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The Devonshire Manuscript/Too yoye In payne my will

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and thys be thys ye may Yff reason govern fantasye
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 44v

 f. [44v] 

1    Too yoye In payne my will
2    doth will to will me styll
3    ffore payne nowe in this casse
4    Aperithe yoye in place

5    Althowght my payne be greater
6    thane cane be told or thowght
7    my love ys styll the better
8    the derare yt ys bowght

9    Thus do I yoy in payne
10    yett doo I not optayne
11    the thyng that I wold ffayne
12    wherfore I saye Agaeyne

13    All thowght my payne &c

14    I haue hard say or this
15    ffull many a tyme & oft
16    that ys fett fore ladys
17    ffare fecht and derly bowght

18    Soo thowght my payn &c

19    This marvelles{es} moche to me
20    how thes too cane Agree
21    both yoy and payn to be
22    In place bothe twayn per{p+}de

23    yett thowght my payne &c



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Written in TH1's hand, this poem remains unattributed and may be an original composition by Thomas Howard. The poem possesses a unique structure and layout: after the first verse followed by the refrain, the stanzas alternate verses and the first line of the refrain. Brackets mark each verse and long flourishes follow each refrain. Marks in the left margin also indicate changes in the refrain (refrain 1, 3, and 4).