The animals speak/Living together

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"Live and let live" is the rule universally understood and accepted by all animals. Even predators are no exception. Obviously they do not let their prey live, but those are limited in number and they let live all the others. The lamb can not sleep next to the lion but the bird can, because lions do not attack birds. In the park of the Head of Gold, mothers are not afraid to raise their ducklings in the moat which separates the public from the lion and the lioness, where they sometimes come to drink.

Animals are generally more tolerant than humans. When they break the "let live" rule, they always have a good reason. They fight for food, sex, or possession of territory, but if they do not have such reasons, and if they do not feel threatened, animals simply let other animals live.

A Cape teal among mallards
The caresses of the watusis
A newborn among its kins (in The united ones)