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Template:Conlang/CXS table

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When viewed directly, this table lists all the CXS symbols and other notations, sorted by "primary" character — usually the first character, but notations starting with an underscore, and angle-bracketed letters such as <F>, are grouped by second character. When transcluded, the table lists each entry only when its class parameter is specified; the classes are:

  • uppercase — symbols starting with an upper-case letter
  • lowercase — symbols starting with a lower-case letter
  • digit — symbols starting with a digit
  • special — symbols starting with a non-alphanumeric
  • nonsymbol — non-symbols

The table

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(if different)
IPA IPA web markup
(using only ASCII)
(linked to Wikipedia article, if any)

a   a a open front unrounded vowel French dame [dam], Spanish padre ['paD4e]
A   ɑ &#x251; open back unrounded vowel English father ['fA:D@(r\)] (RP and Gen.American)
_a    ̺ &#x33A; apical  
_A    ̘ &#x318; advanced tongue root  
b   b b voiced bilabial plosive English bed [bEd], French bon [bO~]
b_d   b&#x32A; voiced labiodental plosive  
b_<   ɓ &#x253; voiced bilabial implosive Sindhi ɓarʊ [b_<arU]
B   β &#x3B2; voiced bilabial fricative Spanish lavar [la'Ba4]
B\   ʙ &#x299; bilabial trill Reminiscent of shivering ("brrr")
B_o   β̞ &#x3B2;&#x31E; bilabial approximant Spanish lava ['lB_oa]
_B    ̏ (or ˩) &#x30F; (or &#x2E9;) extra low tone  
_B_L   ˩˧ &#x2E9&#x2E7; low rising tone  
c   c c voiceless palatal plosive Hungarian latyak ['lQcQk]
C   ç &#xE7; voiceless palatal fricative German ich [IC], English human ['Cjum@n] (broad transcription uses [hj-])
_c    ̜ &#x31C; less rounded  
d   d d voiced alveolar plosive English dig [dIg], French doigt [dwa]
dz)   d͡z
or ʣ
  or &#x2A3;
voiced alveolar affricate  
dz\)   d͡ʑ
or ʥ
  or &#x2A5;
voiced alveolo-palatal affricate  
dZ)   d͡ʒ
or ʤ
  or &#x2A4;
voiced postalveolar affricate English jest [dZ)est]<
d`   ɖ &#x256; voiced retroflex plosive Swedish hord [hu:d`]
d_<   ɗ &#x257; voiced alveolar implosive Sindhi ɗarʊ [d_<arU]
D   ð &#xF0; voiced dental fricative English then [DEn]
_d    ̪ &#x32A; dental  
e   e e close-mid front unrounded vowel French ses [se], English met [met] (Australian and New Zealand English)
E   ɛ &#x25B; open-mid front unrounded vowel French même [mEm], English met [mEt] (RP and Gen.American)
_e    ̴ &#x334; velarized or pharyngealized; also see 5  
f   f f voiceless labiodental fricative English five [faIv], French femme [fam]
F   ɱ &#x271; labiodental nasal English emphasis ['EFf@sIs] (spoken quickly, otherwise uses [Emf-])
<F>   &#x2198; global fall  
_F    ̂ &#x302; falling tone  
g   ɡ &#x261; voiced velar plosive English game [geIm], French longue [lO~g]
gb)   g͡b g&#x361;b voiced labial-velar plosive  
g_<   ɠ &#x260; voiced velar implosive Sindhi ɠƏro [g_<@ro]
G   ɣ &#x263; voiced velar fricative Greek γωνίa [Go'nia], Danish vælge ['vElG@]
G\   ɢ &#x262; voiced uvular plosive Inuktitut nirivvik [niG\ivvik]
G\_<   ʛ &#x29B; voiced uvular implosive Mam ʛa [G\_<a]
_G   ˠ &#x2E0; velarized  
h   h h voiceless glottal fricative English house [haUs]
h\   ɦ &#x266; voiced glottal fricative Czech hrad [h\rat]
H   ɥ &#x265; labial-palatal approximant French huit [Hit]
H\   ʜ &#x29C; voiceless epiglottal fricative Agul [mEH\]
_h   ʰ &#x2B0; aspirated  
_H    ́ (or ˦) &#x301; (or &#x2E6;) high tone  
_H_T   ˧˥ &#x2E7;&#x2E5; high rising tone  
i   i i close front unrounded vowel English be [bi:], French oui [wi], Spanish si [si]
i\ (or 1) 1 Ɨ &#x187; close central unrounded vowel Welsh tu [ti\], American English rose's ['r\oUzi\z]
I   ɪ &#x26A; near-close near-front unrounded vowel English kit [kIt]
I\   ɪ¨ &#x26A;&#xA8; Near-close central unrounded vowel Polish ryba [rI\bA]
j   j j palatal approximant English yes [jEs], French yeux [j2]
j\   ʝ &#x29D; voiced palatal fricative Greek γειά [j\a]
J   ɲ &#x272; palatal nasal Spanish año ['aJo], English canyon ['k&J@n] (broad transcription uses [-nj-])
J\   ɟ &#x25F; voiced palatal plosive Hungarian egy [EJ\]
J\_<   ʄ &#x284; voiced palatal implosive Sindhi ʄaro [J\_<aro]
_j (or ;)   see ;
k   k k voiceless velar plosive English scat [sk&t], Spanish carro ['kar:o]
kp)   k͡p k&#x361;p voiceless labial-velar plosive  
k_>   k&#x2BC; velar ejective plosive  
K   ɬ &#x26C; voiceless alveolar lateral fricative Welsh llaw [KaU]
K`   ɬ̢ &#x26C;&#x322; voiceless retroflex lateral fricative  
K\   ɮ &#x26E; voiced alveolar lateral fricative Mongolian долоо [tOK\O:]
_k    ̰ &#x330; creaky voice  
l   l l alveolar lateral approximant English lay [leI], French mal [mal]
l`   ɭ &#x26D; retroflex lateral approximant Svealand Swedish sorl [so:l`]
l\   ɺ &#x27A; alveolar lateral flap Japanese phoneme /r/
l\`   ɺ̢ &#x27A;&#x322; retroflex lateral flap Pashto دنوړ [l\`und]
L   ʎ &#x28E; palatal lateral approximant Italian famiglia [fa'miLa], Castilian llamar [La'mar], English million ['mIL@n] (broad transcription uses [-lj-])
L\   ʟ &#x29F; velar lateral approximant  
L_0_r   ʎ̥˔ &#x28E;&#x325;&#x2D4; voiceless palatal lateral fricative Hadza [cL_0_ra?a]
L\_0_r   ʟ̝̊ &#x29F;&#x31D;&#x30A; voiceless velar lateral fricative  
L_X   ʎ̯ &#x28E;&#x32F; palatal lateral flap  
L\_X   ʟ̆ &#x29F;&#x306; velar lateral flap  
_l   ˡ &#x2E1; lateral release  
_L    ̀ (or ˨) &#x300; (or &#x2E8;) low tone  
m   m m bilabial nasal English mouse [maUs], French homme [Om]
M   ɯ &#x26F; close back unrounded vowel Korean (eu)
M\   ɰ &#x270; velar approximant Spanish fuego ['fweM\o]
_m    ̻ &#x33B; laminal  
_M    ̄ (or ˧) &#x304; (or &#x2E7;) mid tone  
n   n n alveolar nasal English nap [n&p], French non [nO~]
n`   ɳ &#x273; retroflex nasal Swedish hörn [h2:n`]
N   ŋ &#x14B; velar nasal English thing [TIN]
Nm)   ŋ͡m &#x14B;&#x361;m labial-velar nasal stop
N\   ɴ &#x274; uvular nasal Japanese san [saN\]
_n   &#x207F; nasal release  
_N    ̼ &#x33C; linguolabial  
o   o o close-mid back rounded vowel French gros [gRo]
O   ɔ &#x254; open-mid back rounded vowel British English thought [TO:t], American English off [O:f]
O\   ʘ &#x298; bilabial click  
_o    ̞ &#x31E; lowered  
_O    ̹ &#x339; more rounded  
p   p p voiceless bilabial plosive English speak [spik], French pose [poz], Spanish perro ['per:o]
p\   ɸ &#x278; voiceless bilabial fricative Japanese fuku [p\M_0kM]
p_d   p&#x32A; voiceless labiodental plosive Greek σάπφειρος ['sap_dfiro_os]
p_>   p&#x2BC; bilabial ejective plosive  
P (or v\)   ʋ &#x28B; labiodental approximant Dutch west [PEst]/[v\Est], allophone of English phoneme /r\/
q   q q voiceless uvular plosive Arabic qasbah ['qQs_Gba]
Q   ɒ &#x252; open back rounded vowel British English lot [lQt]
_q    ̙ &#x319; retracted tongue root  
r   r r alveolar trill Spanish perro ['per:o]
r`   ɽ &#x27D; retroflex flap American English hurting ['h3`r`IN]
r`r)   ɽ͡r &#x27D;&#x361;r retroflex trill  
r\   ɹ &#x279; alveolar approximant English red [r\Ed]
r\`   ɻ &#x27B; retroflex approximant Malayalam വഴി ['v6r\`i]
R   ʁ &#x281; voiced uvular fricative German rein [RaIn]
R\   ʀ &#x280; uvular trill French roi [R\wa]
<R>   &#x2197; global rise  
_r   ̝ &#x31D; raised  
_R   ˇ &#x2C7; rising tone  
_R_F   ˧˥˧ &#x2E7;&#x2E5;&#x2E7; rising falling tone  
s   s s voiceless alveolar fricative English seem [si:m], French session [se'sjO~]
s`   ʂ &#x282; voiceless retroflex fricative Swedish mars [mas`]
s\   ɕ &#x255; voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative Polish swierszcz [s\v;ers`ts`]
s_>   s&#x2BC; alveolar ejective fricative  
S   ʃ &#x283; voiceless postalveolar fricative English ship [SIp]
t   t t voiceless alveolar plosive English stew [stju:], French raté [Ra'te], Spanish tuyo ['tujo]
ts)   t͡s
or ʦ
  or &#x2A6;
voiceless alveolar affricate Japanese tsunami [ts)Mnam;i]
ts\)   t͡ɕ
or ʨ
  or &#x2A8;
voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate  
tK)   t͡ɬ t&#x361;&#x26C; voiceless alveolar lateral affricate Nahuatl Nahuatl ['na:.watK)]
tS)   t͡ʃ
or ʧ
  or &#x2A7;
voiceless postalveolar affricate English chat [tS)&t]
t`   ʈ &#x288; voiceless retroflex plosive Swedish mört [m2t`]
t_>   p&#x2BC; alveolar ejective plosive  
T   θ &#x3B8; voiceless dental fricative English thin [TIn]
_t    ̤ &#x324; breathy voice  
_T    ̋ (or ˥) &#x30B; (or &#x2E5;) extra high tone  
u   u u close back rounded vowel English boom [bu:m], Spanish su [su]
u\ } ʉ &#x289; close central rounded vowel Swedish sju [{x\u\:]; AuE/NZE boot [bu\:t]
U   ʊ &#x28A; near-close near-back rounded vowel English foot [fUt]
U\   ʊ¨ &#x28A;&#xA8; Near-close central rounded vowel  
v   v v voiced labiodental fricative English vest [vEst], French voix [vwa]
v\ (or P)   see P
v_X   v&#x306; labiodental flap Sika v̆oːtɛr [v_Xo:tEr]
v_X_+   v̟̆ v&#x31F;&#x306; bilabial flap  
V   ʌ &#x28C; open-mid back unrounded vowel RP English strut [str\Vt]
_v    ̭ &#x32D; voiced  
w   w w labial-velar approximant English west [wEst], French oui [wi]
W   ʍ &#x28D; voiceless labial-velar fricative Scots when [WEn]
_w   ʷ &#x2B7; labialized  
x   x x voiceless velar fricative Scots loch [lQx]; German Loch, Dach; Spanish caja, gestión
x\   ɧ &#x267; voiceless palatal-velar fricative Swedish sjal [x\A:l]
X   χ &#x3C7; voiceless uvular fricative Klallam sχaʔqʷaʔ [sXa?q_wa?]
X\   ħ &#x127; voiceless pharyngeal fricative Arabic <ح>ha’ [X\A:]
_x    ̽ &#x33D; mid-centralized  
_X    ̆ &#x306; extra-short  
y   y y close front rounded vowel French tu [ty] German über ['y:b6]
Y   ʏ &#x28F; near-close near-front rounded vowel German hübsch [hYpS]
z   z z voiced alveolar fricative English zoo [zu:], French azote [a'zOt]
z`   ʐ &#x290; voiced retroflex fricative Mandarin Chinese rang [z`aN], Polish żart [z`a4t]
z\   ʑ &#x291; voiced alveolo-palatal fricative Polish źrebak ['z\rEbak], Japanese gaikokujin [gaikokMz\i~N\]
Z   ʒ &#x292; voiced postalveolar fricative English vision ['vIZ@n]
_0    ̥ &#x325; voiceless  
1 (or i\) 1 (only) see i\
2   ø &#xF8; close-mid front rounded vowel Danish købe ['k2:b@], French deux [d2]
3   ɜ &#x25C; open-mid central unrounded vowel English nurse [n3:s] (RP) or [n3`s] (Gen.Am.)
3\   ɞ &#x25E; open-mid central rounded vowel Irish tomhail [t3\:l;]
4   ɾ &#x27E; alveolar flap Spanish pero ['pe4o], American English better ['bE4@`]
5   ɫ &#x26B; velarized alveolar lateral approximant; also see _e English milk [mI5k]
6   ɐ &#x250; near-open central vowel German besser ['bEs6], Australian English mud [m6d]
7   ɤ &#x264; close-mid back unrounded vowel Estonian kõik [k7ik], Vietnamese mo [m7_M]
8   ɵ &#x275; close-mid central rounded vowel Swedish buss [b8s]
9   œ &#x153; open-mid front rounded vowel French neuf [n9f], Danish drømme [dR9m@]
_\   ˆ &#x2C6; falling tone  
!   &#x2193; downstep  
!\   ! ! postalveolar click  
" (or ') " (only) see '
_"    ̈ &#x308; centralized  
% (or ,) % (only) see ,
& { æ &#xE6; near-open front unrounded vowel English trap [tr\&p]
&\ & ɶ &#x276; open front rounded vowel Swedish skörd [x\&\d`]
' (or ") " ˈ &#x2C8; primary stress  
*       undefined escape character, SAMPA's "conjunctor"  
_+    ̟ &#x31F; advanced  
, (or %) % ˌ &#x2CC; secondary stress  
-       separator  
-\   &#x203F; linking mark  
_-    ̠ &#x320; retracted  
.   . . syllable break  
/       indeterminacy in French vowels  
:   ː &#x2D0; long  
:\   ˑ &#x2D1; half long Estonian differentiates three [[../../Intermediate/Sounds/Phones#Vowels|vowel lengths]]
; (or _j) ' (or _j) ʲ &#x2B2; palatalized  
<       begin nonsegmental notation (e.g., SAMPROSA)  
<\   ʢ &#x2A2; voiced epiglottal fricative  
_<       implosive (IPA uses separate symbols for implosives)  
= (or _=)    ̩ &#x329; syllabic  
=\   ǂ &#x1C2; palatal click  
>       end nonsegmental notation  
>\   ʡ &#x2A1; epiglottal plosive  
>\:   Я &#x42F; epiglottal trill  
>\_X   ʡ̯ &#x2A1;&#x32F; epiglottal flap  
_>   ʼ &#x2BC; ejective  
?   ʔ &#x294; glottal stop Danish stød [sd2?], Cockney English bottle ['bQ?l]
?\   ʕ &#x295; voiced pharyngeal fricative Arabic ع (`ayn) [?\Ajn]
_?\   ˤ &#x2E4; pharyngealized  
@   Ə &#x18F; schwa English arena [@'r\i:n@]
@\   ɘ &#x258; close-mid central unrounded vowel Paici kɘ̄ɾɘ [k@\_M4@\_M]
^   &#x2191; upstep  
_^    ̯ &#x32F; non-syllabic  
`   ˞ &#x2DE; rhotacization in vowels, retroflexion in consonants (IPA uses separate symbols for consonants, see t` for an example)  
|   | &#x7C; minor (foot) group  
|\   ǀ &#x1C0; dental click  
||   &#x2016; major (intonation) group  
|\|\   ǁ &#x1C1; alveolar lateral click  
_}    ̚ &#x31A; no audible release  
~ (or _~)    ̃ &#x303; nasalization