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Security+ Certification/Network Infrastructure

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2.1 Differentiate between the different port & protocols, their respective threats and mitigation techniques

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  • Antiquated protocols
  • TCP/IP hijacking
  • Null sessions
  • Spoofing
  • Man-in-the-middle
  • Replay

  • DoS (Denial of Service)
  • DDoS (Distributed DoS)
  • Domain Name Kiting
  • DNS poisioning
  • ARP poisioning

2.2 Distinguish between network design elements and components

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  • DMZ
  • VLAN
  • NAT
  • Network interconnections

  • NAC
  • Subnetting
  • Telephony

2.3 Determine the appropriate use of network security tools to facilitate network security

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  • NIDS (Network Based Intrusion Detection System)
  • NIPS (Network Based Intrusion Prevention System)
  • Firewalls
  • Proxy servers

  • Honeypot
  • Internet content filters
  • Protocol analyzers

2.4 Apply the appropriate network tools to facilitate network security

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  • NIDS
  • Firewals
  • Proxy servers
  • Internet content filters
  • Protocol analyzers

2.5 Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with network devices

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  • Privelege escalation
  • Weak passwords
  • Back doors
  • Default accounts
  • DOS

2.6 Explain the vulnerabilities and mitigations associated with various transmission media

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  • Vampire taps

2.7 Explain the vulnerabilities and implement mitigations associated with wireless networking

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  • Data emanation
  • War driving
  • SSID broadcast
  • Blue jacking

  • Bluesnarfing
  • Rogue access points
  • Weak encryption