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TPACKing for a Wonderful Educational Trip/Group 2

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== TPACKing at BMK School ==
American Literature Classic Text: Moby Dick by Herman Melville
British Literature Classic Text: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Composed by

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Meghan White
Kristen Murphy
Brandi Day
Candyce Frink *Page Editor*

Framework to Our One-to-One Plan

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Our Vision

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Technology Rich Learning Environment (TRLE) improving learning opportunities: As students become more comfortable using current technology as a tool for learning, they will be more prepared for the transition from high school into the workplace. The education of the students is not based on the technology, but by how the technology enhances the learning experience. Since equipment and operating systems quickly become obsolete, analyzing student progress should be the focused approach to the integration of technology and life cycle management throughout the school system. BMK will decide what short term tools can best serve their students long term. They must have an appropriate vision of use and reliable in-house technical knowledge to decide on the purchase and application of new technologies in the classroom. To prevent the misuse and waste of technological tools, the new technology should be researched, selected, implemented, and monitored before used within the classroom setting. Diverse and varied approaches of training will be available to staff to develop competencies in the educational and personal use of technology. The vision for BMK High School's learning environment is constructed to create life-long learners while using communication skills to promote understanding of learning skills. The learning environment should encourage the development of students' technological competencies to meet changes in the world.

TPACKing at BMK School

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About Us

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  • Subject: English Language Arts: Writing
  • Iowa Core Standards: English Language Arts: Writing Literature
  • Grade Level: 10th Grade
  • Name: BMK High School (public, 9-12)
  • Size: 400 students (averages per grade= 100)
  • Location: Central Iowa
  • Student demographics: 50% Caucasian, 25% Latino, 25% African-American

Male: 35% Female: 65%; varying levels of economic status.

  • Distribution of schools/students: The district includes the high school, middle school, and elementary. It is comprised of three rural


  • Student knowledge level: Students have been taught the Iowa Core Curriculum for 10th grade. Students have average to above-average

computer/technology skills.

  • Resources available: Each classroom is equipped with a teacher station including: an Elmo, computer, speakers, and projector/screen. Each

student has a laptop as part of the 1:1 initiative. The computers are equipped with Internet capabilities and all necessary software including: Windows 7, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Suite.

  • Time available: 45-minute class periods

TPACK Explained

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he various approaches to teaching using technology integration, within the classroom of the 21st Century standard of education, is outlined by the Iowa Core Curriculum and expressed here. Using the model chosen and attributed to scholars Judith Harris of William and Mary College, Punya Mishra Mishra's web site and Matthew Koehler of Michigan State University, this classroom project reflects their ideology between complex relationships and pedagogic content. Teacher's Technological Pedagogical Content and Knowledge (TPACK Guidelines) explore the fundamental use of integrating software with student individualized instructions. Activities, lessons, and demonstrations are included in the TPACK ideology of learning as exhibited by our classroom projects. *The need for organized/standardized workshops and courses for teachers to enhance their professional knowledge and thus retain their effectiveness in the classroom are also included in this model. Candyce

Process Used to TPACK

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owa Core Curriculum standards were selected because those are what our fictional “BMK” high school would use. After understanding the standards to be taught, each group member identified the appropriate activity types to best teach those standards. Activity types were chosen from the Harris article and the wiki. The author Punya Mishra expressed the TPACK Model well using activities to show the diverse methods of teacher response included here as he expressed: "In my experience the TPACK framework allows different people to see different things. To content area teachers, it allows them to see the value of technologies in representing and engaging with content; to teacher trainers it allows them to think about the significance of content and technology; and to techie types, it shows that there is more to teaching than the tool – it has to do with pedagogy and content" Response to TPACK Model Candyce So, lastly, possible technologies were identified to support the activities and engage students. Challenges included matching appropriate activity types to curriculum standards and sequencing/scaffolding of activities. We realized that using technology would require more planning and organization of resources, but incorporating it is more engaging to students. It also helps prepare them for 21st century technology standards.

Iowa Core Curriculum Standards: English Language Arts > Writing > Grades 9-10

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Standards & Possible Activity Types/Technologies

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Moby Dick final chase with Captain Ahab

1. W.9-10.1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence. For those of you interested in a particular genre of narratives, the alternative will involve many of the techniques that are mentioned. Effective grammatical tools will be encouraged. However, proficiency in these tools is not the only measure of a successful student performance and writing abilities.

a. The study of fiction writing can be daunting but experience proves that a writer consider the points that are being made here. The chosen text explored will be Moby-Dick by American author Herman Melville. Through a close reading students will introduce, discuss, discover and research argumentation, claims, counterclaims, and evidential materials associated with their particular thesis statements.

b. Word choice, mannered writing, and dramatic effects can entice the reader to keep reading. Students must focus using cohesive and major text sections leading to principle interpretations. By anticipating the audience’s knowledge level and concerns, the student can then developing claim(s) and counterclaims objectively.

c. Using the above mentioned text as a focal point the student will establish and maintain a formal style of writing. Associated with a suggested scholastic formal writing skill (within the discipline chosen) the student will develop strategies for academic success. By setting a deadline for the particular task and keeping records/notes at regular intervals the student must clarify or formulate questions for their instructors regarding topics. As learning styles and needs as study groups become more focused in discussing complex concepts the student will also be encouraged to have a personal organizer with a virtual monthly calendar.

d. A concluding statement by the student will be deemed successful as it constructively follows supporting materials of an argument/s that is/are presented.

Activity Types: Summary **These standards will introduce a type of speech useful in diverse disciplines. Through close reading, research and peer discussions, the student will experience and consider the study of fiction through the style of writing known as, argumentation. Within a wired classroom the student will incorporate contemporary technologies that will enhance their environment and allow a deeper development of ideas to dispute or confirm accuracies of a text or any biases in themes.

Technologies #1 Virtual Discussion Board, Synchronized Chats, E-Boards and Blackboards.

Technologies #2 Audio Podcast, Avatar Software, PowerPoint, Google Doc's, Prezi, and Diigio.

Technologies #3 Google Notebook, Digital Archives, and Instructional Web Guides.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

Activity Types: Sequencing, Clustering, Identifying Audience. Possible technologies are listed.

Technology #1 Write an introductory paragraph for paper that outlines 5-year plan. Using Google Docs, include one web-based image and one imported image. Choose a heading style using provided templates.

Technology #2 Inform the audience of a goal’s that should be accomplished within 5 years. Based from research, illustrate step-by-step goals using Mind Mapping such as MindMeister or MindJet.

Technology #3 Use Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) to guide writing that is clear, concise an coherent.

Technology #4 Search for narrative concepts to explore using web-based writing tools like MyAccess.

Technology #5: Create word cloud using Wordle or Word Sift to decipher develop new vocabulary from reading. Brandi

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.

b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.

c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole.

d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.

e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. (W.9-10.3.) Meghan

Frederick Leighton - The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets over the Dead Bodies of Romeo and Juliet

Activity types: Create a timeline, Complete a table, Read text, Listen to Audio, Craft a story, Develop a knowledge web, Do an audio performance.

Activity/Technology #1-- After http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/TPACKing_for_a_Wonderful_Educational_Trip/Group_2eading Romeo and Juliet in class, use Google Docs to have students create an alternate ending. Students will write an outline of their alternate ending in Google Docs and refer to this as the project progresses.

Activity/Technology #2-- Students will use a Google Spreadsheet to list characters from the book and to categorize their personalities. Use specific examples from the literature to argue why they describe the character they way they do. This will be used to shape the characters in the new ending.

Activity/Technology #3-- Students will use SmartDraw to create a timeline or sequence of events to their new ending. Each event will be described in detail on a Google Doc page.

Activity/Technology #4-- Use Shakespearean vocabulary that has been reviewed in class as students understand it. After their new ending is written with Google Docs, students will use VoiceThread to record themselves reading the new ending. Students will be able to hear each others’ endings and respond to at least 5 others.

Activity/Technology #5-- Each student will create a podcast to reflect on the writing experience and the technology aids used.

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.) (W.9-10.4)-Meghan

Activity types: Engage in Historical Role Play, Do a Performance, Generate a Historical Narrative, Create a Diary, Historical Weaving, Read Text.

Activity/Technology #1-- Assign an example of someone who suffered social injustice from history to each student. Use the Internet to research topic using Britannica or World Book Encyclopedia Discuss how to write a biography from the information gathered and have students create a rough draft of information using Google Docs.

Activity/Technology #2-- Create a blog with blogger as the assigned person and post an introductory message about who they are (using First Person) and why they suffered injustice. Develop blog with additional posts and by embedding secondary resources from magazine or newspaper articles, photos and media bits. Every post should be written as the historical figure in First Person.

Activity/Technology #3-- With a partner, create a video using Moviemaker to post to YouTube and embed in the blog. The video is an interview of each student acting as their historical figure. Students will write a script and practice with a partner before filming and posting in to YouTube. Video can be a life overview, about a certain instance in the figure’s life, a diary including several short visual entries, or a digital story (including stills). A combination can be created, too.

5. W.9-10.5. The student will develop and strengthen writing skills as needed by utilizing planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, thus focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

Activity Types: Summary** Assigning The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) Module of learning new technologies, will assist in the changing ideology of writing into becoming more effective and interactive with a target audience. The 21st Century classroom will provide an environment that includes a focus on students critical thinking and effective problem-solving skills via group discussions, social interaction sites, chat and individual focused library research.

Technology #1 To make definite assertions, avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language the student will obtain a copy of William Shrunk, Jr. Elements of Style book. Bartlebys.com suggests the book: "[that students] Ascertain that one must first know the (grammatical) rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer...it gives in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated."

Technology #2 Speech Recognition software. This program allows students to write three times faster than they talk. The student will also be able to maintain a flowing argument without the need to slow down or stop as you do when typing. This will provide you with a coherent and well articulated argument.

Technology #3 Create an annotated bibliography if needed to assess plausible research materials.

6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. (W.9-10.6.) Kristen

Activity Types included are Sequencing/Outlining/Storyboarding, Identifying Purpose/Audience, Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, Writing Other Forms of Text, Sharing, and Publishing. Possible technologies are listed.

Activity/Technology #1-- Use Google docs or Windows Live docs for creating statement of purpose, defining audience, composing outline, and writing assignments; pieces can be shared to others for collaboration. Edit based on comments/feedback. Hyperlinks and images can be used. Create a class wiki to house and publish all documents.

Activity/Technology #2-- Use Blogger, WordPress, or another blog of choice to create a blog to produce and publish writing assignments. Include hyperlinks, images, and other multimedia. Subscribe to classmates’ blogs and read and comment on their pieces.

Activity/Technology #3-- Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to create business materials such as a presentation or electronic portfolio. Include hyperlinks, images, and other multimedia. Use collaboration features as needed, such as screen sharing, sticky notes, and comment/markup tools. Publish/share product to the web or e-mail finished product as an attachment.

7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (W.9-10.7) Kristen

Activity Types Included are Brainstorming, Researching, Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, Consulting Resources, and Writing Other Forms of Text. Possible technologies are listed.

Activity/Technology #1-- Brainstorm during class and on own throughout week using app on phone to document ideas as they appear and ultimately choose a topic of personal interest for a research paper. Share topic with classmates/instructor via a Discussion board. Instructor can give initial guidance by responding to thread.

Activity/Technology #2-- Use the Internet and library software (e.g. ERIC) for research. Use Diigo to bookmark and share research with instructor (and/or classmates if group project). Find and use multiple sources, including at least one peer-reviewed piece.

Activity/Technology #3-- Use Microsoft Word to organize outline as well as write, edit, and format paper. Create a Bibliography using Microsoft Word’s bibliography feature.

Activity/Technology #4-- Teacher or peers can provide feedback using Microsoft Word’s track changes and comment features during editing/review cycles.

Activity/Technology #5-- Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to create a survey form, as well as distribute it, compile returned forms, and manage form data. Alternatively, can use Microsoft Word and Excel if preferred. This could be used for peer reviews or as part of the research study.

8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. (W.9-10.8.) Kristen

Activity Types included are Researching and Consulting Resources. Possible technologies are listed.

Technology #1-- Read or watch online video tutorial on Boolean searching on the Internet. Practice methods using Google Search. Demonstrate via projector.

Technology #2-- Go over plagiarism -- students can research/learn topic online by visiting interactive online sites like Copyright Bay and/ or teacher can present while students take notes. Test students’ grasp of concept via a game, like Jeopardy (can be composed in Microsoft PowerPoint).

Technology #3-- Go over how to do in-text citations and show samples using an Elmo. Practice using Microsoft Word software citations feature.

Technology #4-- Refer to online sources for style guides/rules (e.g. APA or MLA) like the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). Show samples using Elmo.

Technology #5-- When ready to do research, use the Internet and library software (e.g. ERIC) for research. Demonstrate via projector. Show Microsoft Word’s source manager.

9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Activity Types: Critical Analysis, Reflection, Note taking, Independent Reading . Possible technologies are listed.

Technology #1: Use Prezi to illustrate author biography drawn from research to connect author’s influence on characters in narrative. Share presentation on shared online medium (blog, wiki, website) setup to post class assignments.

Technology #2: Research literary blogs, wikis or discussion boards to evaluate validity of text in narrative.

Technology #3: Access audio books or other multimedia available online to enhance text readings. Brandi

10. Write routinely over extended time frames(time for research,reflection,and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Activity Types Drafting, Revising, Editing, Consulting Resources

Technology #1: Organize thoughts, revise writing drafts, and facilitate peer review using Webspiration.

Technology #2: Collaborate writing assignment using real time collaboration word processing tools like Google Docs.

Technology #3: Use online research databases such as EBSCO to obtain academic research to review and refine research topic. Brandi

Our Lesson Plans

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Kristen's Lesson Plan
Meghan's Lesson Plan
Candyce's Lesson Plan

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  1. Bartleb's.com. Great books Online. Accessed March 12, 2012. Web. Great Books
  2. Brown University Non-fiction Writing Program
  3. Buell, Lawrence. "The Unkillable Dream of the Great American Novel: Moby-Dick as Test Case." Advance Access 2008: Oxford University Press. oxford journals.org. 132-55. Print.
  4. Fisher, Douglas and Nancy Frey. Literacy2.0: Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms. Bloomington: Solution Tree Press, 2010. Print.
  5. Fruscoine, Joseph. "What is Called Savagery: Race, Perception,and Bodily Contact in Moby-Dick." Georgetown University: A Journal of Melville Studies, Leviathan:2008. 3-24. Print.
  6. Making of America: Cornell University Library Bibliographic Citation. Moby Dick: or the Whale by Herman Melville. The United States Democratic Review. New York: J. & H.G. Langley, etc. Jan 1852.30:163. Moby-Dick circa 1852
  7. One of the most famous programs in the US. U of I Candyce

Further Study/Suggested Readings

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  1. Charters, Ann. The Story and its Writer: an Introduction to Short Fiction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 2007. Print.
  2. Fiction in Depth- Fictional Elements
  3. Herman Melville Biography & Notes [1]
  4. Researching Masculinity and Moby Dick, Please view Walt Whitman’s historical letters available on line through The Whitman Archive. These letters are from The Transcendentalist Club; Whitman, Hawthorne, Alcott, Melville, and Longfellow to each other during an interview that took place in Camden, Massachusetts circa 1888 and ’89. Here is the link to The Whitman Archive website:Whitman Archive
  5. A revisionist research tool- BBC Radio 4 have just serialized Moby- Dick and it can be listened to online. Here is the link to the first installment: Episode 1 Candyce

Candyangel43 (discusscontributions)