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The Devonshire Manuscript/Stoppe me of my

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And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce for who so ends
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 93r
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 92v

f. [92v] 
f. [93r] 

1    Stoppe me of my
2    who [] my paynys
3    asslake [] y
4    For elles come deth
5    and shertly me take


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The page was torn lengthwise, which removed some writing. This lyric has four poetic lines on five graphical lines. The scribe seemed to enter the lyric to fit within the tear (see also "but now helpe god to quenche all thys sorow" (93r) on the same page). Both the verse and the hand remain unidentified. The page was probably torn during the time of active involvement in the compilation since the style of handwriting matches the rest of the manuscript.