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This template is used for formatting headwords in Na'vi.


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The following reference of template arguments likewise applies to {{NaviHW}} and {{NaviSE}}, used for headwords and subentries respectively. Each template renders the dictionary entry in a different way; also, {{NaviSE}} does not, by default, include an anchor for {{NaviSA}}.

The first positional template argument defines the word's lexical category (or part of speech); all remaining positional arguments are interpreted depending on this argument. The word category can also be left empty.

Category “n” (noun), “pn” (pronoun)
2 required Singular form.
3 optional Plural form.
4 optional Dual form.
5 optional Trial form.
Category “v” (verb), “vi” (intransitive verb), “vt” (transitive verb), “vd” (ditransitive verb), “vb” (dative verb; beneficiary)
2 optional
(min. 1)
Verb with up to two vertical bars “|” for affix positions. Think of each bar (separating the individual template arguments) as a marker for one of the two verb affix positions. Thus, empty positional arguments are perfectly fine; for instance, yomt||ìng would mark first and second affix at the same word position, between t and ì.
An additional, third affix position is supported for legacy purposes only.
Category “adj” (adjective), “num” (numeral)
2 required Adjective or numeral.
3 optional Pre-noun attributive form, if other than “adjective-a” (without the hyphen).
4 optional Post-noun attributive form, if other than “a-adjective” (without the hyphen).
Category “aff” (affix), “pref” (prefix), “suff” (suffix), “inf” (infix), “adp” (adposition), “prep” (preposition)
2 required Affix, prefix, suffix, infix, adposition, or preposition.
3 optional Style selector, can be one of: “X”, “X-”, “X+”, “-X”, “+X”, “-X-”, “-X+”, “+X-”, “+X+”, “<X>”. The default is to use “X” for “aff” (affixes), “inf” (infixes) and “adp” (adpositions), “X-” for “pref” (prefixes) and “prep” (prepositions), and “-X” for “suff” (suffixes).
Category “phrase” (lexical and exemplary phrases)
2 required Phrase.
Phrases will be typeset in italics rather than bold text.
Other category or empty
2 required Headword.

In addition to the positional template arguments, the following optional, named arguments exist. Each of these arguments can be left undefined, though some arguments may show different behavior when they are defined but deliberately left empty (for instance, “anchor”).

Name Description
anchor Name for anchor to be used with {{NaviSA}}. If this argument is defined but left empty, no anchor is created. If it is “*”, the headword itself is used as anchor. For {{NaviHW}}, the default is to use the headword as anchor; for {{NaviSE}}, the default is to not create an anchor at all.
ipa IPA transcription for the headword. This should not include the slashes “/…/” as these are rendered automatically.
sa Shortcut for producing the headword with automatic inclusion of {{NaviSA}} as headword description. This can be used when the headword or subentry is only introduced to reference the real definition elsewhere.
sn Scientific notation per Frommer. This should be the scientific transcription of the headword only and will be added in parentheses.
src List of source abbreviations for this entry. Examples might be: “SG” for the Survival Guide,[1] “FE” for e-mails from Dr. Paul Frommer, “AG” for Avatar (the game), “AF” for Avatar (the film), etc.

Additionally, when “sa” is used, all named template arguments of {{NaviSA}} are accepted as well.


[edit source]

The following examples demonstrate the use of {{NaviHW}}.

Wikitext Result
nantang n. /ˈnan.taŋ/
tirea n. /ti.ˈɾɛ.a/, pl. sirea
nari n. /ˈna.ɾi/, du. menari, pl. aynari
{{NaviHW|v|k|am|e|ipa=ˈka.mɛ}} kame v. /ˈka.mɛ/, infix k•am•e
pref. /fɪ/
+ pref. /mɪ/
{{NaviHW|n|tskalep|ipa=tska.lɛp|src=AG}} tskalep n. /tska.lɛp/ [AG]
{{NaviHW|n|'eveng|eveng|sn='eveg|ipa=ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ}} 'eveng ('eveg) n. /ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ/, pl. eveng
{{NaviHW||kìyevame|ipa=kɪ.jɛ.ˈva.mɛ|sa=kame}} kìyevame /kɪ.jɛ.ˈva.mɛ/
See kame.

<!-- more entries -->

: neural bond

saheylu /sa.ˈhej.lu/

Short plural of tsaheylu.

tsaheylu n. /tsa.ˈhej.lu/, pl. saheylu

neural bond
: beloved
: {{NaviSE|n|tìyawn|ipa=tɪ.ˈjawn}} love
: {{NaviSE|phrase|nga yawne lu oer}} I love you

yawne adj. /ˈjaw.nɛ/, attr. yawnea N. ayawne

tìyawn n. /tɪ.ˈjawn/ love
nga yawne lu oer I love you
  1. Avatar: A Confidential Report on the Biological and Social History of Pandora by Maria Wilhelm and Dirk Mathison. ISBN 978-0-06-189675-0.

See also

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