10 Xi Gua Cui Yi 西瓜翠衣 30