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This template can be used to display the HTML "thin space" character entity   (Unicode U+2009). If a parameter is supplied, it will return that parameter prefixed and suffixed by a thin space.

Some browsers, especially Opera version 10.62, do not display some space characters as expected. Using this template will cause   to display correctly. This web page can be used to check how Unicode space characters display in a browser window.    

  • This template is used as a subtemplate call by various formatting templates, such as {{braces}} to improve legibility, {{thinsp}}aces are inserted either side of any pipe characters ("|") displayed by the template.


See w:Template:thinsp for other verbose usage, examples and see also's!
Ported as an integral subtemplate, using {{void}} to bypass some of the usage here...
Just too many other templates used in this writeup for my time budget today! FrankB 14:53, 30 September 2014 (UTC)