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The Devonshire Manuscript/Syns loue ys suche that as ye wott

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ffull well yt maye be sene Lo how I seke & sew to haue
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 51v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 52r

 f. [51v] 

1    Synes{es} loue ys suche that as ye wott
2    cannot allways be wysely vsyd
3    I say therfore then blame me nott
4    tho I therin haue ben abusyd
5    ffor as with{w+t+} cause I am accusyd
6    gyllty I graunt suche was my lott
7    & tho yt cannot be excusyd
8    yet let suche folye be forgott

9    ffor in my yeres of Rekles youthe
10    my thought the power of loue so gret
11    that to her lawes I bound my treuthe
12    & to my wyll there was no lett
13    my lyst nomore so far to fett
14    suche frute lo as of loue ensewthe
15    tho gayn was small that was to gett
16    & of the losse the lesse the reuthe

17    And few there ys but fyrst or last
18    a tyme in loue ones{es} shall they haue
19    & glad I am my tyme ys past
20    henceforthe my fredome to with{w+t+}saue
21    now in my hart there shall I grave
22    the groundyd gra{gA}ce that now I tast
23    thankyd be fortune that me gave
24    so fayre a gyfft so sure & fast

f. [52r] 

25    Now suche as haue me sene or thys
26    whan youthe in me sett forthe hys kynd
27    & foly framd my thought Amys
28    the faute wherof now well I ffynd
29    loo syns that so yt ys assynd
30    that vnto eche A tyme there ys
31    then blame the lott that led my mynd
32    sometyme to lyue in loves blys

33    But frome henceforthe I do protest
34    by pro{p3}ffe of that that I haue past
35    shall neuer cease ceace with{w+t+}in my brest
36    the power of loue so late owt cast
37    the knott therof ys knytt ffull fast
38    & I therto so sure proffest
39   {w+t+}{u'} ffor euermore with me to last
40    the power wherin I am possest



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Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H6. This poem opposes the rational detachment from love in maturity to the philandering love of youth.

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