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Tagalog/Appendix E

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Tagalog/Filipino common phrases

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Note: The more polite or formal forms of some phrases — those which make use of the word — should generally be used when speaking to persons of authority and seniority, or to show reverence to the person to whom spoken. With friends and in casual situations, need not be used. Also, in modern written Filipino/Tagalog, diacritical marks are not essential, and are omitted.

Translation Phrase IPA Pronunciation
Tagalog Tagalog /tɐ"galog/ (ta-GA-log)
Filipino Pilipino /%pili"pino/ (pi-li-PI-no)
Hello/How are you? Kumustá/Kumustá ka? /kumus"ta (ka)/ (ku-mus-TAH (KA?))
I’m fine, and you? Mabuti namán, ikáw? /mɐ"butɛ nɐ"man, ʔi"kaʊ̯/ (ma-BU-ti na-MAN, iKAW?)
Good-bye Paalam (pô) /pɐ"ʔalam (poʔ)/ (pa-AH-lam (PO))
Please pakí-(verb) (pô) /pɐ"ki (poʔ)/ (pah-KI (PO))
Thank you Salamat (pô) /sɐ"lamat (poʔ)/ (sa-LAH-mat (PO))
You're welcome Waláng anumán (pô) (literally, “No problem”) /ʊɐ"laŋ ʔɐnu"man (poʔ)/ (wa-LANG a-nu-MAN (PO))
That one (object far from person spoken to) Iyon (pô) [demonstrative] Ayun (pô) [reflective] /ʔi"jon (poʔ)/ (i-YON (PO), a-YUN (PO))
That one (object near to/held by person spoken to) Iyan (pô) [demonstrative] Ayan (pô)" [reflective] /ʔi"jan (poʔ)/ (i-YAN (PO))
How much? Magkano (pô)? /mɐg"kano (poʔ)/ (mag-KAH-no (PO)?)
English language wikang Ingglés /ʔɪŋ"glɛs/ (ing-GLES)
Yes Oo / Opò (polite form) /"oʔo/, /"opoʔ/ (O-o) / (O-po) (all o's pronounced neutral)
No Hindî /hɪn"diʔ/, /hɪn"dɛʔ/ (hin-DI) or (hin-DE)
No (polite form) Hindí pô /hɪn"di (poʔ)/ (hin-DI PO)
Where's the bathroom? Nasaán ang banyo? /%nasɐʔan ʔaŋ "banjo/ (NA-sa-AN ang BAN-yoh?)
What is your name? Anó ang pangalan mo? /ʔɐ"no ʔaŋ pɐ"ŋalan mo/ (ah-NOH ang pa-NGA-lan MOH?)
Sorry Paumanhín (pô) /pɐʔuman"hin (poʔ)/ (pa-u-man-HIN (PO))
I don’t know Hindí ko (pô) alám /hɪn"di ko (po) ʔa"lam/ (hin-DI ko (PO) a-LAM)
I don’t understand Hindí ko (pô) naíintindihan /hɪn"di ko (po) na"iɪntindihan/ (hin-DI ko (PO) na-I-in-tin-di-han)
Nakalimutan ko. I forgot.
Welcome/Generic toast Mabuhay! (literally, “Long live!”) /mɐ"buhaɪ/ (ma-BU-hai)
I am sick Masamâ (pô) ang pakiramdám ko (literally, “I’m not feeling well”) /masɐ"maʔ (po) ʔaŋ pɐkiɾɐm"dam ko/ (ma-sa-MAH po ang pa-ki-ram-DAM ko)
Do you speak English? Marunong ka bang magsalitâ ng Ingglés? /mɐ"runɔŋ ka baŋ mɐgsali"ta naŋ ʔɪŋ"glɛs/ (ma-ROO-nong ka BANG mag-sa-li-TA nang ing-GLES?)