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Sport Innovation/2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic/Project Life Cycle, Phases and Tasks MDC/Phase 1 - Definition of Event

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< 2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic

Phase 1 of the project lifecycle is ‘definition of the event’. It is during this phase that the event goals, specifications, tasks and activities, event team and responsibilities were identified[1]. Because the event is a charity event aimed at raising funds, a charity would be chosen and secured.

The event tasks and activities would have been broken down and separated into different departments. A manager and possibly a coordinator or officer would have been assigned to each department and shared the responsibility of ensuring those tasks and activities were completed. Also within phase 1 the overall event budget is developed and divided into departments and then again into tasks and activities.

Below shows the breakdown of tasks and activities by department. It also depicts the event team members within each department.

Commercial - Manager and officer

  • Office management
  • financial and legal management

Registrations# - Manager and officer

  • Registrations system development and maintenance
  • donation collection
  • merchandise sale
  • data collection

Marketing & Sponsorship# - Manager and coordinator

  • website management
  • social media management
  • advertising and communications management
  • sponsorship attainment
  • charity alignment

Operational - Manager and coordinator

  • Appointment and monitoring of event organisations to host the event in each city

Services# - Manager

  • merchandise
  • finisher rewards

N.B. #The case study focuses of these departments, tasks and activities as they are directly related to the main goal of the overall event.

The next phase within the event lifecycle is the phase 2 - development of event plans.


1.^ Thomas, O., Hermes, B., & Loos, P. (2008). Reference Model-Based Event Management. International Journal of Event Management Research , 4 (1).

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